Saturday, July 20, 2019

That Enigma Made Me Turn Off Talk Radio

Related imageI'LL ADMIT IT: I've had enough of it. Sick and Tired of the same topic over and over and over.

It's run its course. There's nothing new. In fact, the only news left is that there is no news.

I never thought there would be a time that I would ignore talk radio and politics but I caught myself turning off both local and national news; both TV and radio because I was tired of looking at him, seeing him. There would be no stopping me.

I already knew the story. The stories had become boring and predictable and the usual enablers were their usual self. It's not a Dem or Republican thing so don't start trolling me with MAGA comments --I'm sick of the whole process, he being first on the list because, well, you know the drill. The more you ignore him the more pissed off he becomes so predictably, his amen corner continued to defend him and the Democrats went ballistic on him thereby elevating his monstrous ego which galvanized him to the point where I couldn't help but TURN OFF talk radio, all of it.

He's not going away anytime soon, regrettably, so deal with it.

Hey, anyone hear about this moon thing 50 years ago today? I haven't heard a word.


  1. Welcome to the club. There is some new and exciting News, the Pillow Guy is now selling sheets!

    The best part of the cake has always been the icing, always will be. The women doing the News are the icing on the cake, the best part, always will be.

    Therefore...The Women are the News.

  2. John Rothmann put on a wonderful show last night, all of it commemorating the anniversary of the moon landing. Go listen to the podcast. Lots of great stuff.

  3. > He's not going away anytime soon, regrettably,
    > so deal with it.

    You seem to be the one having a hard time dealing.

  4. I could not agree with you more, Rich. I used to be a news junkie. Now I prefer to listen to my SiriusXM radio (the music channels only) or I read a book. I can't remember the last time I watched a newscast or listened to a talk show on the radio. It's just fucking boring.

  5. It has become rather ulcer-producing, but the good part is really just starting, with Epstein's neck in the noose, Alan Dershowitz, Wilbur Ross and a host of others including the orange vulgarian are shitting green.

  6. And yet His numbers keep going up. Deal with it.

    1. All Americans will have to deal with the mess left by a "president" who has never bothered to read the Constitution, much like you.

    2. Still hasn't hit 50% approval rating, EVER. His racist base won't be enough for him to win this time. You have women, minorities and millenials fired up to get out and vote this clown out. Madam President Harris in January 2021..Deal with it.

    3. I wondered how long it would take for the 'racist' shit to start. There's no race in 'illegal', but since you're stupid enough to be a liberal I'm sure that's not something you can understand.

  7. Too right, Rich, it's the same BS day in and day out. Who knows, people might actually get back to reading. This could be good for interesting, intelligent conversation

  8. - Best thing to do as far A-11 goes: YouTube, Cronkite & Sciarra on CBS, Reynolds & Bergman on ABC, Huntley & Brinkley on NBA
    - Karma is overdue to bite the morally bankrupt Agent Orange.
    - Those who continue to support him cancelled their own values long ago. He loves hurting people. Our country is supposed to serve its people and carry itself like a decent business. Can't do that with this ConMan-in-Chief.
    - Douchebagowitz had OJ, then The Donald. Nuff said about the biggest disgrace in Bar Mitzvah & Polish histories.
    - Only strong, sound ideas to help others can erase this lazy viewpoint disease dressed in orange hair. Not to mention a concrete High Crimes & Misdemeanors case implicating the Commander and the Senate Leader.
