Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Flash! Swanson Announces 'Voluntary' Retirement from KGO Radio; Hammer to PD KGO and KSFO; The Inside Story

Image result for jack swanson kgo  FLASH!

Jack Swanson, the veteran radio programmer who just took the job at KGO has just announced his departure from KGO and KSFO, effective immediately.

Lee Hammer will take the position of running both KGO and KSFO.

I have several theories as to why this took place; don't you ever think this was a conscious decision by Swanson to just pull away from a gig this fast because he wants to retire.

Swanson was given the title of some consultant position but that's just window dressing and a way to save face for both Swanson and Cumulus.

My reaction is that Swanson was told to put together a format with limited money--like NO money really just scattered funds and attempt the impossible. You can't make a chicken sandwich with chicken shit.

I'll have more soon but keep it at 415 Media for the truth and NOT THE SPIN.



  1. Well that sucks. The one bright light in the storm. Now we're stuck with the idiot bman and chipmunk. Radio sucks on KGO

  2. I guess he found out that you can't do CPR on a skeleton and expect it to come back to life...

    Or maybe Bernie wanted too much money.

    I had such high hopes.

    1. Let's hope Bernie never never ever ever ever comes back.

  3. "keep it at 415 Media for the truth and NOT THE SPIN"

    Considering 415 Media was really the only one that gave attention to the hire well...yea...who is around to spin it besides 415 Media?

  4. > Swanson Announces 'Voluntary' Retirement from KGO

    He must have taken his cue from Jeff Sessions.

  5. Guess we are stuck with Sussmann and Katie? Although I find Armstrong and Ge,tty wearing a little thin, they are preferable to Sussman's "I tell you". Too bad about Swanson, did not have hopes of KGO returning to it's former self, but was hoping for some improvement. Mostly, more diversity of host's. Ethan and Chip has become more listenable, but I don't need 4 hours of any host (except for Gene Burns, and he is not coming back) and I don't need a replay of Ethan's show at night, and Ethan would be fine for 2 hours, also I would prefer someone local instead of Dr. Drew.

    1. Ethan's show at night, and Ethan would be fine for 2 hours, also I would prefer someone local instead of Dr. Drew.

      Ethan is acting his part as a fellow bay area resident. He is a fraud. He refers to Santa Cruz often but only lived there for a short stint at KSCO. All part of his act. BEARMAN IS NOT LOCAL. HE BROADCASTS OUT OF THE SAME STUDIO AS DR DREW IN LA. GET WITH THE PROGRAM!! Ask him. He won't answer you.

      Most of you sheeple don't pay attention. Bearman is a fraud and if you actually paid attention, you would know. But you don't pay attention.

      I do live in Santa Cruz and was raised in the Bay Area and he offends me every day he plays you fools.

  6. I think it was a case of, "no, you can't spend anything; no you can't hire that guy, and no; you cannot fire any of these people. Nor can you get rid of the paid programming, nor can you start doing news again. No no no and no, and by the way... we'll hold you responsible for the ratings."

  7. Terrible news. At least there was hope we could rid ourselves of Beer-man, Franklin, A&G,...all addition by subtraction. Now we're back to no hope at all. Depressing.

  8. As I said last week, this guy has nothing to offer and that's why he left. Do you think it would have been hard for other PDs to spend big money and bring in talent? That's not hard. Finding talent, nurturing it, and creating real programming, THAT'S HARD! He didn't want to do that. He doesn't want to do what's hard. He doesn't have the energy for that. And truth be told, he doesn't have the know-how to do that. This is a new age, and he's not of the new age. They need to flip the script completely and bring someone in who has new ideas, a lot of energy, and can work with new talent.

    Jack Swanson was a poorly thrown hail mary, and this is the result of that.

    Get rid of these has been hosts and this has been commentary about all these people. No one cares under 50! NO ONE CARES!

    1. hmmm by your this is "new age" logic, that no one would listen to "old" hosts, would you say that Donnie is way too old to be president?BTW, the most popular radio host in the nation, brace yourself, is now old.

  9. He had no budget.
    Been saying that over the past year every time you would beat the dead horse with your weekly 'Bring back the old KGO' format.
    Who is surprised?

  10. I was truly surprised when Jack Swanson took the gig to begin with! Any corporation who falls into receivership is no longer a company. Those who lost the most are trying to get what misley crumbs the bankruptcy court throws at them. I know, as I was there when Citadel used to own the joint till they went bankrupt. The people who ran these corporations into the ground cared about nothing more than profits and their fat paychecks as it was revealed by the golden parachute's Citadel's and Cumulus former CEO's received. I think Swanson was given a line of bull to entice him to return, but when it came time for the rubber to meet the road he found out there was no rubber there. Like Rich said: You can't make a chicken sandwich out of chicken shit! It'll come to pass the bankruptcy court is notified that most if not all of the Cumulus owned stations cannot meet their financial obligations and forced to relinquish their licenses and then these stations will be put up for auction to help pay off their debt. Let's just hope the FCC bars Cumulus or anyone remotely connected from participation in these auctions.

  11. ...But soon, those under 50 will be over 50, then will Radio come back? I doubt it. Its a dead. I listen to Sirius XM when in the car...

  12. If this is a new age, why did the new age format i.e. Ethan Bearman's and Chip's lifestyle show fail. As for big money, from what I have been reading, sounds like a money crunch is the problem. As for on one under 50 cares, I don't believe that either. I would say those under 50 who are empty headed don't care. The talk shows that have the biggest ratings, are the ones talking about politics, Hannity, Limbaugh etc. I personally don't care for either of these two, I prefer someone more liberal, but do listen to Michael Medved and Tom Sullivan, mostly Sullivan, these two, although conservative are more balanced. At that time slot 12 noon to 3 p.m. there are not much of choice, from either Bay Area stations or Sacramento. It comes down to Ethan's 3rd hour, and the Dr. Drew or Hannity or Savage on KSFO. I can listen to Savage at times, at least he is independent, it depends on his subject.

  13. Ironically, @ 7:31 has a point: Nobody under 50 gives a shit. However, THEREFORE, we SHOULD be listening to the people OVER 50 who ARE listening to AM radio and DO care. Which is PRECISELY why we DO need what Jack Swanson has to offer. The LAST thing we need is some 20-something to come in and do something rash, turning the station into soup and scaring off the last of the listeners. Since there are NO millennials listening to AM radio no matter what is on anyway, why would we try to cater to them??? Know your audience, keep it simple.

  14. Why would you take a job before knowing what they're giving you? It doesn't make sense. He didn't know his budget coming in?

    Sounds like he was begged into the job and then realized quickly how dead the place has become.
