Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tolbert Tried To Work Warriors' Radio PBP

Image result for Tom Tolbert Tom Tolbert was very interested in the Warriors' color analyst job on radio that he fought hard to become its voice (when Jim Barnett retired or aced out) And the Warriors seemed to be on board only 2 BIG obstacles:

*Tolbert didn't want to travel on the road and would only do home games.

*Tolbert would likely have to move to 95.7 FM 'The Game' even though his contract has two years remaining.

The biggest hurdle: Tolbert's wish not to travel and only do home games--the Warriors balked at this for obvious reasons.


  1. maybe he could call home games remotely from his couch?

  2. Rich, get it right, Jim Barnett didn't retire........he was pushed out and discriminated against!!

  3. It's going to be so strange without Jim. We always knew this day would come, and he's been in the league for over 50 years. But it's a shame it wasn't on his terms. He has been calling the games for my entire life, and I can't recall him ever saying anything without good taste, about anything. I also can't think of a broadcaster I've listened to that I would rank ahead of him. And I bet if anyone ever told him they thought he was the best, he'd rattle off at least a half dozen other guys he would rather give that title to. Thank you JB. Miss you already my man.
