Sunday, June 2, 2019

The Adachi Case: Explosive; The Story Within The Story

Image result for Jeff Adachi Brian CarmodyEXPLOSIVE --SHOCKING--STOMACH TURNING

The Adachi Case --a story that if proven true will rock the SF Bay Area and the World.

*A story within the story ( if corroborated) But several stories and info from sources familiar with details. And it has ZERO to do with breaking into a journalist's home.

*The local media knows the details and is sitting on it because info needs to be proven. But several smoking guns.

*The information received by 415 Media is enough to connect the dots but so far no one can speak on the record. No One probably will as the investigation is ongoing.

*I'm writing this post because almost every SF/Bay Area media outlet cannot; and that's perfectly understandable because they can't publish anything until facts are confirmed. I apply the same standards.

As any serious news journalist would and should.



  1. The police got a warrant to wiretap the journalist. I repeat. WIRETAP!!! They asked Verizon for his cell phone records. Who the hell does this kind of crap besides the government when it's looking into the mob, a drug cartel or gang? This smells like City Hall with the police doing someone's bidding for them. All this to find a leak. Is Donald Trump the mayor now?

    Anyone want to take bets that someone on the board of supervisors or the mayor told the police chief to find the leaker at all costs or else he would be shoveling manure on a central valley farm?

    1. The post at 1:03pm is the reaction of an angry white liberal.

    2. If it were an angry black man all of Rich's sneakers would be looted.

  2. The people's lawyer......actually was a Coke Head, womanizer, self righteous phony whose Karma caught up to him.

    1. Most men and most women have extramarital affairs..Did you think those in government jobs were somehow different in that regard? Why would you think that? The current president, with a series of wives, playboy playmates and porn stars who have to be paid to be quiet should help to explain this to you.

    2. The previous president married a man as well.

    3. Just because a few morally twisted and bankrupt individuals have massive character flaws doesn't make it ok. You act like it's normal human behavior. It isn't. If everyone was jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge ... nevermind, you likely would jump, too.

    4. " a few"?? let's try again, the majority of straight,married Americans cheat on their spouses sexually. There is nothing new under the sun about this. It happens everywhere. Is it wonderful for the cuckolded spouse? No, but the cuckolded spouse finds out that their choice of partner is not so swell and can make other life decisions, based on that truth.That is swell, in it's own way.

  3. Rich, you're the man with his hand on the throttle. Hit us with your best shot.

  4. When a public official puts themselves in a position to be blackmailed it's a whole different game. Wonder how many "players" are also involved in the game?

    Savage has been saying for years and I more than agree, public officials should be tested for drugs.

    It's called "public trust" which has been eroding for years. The game has just began. How many are on the team??

    Didn't I hear the mayor of San Francisco say she was going to clean up the city...the shit is going to hit the fan!!

    1. People generally, men slightly more than women, have extra-marital affairs. Remember Nelson Rockefeller dying en flagrante on his mistresses' sofa? This is supposed to be earth-shattering news?

    2. 4:53 she will as soon as she finishes trying to get a pardon for her brother. You know, the one in prison. Love our DNC mayors!

    3. It is unacceptable morality for a public servant. It is like a sports figure murdering his wife, or a golfer who is sex addicted.

      For heavens sake, somebody please clean up the oozing San Francisco slime that is infecting and demoralizing the entire Bay Area. Cheating on your wife is not ok. Neither is doing that to your children. Drugs make things ok that aren't. A leader in the community needs to have the highest standards and be beyond reproach.

    4. You are living in a fantasy world. 70% of married men cheat and 60% of married women.This is not confined to the Bay Area or California. It includes Nebraska, East Podunk, and the White House. You will not find, throughout human history a class of public servants whose sex lives meet your perfect standard. In addition, the ability to run a public defender's office has what specifically to do with one's private sex life?

  5. SFO is one sick city!

    1. SFO is an airport, not a city.

  6. You lost me at "Savage has been saying"...

  7. The police chief has got to go over this and the mayor too if she had any hand in it.

  8. Rich: you sure have a surfeit of right wingnuts as followers of your blog. Such haters.
    Such racist pablum. Ignnorance must be bliss.

    1. Such "tolerance there", klazzic. You're just as bad. You just cant make this hypocrisy up when it comes to the left.

      "Ignnorance must be bliss."

      Corrected...Ignorance. cant make this stuff up! lol.

  9. Born, raised and still residing in the East Bay, I couldn’t care less about the idiots “Leading” San Francisco or the morons who keep electing such leaders......

  10. The whole thing has exhibited the feeling of purposeful obfuscation & hidden agendas since the first day it hit the news.

  11. I hope Newsom is involved.
