Monday, March 11, 2019

Ask Rich Lieberman

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YOUR FAVORITE ---ASK RICH LIEBERMAN; answering your Bay Area TV/Radio Media Questions; please, name and city


  1. How is the new, 'KRON On' doing??

    San Leandro

  2. Rich, Do you know what the JGBJ Club is?

    It's not as exclusive a club as one might think:
    Washed up ex anchors who try to pass themselves of as Mr Miagi are members.
    Smug weathermen are members.
    Bar tenders at karaoke bars are members.
    Drifter cowboy fools are member.
    Certain Hispanic cameramen are members.

    And the list goes on...

    1. Sounds like a wild list of TV people; maybe the screen version of the Bohemian club, looks as if I'm going to do some research today, thanks.

  3. Any word on Natasha Zouves??

    Kyle in Concord

  4. Kyle: She's still off KGO recovering from a fall; as far as I know she's still eyeing an LA gig once she recovers.

    1. Still recovering from that fall!??! Did she fall off the Empire State Building???

  5. why did you come back? (serious question)

    1. Well, for one thing, the response from readers was incredible and something I never expected. So I was humbled and blown away --also, I enjoy writing this blog and so as long as I can make some basic expenses, I'd continue to put out 415 Media. There's a lot more but for now, that's good enough.

  6. Rich,

    I'm reading you and listening to KGO radio for the first time in many years. It's a good start. Do you know of any other new blood coming to KGO?

  7. Definitely do that My friend.
    Imcidently, the JGBJ Club has a Seargent-at-Arms who both facilitates & covers up club covert activity. Kinda the GO to PRO who keeps ducks in a ROw. *oops typo*

    btw, This is Dick in Pleasonton

  8. Do you see more changes in the coming months to KGO. The new daytime schedule is very good, but John Batchelor is on all night, and what about the week end schedule? Did Ronn disappear completely? If so no good bye or announcement. I think Ronn has a good run, and he is in declining health, but I wouldn't mind him doing an hour from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. We don't need 4-5 hours of A&G, although I'm not as critical of them as you are. What are your thoughts of 860 am replacing Michael Medved with Sebastian Gorka?

    Hanne (Hanna) in Concord

  9. Do you have anything to say in regards to Stan constantly ripping you on his "blog"? What do you put his readership over/under number at? 5?

    1. As long as he spells my name right...readership? At least 12 but rising.

  10. You recently mentioned John Sasaki's real name. In the past when I have inquired about you doing a post on anchors real names I was shot down saying that's their personal business. Did your views change?

    1. No, if it involves getting a job as a news anchor or PR case, on has to wonder. I have no issues with people who use aliases --much like Van Amburg was really "Fred" Vanamburg. John "Sasaki" used that last name for pointed purposes.

  11. Your last question first, Hanna: I liked Michael Medved, interesting and reasonable not your normal conservative for KGO, I think their set. For now. And Ronn is being phased out something you have probably discerned.

  12. Surprised KGO isn't doing a "nightlife" show 9 to midnight. Bring on people to hype upcoming gigs or shows (comedians, musicians, stage actors etc). Pre-tape it, require ad buys to appear on the show. Shouldn't be that tough.

    1. Yeah but it costs a lot of money.

    2. please..let the comedians and comediennes and musicians, actors etc. do their thing in the appropriate venue. Just because someone is a "performer" in that sense, does not mean that they have great skills doing radio. You should know this by now.

  13. Rich, Do you think anybody will ever cover or should I say uncover what really happened to Adachi.

    1. I'd like to say yes but investigative reporting is a dead beat in this market. There's a lot that smells to high heaven in the Adachi case, too bad.

    2. He's a Democrat, of course not. Now if he was a Republican lord almighty would we see it in print and on television for months.

  14. Hi Rich: Do you have any latest information regarding the mysterious & tragic death of the great Ray Taliaferro? Ray's son reportedly hired his own PI because of the mysterious circumstances surrounding Ray's death. It has been over 4 months since Ray's body was found in a wooded field in Kentucky. What about that 'mystery woman' who suddenly married Ray & took him away from his native SF to live with her in some podunk town in Illinois across from Kentucky. Reportedly Ray was already suffering from dementia when she married him. Are the FBI & local Police investigating this? This whole thing stinks to high heaven especially to Ray's long-time KGO listeners. Cary from SF

    1. Again, another story worthy of investigative reporting because we still have very little information --the death itself; cause of death; more info on the wife, so many questions, so little answers and NO reporting.

    2. Cary from SF. One is not a "mystery woman" when that person marries another, in this case, Ray. You assert, without foundation, that she "took him away" from SAn Francisco, where he still owned property. You don't know any of this. Typically, when the family members didn't know Dad well enough to know that he had gotten married again, and then realize that his estate will go to his wife, unless he had a will designating otherwise, one can understand the need to hire a PI. When you say , "no reporting", that's not true. Cause of death was determined at autopsy and reported. Not everything is a complex conspiracy.

  15. Rich, what has become of Bernie Ward since his release from prison?

  16. Far as I know, Bernie Ward is maintaining a very low profile life in SF and has all but avoided public life. He writes a blog from time to time on politics, that's pretty much all I know.

    1. I say give him another chance. He has served time for whatever crime(s) were committed. I can forgive him. I think that radio management should consider bring him back.

  17. Why did KPIX add the 7pm news? Was it to capitalize on the move of the CBS Network News to 6:30? Is news that big of a money maker for them, or is it cheap for them to do compared to paying for Family Feud? From what I can tell they Added 30 minutes of news, instead of just moving 30 minutes.

    1. you're right on all fronts --unfortunately for PIX, its 7 PM news is as bad as all its news.

  18. Have you ever listened to Sebastian Gorka? I find him boring beyond belief, he talks slowly, can't stand his voice or delivery. on top of that, what little I heard of him, he is totally predictable, just another conservative host who is willing to excuse anything Trump does.

  19. Has the Oakland A's found a radio home, yet??

    Chuck, Alameda

  20. Do you think KLIV 1590 will ever come back or is it gone for good?

    1. Worst place on the dial, position wise and yes, probably a goner.

  21. What about Larry Baer ? If he were a pitcher in his 20's who said something on a post at age 14 that is politically correct, like reciting lyrics from a rap
    song, ESPN and the local moma's boys on KNBR would make you think he was a menace to society. Larry gets a light mention, and they just move on.

  22. Do you know where Lilian Kim went from ABC7?

    1. I believe to the LA ABC station but I'm not certain.

  23. Rich, a tribute for liberal Taliaferro but nothing for Dr. Bill??? Hard to match his impact - from helping save thousands of lives with his network system for blood banks; to his invention for clearing land mines in Kuwait; to his idea on feeding folks starving in war zones with food drops from 50,000 feet.

    Do we know anything about Taliaferro's late in life wife?

    What ever happened to GM Kevin O'Brien (?) from KTVU?

    Did Willie Mays have a girlfriend his last few years? Seems hush hush. I also wonder what happened to the great Willie McCovey's estate in Atherton? Another legend who took up with a younger woman (I believe she started as his caretaker, from the Phillipines).

    Would you rather have drinks with Michael Savage, Ronn, or Thunder P-ssyLips? (SF Legend)

    Mark, Walnut Creek

    1. I loved Dr. Bill; he cracked me up several times and did interesting radio for the most part including telling Berkeley guy callers to "get up off your ass and quit smoking dope."

      Taliaferro wife: total mystery as I posted earlier.

      Kevin O'Brien is head of the BASHOFF (Bay Area Sports Hall of Fame) and does independent consulting.

      I'm sure Willie Mays has his pick whenever he feels needed.

      No knowledge of Willie Mac real estate or sex life.

      Last question: neither of them, Mark. Thanks for asking.

  24. From an email pitch:
    Want your brand featured on CBS-TV in the #6 U.S. TV market: San Francisco? Now booking TV coverage opportunities on the CBS’ 'Savvy Living San Francisco' show (airing in a top-tier U.S. market boasting nearly 2.5 million TV households), on which brand/product features, guest interviews via look-live Skype or pre-tape, travel showcases and even commercial spots are offered -- always bundled with syndicated editorial to maximize publicity! This 'info-tainment' lifestyle daytime talk show reaches San Francisco’s hugely desirable, highly educated, high net worth demographic and burgeoning tourism community. More show info HERE -- Inquire for pricing that starts at just $249

    With rates starting at just $275, there are also spots available in our other various consumer brand spotlight TV segments across the U.S. airing nationally and with major network/market regional shows and stations (NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX++). Here, we showcase and expose compelling and useful brands to tens of thousands--or even millions--of TV viewers. There are often a few discounted remnant spots available for both regional and national -- inquire for current pricing/details.

    Also, in addition to our many IN-SHOW coverage opps, our popular brand showcase ‘Featurette’ segments run during prime programming like CBS This Morning, TODAY Show, GMA, Ellen, Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Live With Kelly & Ryan, Rachel Ray, Good Day New York, Good Day Los Angeles, etc.—in ALL major markets like New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Boston and everywhere else.

    1. Interesting, but I'm not shocked, am I supposed to be?

    2. This is the sort of shit Malou Nubla does with her New Zoo Review or whatever it's called.

    3. 'Airs in a market of 2.5 million households...about 2.5 of which are confirmed to watch the show, with an extra .5 representing the 'cats who stepped on the remote' demo.'

  25. The KNBR morning show--why does it exist?

  26. Why is Savage such a grumpy little bastard?

  27. Phil Matier does a nice puff piece for Larry Baer on Sun. in the SF Chron. “Five minutes later, Pam was shopping for a bar mitzvah present in Hayes Valley.” Was she holding hands with Larry also? Too bad Barry Bonds didn't get this treatment.

    1. So it's Mr. Matier's belief that as long as a battered woman can still go shopping, she isn't a battered woman?

  28. How is California Live and Midday Live, doing???

  29. Does NBC Sports Bay Area have any plans to replace "The Happy Hour" with another sports talk show?
