Friday, June 21, 2019

Rob Malcolm is MIA at KTVU But Nobody Seems To Give a Damn

Image result for Rob MalcolmTHE CRAZY CRAP THAT IS KTVU has taken another the MIA status of reporter Rob Malcolm

Seems nobody knows his whereabouts or in the case of KTVU, nobody seems to care. He was last  on-air over a month ago.

Malcom last posted on Facebook in March; his Twitter handle on May 8

A call to KTVU and asked for Malcom; operator said "who?" I'm not kidding.

Who's running the damn place? Never mind.


  1. He's being prepped to do Weather!!

  2. The operator (I'm amazed they have one, and the job hasn't been robotized) is probably a week old, and has had no training; that's why s/he doesn't know who Malcolm is.

    He probably took the month off. Go figger it out.

  3. I never heard of him, and nobody that I know has ever heard of him either!

  4. Rob Malcolm is terrible. Totally self centered. And wears his suits a size too small. ("Paging Dennis Richmond!") Paul Chambers is WAY better and completely underutilized.

    1. Speaking suits that fit, apparently Andre Senior has finally bought a few.

    2. Speaking of ill-fitting suits-Steve Paulsen's pants are about 4 inches too long, and his sport-jacket sleeves go all the way to his knuckles. His jackets don't fit right because his gut is too big. Poor guy-I guess he doesn't make enough $$ for a more tailored look.

  5. Steve Paulson needs to do the same!

  6. Reminds me of when Karel was still with KGO post-massacre, and he called the front desk to speak with someone. The guy was like “Who are you??”
    Karel and Malcolm are both pieces of crap that should just disappear.

  7. Who?? And, since I'm in Sacramento, I'll add, "Who Cares about Who?"

  8. Anybody check Bakersfield?

  9. Rob Malcom is now working at the Fox station in Sacramento.
