Thursday, August 1, 2019

Mystery KTVU/FOX Meeting Unraveled; The Firm's Internal Affairs Lets 'Em Have It; Tolbert Contacted by Warriors For Radio Commentary But KNBR Gig Gets In Way; Radnich Was Humiliated By BS 'Retirement' Spin; Hey, Meet Livermore's Ripped Dennis Fanucchi Who Doesn't Look 75; 415 Media Shout Outs To Juliette Goodrich and Dan Ashley; And Bay Media on Gilroy Garlic Festival Mass Shooting

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THOSE MYSTERIOUS MEN VISITING KTVU?; Only I Reported It; were sent from Corporate FOX NY and they let the local O and O have it --this way and that and I'm not talking about spaghetti recipes. 

Put it this way: the union is seriously worried. And when "The Firm" doesn't mess around, they really don't mess around. 

*I ALSO learned that had Jim Barnett have no interest in being the new color guy on Warriors' radio broadcasts, the likely candidate would be Tom Tolbert. How do I know? Because the Warriors made contact with Tolbert but Tolbert has a gig on KNBR and I assume he's busy.

Image result for Tom Tolbert Gary Radnich KNBR
Radnich (l) with wife, Alecia
*THE WHOLE BS GARY RADNICH SPIN that he (Radnich) "Retired" was not only fake news but Radnich himself, I'm learning and know all too well, was humiliated in the entire process. A source close to Radnich who couldn't speak on the record confirmed to me that Radnich went along with the charade because had he not cooperated his severance and good-bye check would have been in limbo. In Gary's case, taking care of the family trumped his major hostility toward Cumulus and KNBR. 

It'll all come out sooner or later.

*I DETEST LIES. I DETEST that KNBR puts out BS that Radnich decided to suddenly "retire" out of the blue when common sense indicates it's the farthest from the truth and how the local mainstream bought this whole deal, hook, line and sinker.

Except those of you here who read 415 MEDIA.

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Dennis Fanucchi
*YOU PRPBABLY never met a guy named Dennis Fanucchi; if you have, you've met Superman lives in Livermore. Fanucchi is a character. I know firsthand because I ventured out to Livermore the other day and got to talk to the fitness king and bowling alley owner magnate. At 74 (but looks like 60) Fanucchi is ripped and lean but not mean. He's straight out of central casting and even sounds the part. In a true sporting media light, the guy is BIGGER and BADDER than anyone I've met in recent times and has stories you won't believe  to boot. As I mentioned, he's a character --a funny, compelling, seriously endearing man with impeccable pedigree as I witnessed on scene at his condo in Livermore. Stay Tuned for quite a bit of relentless Fanucchi minutia but riveting all across the dial. Jack Lalanne would be proud.

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Juliette Goodrich
*I NEGLECTED to mention the outstanding work by KPIX's Juliette Goodrich (pinpoint reporting) and KGO's Dan Ashley (riveting anchor action) on the Gilroy Garlic Festival mass shooting. Goodrich, who should be the prime anchor on 'PIX's weeknight newscast displayed tactically supreme reporting and asked tough questions in an ad-lib mode when nobody else would even try or dare ask in initial early time when the shooting barely stopped. Ashley came into the KGO studios Sunday night and was as tenacious as ever. Kudos to Circle7 for its decision to call in Ashley --other stations chose to stick with their usual weekend people --except KTVU which, astonishingly stayed with FOX programming.

*I'M USUALLY HARD ON YOU BAY AREA TV/RADIO ANCHORS/REPORTERS, yes I am but I also have to be consistent too so when, generally, working a difficult story (both specifically and logistically too) when credit is deserved, then it should be noted.

YOU ALL did a very good job under trying circumstances. The crime scene itself was tough. The people running for their life and not knowing how dangerous it was. You could see the terror on people's faces. It must have been pure hell and immense fear. Nobody knew for sure if the shooter had been taken down.

ANYWAY, you reporters on scene were sensitive to victims' plight. You didn't ask stupid questions (for the most part) and you stayed on subject and reported accurately (also, for the most part) Furthermore, at the various hospitals and trauma centers, you asked decent and not insensitive questions and kept in mind these people's obvious, perilous mental state.

Image result for Dan Ashley
Dan Ashley
Congrats from 415 MEDIA and continued prayers to the victims and their family and those still in the hospital recovering.


  1. Liz Cook yesterday evening, Claudine Wong this morning, both a pleasure to watch and a reason to watch! There are those who stand out, and those who are daring...I call them "extra special," they both certainly are! Gangnam Style, two sexy ladies.

    The Women are the News.

    1. Yes they read the Teleprompter well!!

    2. @11:56 Claudine Wrong? Geez buddy, it sure doesn't take much, does it?

    3. @11:56 Is one of those women supporting you? You seem to be unusually indebted.

  2. Goodrich and Radnich: Beauty and the Beast.

  3. ABC7 NEWS please get your $hit together...Two days in a row with the live press conference from Gilroy you have a side by side live and video tape of the shooting that you play over and over again. The problem with your video there is an unmarked police car racing around a corner with the its siren blaring louder than the live speakers are talking. It plays about every minute. Sounds like an easy fix just mute the sound on the video.

    1. Same video tonight... Three nights in a row...

    2. ABC7 is lost in space.

  4. My daughter got me into podcasts and I listen to them all the time but I’m cheap and don’t stream them unless I already downloaded them since we don’t have unlimited data plans. Tonight I listened to KGO for the first time in about a year and what a difference. It was like hearing the radio from 25 years ago! John Rothman who I never cared much for was talking about Pat Tillman and Gene Burns. Then Ronn Owens came on to discuss the debate! Not only did the AM signal sound terrible but these guys sounded like a podunk rinky dink outfit compared to the podcasts! I’m positive I’ll never listen to AM radio again after tonight.

  5. I remember Dennis Fanucchi. He used to own the Granada Bowl in Livermore where we went to bowl a few times back in the 90s. He would sometimes greet the bowlers there.

  6. I thought Maureen Naylor on KTVU really stood out on her reporting at the scene the night of the tragedy at the Gilroy Garlic Festival. I do miss the old days of KGO, the Bay area needs a station to talk about the news.

  7. Dennis' uncle Don...was a mean sunuvabitch in NYC back in the 1910's...until a young Vito Corleone took care of him.

  8. - It was on Firm's orders that KTVU stick with FOX despite the news
    - Granada Bowl continues to thrive; still used for kids' parties
    - Love Jules!
    - Great that Ashley did spend a day in Gilroy to get deep details!
