Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Top Ten Things Gary Radnich Might Discuss on KNBR Farewell Show


#10: What exactly the hell was I thinking on that deal late in the night in my Jag outside that club in the Tenderloin?

#9: Early on might have told my first wife, Donna, "You know honey, I've always liked chocolate on my banana split."

#8: Holding hands with Janice Huff at the Candlestick Park Press Box during 49ers game in 1998 while I was still married might have been bad optics.

#7: Sure, I screwed Pete Liebengood but that's the least of my regrets.

#6: Sure, I made Tom Nettles cry outside of KRON one night, but that's the least of my regrets.

#5: "I spawn a helluva lot better then most of the brothers don't you agree Alicia?"

#4: "Yes, I got rid of the Bentley and have a big Mercedes but hell no, I'm not looking at any KIAs, you got that!"

#3: "I'm a loyal, loving, family man as long as she's young, black, and wants to have kids even though I'm 70."
#2: "I made Henry Tannenbaum!"
#1: "My date with Darya Folsom? 'Nobody Cares!"


  1. So long to another bloviating boomer windbag who coasted by while putting in a minimum of effort and was still richly rewarded for it. I wish him good luck with the book he'll inevitably write that nobody will care about!

  2. Or how he will split time between his Rosewood Drive home in Healdsburg and the one in St Francis Wood.

    1. he sold that Healdsburg property a few years ago...get better at stalking

    2. You're right. He sold that place,my bad. Did some tile work for him in '15 there.

  3. Rich, we know you will be listening Friday. Why not call in?

  4. Just curious: The Sports Bleeder is known for piling on commercials during the broadcast hour. Wonder how much of this self-serving blowhard we're going to hear? I'm sure the minions are busting ass selling 30-second spots to anyone with money. I'm also sure KNBR has tried to get a story out of this in the Chronicle: "Farewell to a Legend" (in his own mind).

  5. I suspect that date with Darya Folsom never happened. Darya has standards.

    1. This is Darya we're talking about here...

  6. I did smile at this list, but Letterman has nothing to worry about in retirement, Lieberman. :D

  7. Gary Radnich, let it go!
    Why go back on the air and subject yourself to more ridicle?
    You are coming across as some bitter old man who can't seem to acknowledge that you were fired.
    Sure it was an ignominious end to your career but that is the way it goes. Accept it. Life goes on.
    Don't repeat Ronn Owens mistake with a silly 5 minute commentary.
    For what?

    1. Spot on! If a living legend such as gene burns was thrown out like a pile of trash by cumulus why would raddy expect any different? Lucky for him they are giving him a chance to pretend this is an amicable parting but we all know the truth. I’ll never forgive raddy for barely mentioning the passing of Pete Wilson years ago. What a scumbag

  8. Well, I actually respect him now that I read about him making Tom Nettles cry. Tom Nettles was one of the biggest egomaniacs to ever work in TV. Probably still is.

  9. I don't think folks are as interested in media-sports as you may think Rich. Sports viewers represent a small, niche audience. Good place to advertise trucks and beer though.

    1. 4:55PM, I know I'm not interested in sport news. Not in the least. I understand why it's here so much though. My favorite topic of AM News radio has been decimated, and is hosted by many a comfortable old shoe persona. There isn't much rip-roaring action anymore. Even still though, hope springs eternal. I thought I heard this Radnich had retired some months ago. I was so happy, thinking I wouldn't have to see much more column space devoted to him. The Hangnail remains!

  10. I remember when Nettles did Sports and was replaced with Fatnich, never liked his delivery ans beamy eyes from the start

  11. Kick him while he's down. I like your style cowboy

  12. Ritchie your just mad because you won’t have Gary to kick around anymore!

    As Raddy would say - “Why do I know everything?”

    1. at least we all have Ryan Scott to kick around the ultimate doofus

    2. As I recall rich reported Scott ryan got pink slipped a few weeks ago THANK GOD

  13. Still in shock raddy got canned. What’s that blowhard going to do with his time going forward? Is he still living in Orinda?

  14. Gary Radnich is a douchebag.

  15. Lol on the Tennenbaum line.

    So what was it that made Nettles cry?

  16. Next is the Fitz, farewell???

  17. Pig. And Alicia just likes his bank account. If he lost it all she'd be gone in a puff of smoke. She was a talentless writer who came to KRON lookin' for a man. Lots of them do.

    1. So you're saying I have a shot with Sara Stinson???

    2. Poor Sara -- the biggest amateur in local news. The only
      logical conclusion after viewing one of her "live" reports
      is that she has dirt on the higher-ups at KRON. She is the
      Da Lin of channel 4

  18. Funny Gary gave you a shoutout...

    I haven't listened in a long, long time. I'm sure the act has gotten old.

    Sad that he is going really. There was a time when his show was absolutely hilarious. The Bruno segment was the best I have ever heard on any platform. Last link for me to Bay Area radio.

  19. It was time for Gary to go on both radio and TV. He was no longer in the know and would constantly talk over the person he was interviewing.

    Never would have thought it would get worse at KRON sports but it has. Two of the sports guys must have native american names. JR Stone is exactly that, a junior pile of stone with no personality and stupid as a rock. The other replacement, Jason Dumas, mis-pronounces so many names its embarrassing. There's no excuse for not knowing the local player's names. I think Jason's name is pronounce Dumb-ass.

    1. It's nice to know I guess that someone watches KRON......although I don't know why.

  20. I'll be honest, I listened to some of Gary's last show this past Friday, and I'll admit, it wasn't bad. Pretty cool he had some of his old guests on and callers who helped make his show back in the day. Also cool that people who worked with him also called in like Ray Woodson, Kate Scott, and I think a couple of others. It was a nice sendoff for Gary.

    It was also good that he addressed the situation on why he was retiring and seemed at peace with it. The guy is almost 70. I thought he should've retired years ago, but it was good that he was able to leave KNBR on this note. Not all sports radio talk show hosts have this opportunity.

    It was nice to hear the Bruno segment again, even if it was just for a few minutes. That brought back memories. Rich, Gary gave you a shoutout. He said you guys were friends, but I guess you guys aren't now as much? He called you Richie. LOL. He mentioned bloggers and stuff for a few seconds after that I think.

    But yeah, even though I wasn't the biggest fan of his show the past few years or so, it will be weird to not hear Gary on KNBR anymore.

  21. I used to love Bruno... until he showed himself to be an unabashed Trump A-hole.

    He is as thin-skinned on Twitter as his master. Give him a shout-out there and watch him react like one of those torch-carrying "patriots" in Charlottesville.

  22. I'm gonna miss Raddy.. For about as long as it takes to pull my keys out of the ignition..
