Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Oh Puh-Lease; Enough With Mountain Lion Stories; BJ Laughlin So Not Worthy; KTVU Great Set But...; Frank Somerville/Mark Ibanez Double Jeopardy; Sheryl Raines 'Workout' Overload on KCBS; Darya Folsom Better Suited for Yuba City; Hubby Too; Ryan Scott and Brian Hackney: Please Just Shut Up; Two Copelands I Can't Stand; PC Run Amok: Jana Katsuyama on KTVU; Dear Jack Swanson: Rid The Heavens of Ethan Bearman; Reggie Aqui KGO-TV Excrement; Happy Halloween

Image result for Oh please! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH with the Mountain Lion stories. We get it. They are terrifying and will outrun you and kick your ass and slaughter you so stay away from them and if you happen to come upon them, then pray and run like hell and good luck. Maybe it would be prudent too to clean your yard and thus, lessen the chances of getting attacked. And if you happen so see one while you jog in the wilderness, sorry, maybe it wasn't your time. The CONSTANT "A Mountain Lion was spotted" in such and such is BORING! STOP, STOP!, STOP IT!

*OH PUH-LEASE: Yeah, great, so the morning chick on KNBR has elite contacts and a VIP rolodex, wonderful, then make her a producer! She's TERRIBLE on the radio. Moreover even if she was great, the double dipshits TALK OVER HER! She's useless. And by the way, she was brought on to attract MEN! Only problem is IT'S RADIO! You can't see her! That's why it's called radio. If she were on TV, maybe then. What am I missing? Talk about a real nothingburger.

*OH PUH-LEASE: I like the new KTVU set but wouldn't it have been prudent if they changed the music and spiced up the graphics? Wonderful planning.

*OH PUH-LEASE: Frank Somerville, STOP your complete disingenuous INSINCERITY! Frank, you mean well, but you're a FAKE! You know it, I know it, your wife knows it too. I don't care about your off-the-studio behavior, but if you're going to mess around with sloppy seconds then quit pretending to be Gandhi on Facebook and fess up. Or to be more precise: quit the holier-then-thou shit and be like the rest of us asshole men we are.

*OH PUH-LEASE: Mark Ibanez and your fake sanctimonious crap. You FAILED. You got your contract extension with the aid of that guy you blew off and made into the nutcase he is; had you just listened to the schmuck and faked it all of this would be behind you Marco but instead you chose option B. It didn't work.

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Sheryl Raines
*PLEASE, would someone tell Sheryl Raines we could give a rat's ass about her 20-minute workout --maybe then KCBS wouldn't play her spot every five minutes and make us nauseous. Raines' spiel is worse than a quadruple fender-bender on the Bay Bridge morning commute.

*OH PUH-LEASE: Darya Folsom, counting the days when new KRON suits will throw you and your fake hubby out the building and then you'll be forced to leave for Yuba City where you belong.

Image result for Chef Ryan Scott
Ryan Scott
*"Chef" Ryan Scott, OH PLEASE JUST SHUT UP and go get muzzled by Ronnnnnn Owens while the two of you hang out on Union street and hope some brunette chick recognizes you. In that case, Ronnnnn will be extra happy.

*OH PLEASE, KPIX, have you been reduced to eternal Brian Hackney as your face of the station? Hackney would be tolerable if he just read the news and departed and not act as if he were Peter Jennings every newscast. If sanctimony were a dollar sign, Hackney would have Bill Gates money.

*PUH-LEASE:KNBR PD, Jeremiah Crowe: terrific that you found space in Death Valley time spot for the Copeland kid, great now there's two Copelands I can't stand.  

*OH PUH-LEASE: Those of you who abhor my ripping of people and "negative" style: I'll tell you what. I'll change and write positive puppy stories and in exchange, you pay my bills as I go broke and celebrate at a San Leandro Arby's.

Image result for Jana Katsuyama KTVU
Jana Katsuyama
*OH PUH-LEASE: Jana Katsuyama doing the first stand-up on KTVU News 10 PM. She's soft, boring, irritable and about as compelling as two-month old eggs left in the cupboard --this is PC run amok without the viewing public  being taken into consideration. Katsuyama would be far more effective at the Nordstrom cosmetics counter.

*OH PUH-LEASE, hey Jack Swanson, Please oh please, just finally PULL THE PLUG on human blowtorch and tofu king, the excruciatingly bad and awful, ETHAN Bear! Man. He really, in fact, un-BEAR-able. His voice is enough to kill a million termites. He sold his soul to be a left-wing host because his right-wing shtick didn't pan out. Talk about fake. Jack, nobody really likes Bearman. He's also in LA too, Jack, where women with fake boobs do their eyebrows in the car on the 405 and cause accidents. Bearman is just that, a human accident everyday on the air. Rid us, Jacko, of this monstrosity immediately and let LA inherit his dried oats.

*OH PUH-LEASE: The 800 Junk ads? STOP THEM. They are polluting the airwaves and the cause of climate change. I was sick of them after a week and now I'm about to go in the basement to break away from their obnoxiousness --STOP THEM. They make the Peterson Dean guy sound like Churchill.

Image result for Reggie Aqui KGO
Reggie Aqui
*PLEASE, can someone tell Reggie Aqui that he is so bad he's bad. Like I mean if he were merely annoying, that would be something. Tolerable. Aqui takes it to the next level and worse yet, the newsroom at KGO-TV thinks he's a schmuck too. Another PC run-amok en fuego.

Image result for toonces the driving cat
Toonces: the driving cat
*Happy Halloween: I'm going as Toonces, the driving cat.


  1. - Cougar spotting is boring; so are conspiracy theories & theorists. Yet too many people dig both. Hence a whole lot of OH PUH-LEASE!
    - Sigh to all Bay TV & Radio Stations! Exasperation galore!
    - Arby's is pretty much no longer in the Bay Area. Left San Leandro in the 2000s, left the East Bay earlier this decade (last one in Pleasanton, now replaced by a Starbucks). Closest are in the Silicon Valley, Tracy, or Solano County. Need new metaphors.
    - As long as Trixie is still there, so is Aqui. Yikes!

    1. "- Cougar spotting is boring;"
      Try the lounge at the Claremont; plenty of cougars in there...

    2. @12:50 the nice thing about cougars is you don't have to ask about the carpet. You know there's going to be a carpet. And who doesn't love a nice carpet? #goodhousekeeping.

  2. So when will Swanson do something with KGO? It still sounds like Crap. Bearman and Franklin JUST SUCK. Ryan Scott is an embarrassment.
    Ronn is just pathetic. I'm STILL Waiting for something to happen. Or is this one of the many Lies the Cumulus Idiots have been telling us for the last 7 Years?

  3. Sheryl Raines is kinda cute

  4. The paragraph on the KNBR morning chick is hilarious!

  5. BJ doesn't have a chance with M&M interrupting each other she can't even jump in. Seems like M&M abhor having her on the show.

  6. Rich has already said that nobody listens in November and KGO changes will only happen after a few months.

    I will take Bearman over Ronnn any day. Ethan is a hundred times better than that phony insipidly boring corporate kiss-ass Ronnn. Swanson is a fool if he brings him back. What is the point? His ratings were horrible which is why he was dropped in the first place. Just let Ronn retire. Don't care for Chip... Bachelor is OK but would prefer live and local like Ray T.

    1. Ethan has gotten much better, I can listen now, I do think Ronn is better, he does a better interview. I assume Ethan's ratings has gotten better since he stopped talking about tofu all the time, and having his sister on. I don't care much for Chip either, although he too has gotten better. I like John Bachelor for the most part, his subject can be a little dry sometimes, but he covers a lot other hosts don't, lot's of international politics. I think a local host 10 to 1 p.m would be good, dump Coast to Coast and have John Bachelor on late night, his show from earlier in the day anyway.

  7. I think Reggie is a cutie....

  8. I've ripped Rich in the past but I loved today's post. And he even somewhat ripped San're getting closer to Oakland!
    Talk is cheap and doesn't pay the bills but good job today, Rich. Loved it. Happy Halloween buddy!

  9. Bonnie is so hot. The A's should hire her to be their Amy G. Bonnie J!

  10. KTVU did change the music. It's not great, though, but it's Fox's new(-ish) group-wide tune, Beyond.

    As for the graphics, like the music, they're group-wide. So, KTVU is stuck with them.

    1. The graphics are in-house, or at least they were as of yesterday.

  11. KTVU got new music and a new weather graphic package.

  12. Looking at that picture of Reggie Aqui, what a jerk! Please tell me Natasha will never come back again. I stay tuned supporting Jessica.

  13. its pretty bad when people get hired off the street like joe the butcher and daryl the guru who kgmz is just waiting for the day when "chef ryan" gets his me too movement, how else can we get him off the air

  14. Cool, Rich didn’t trounce on KSFO
    and even mentioned my home town San Leandro! Didn’t know we had an Arby’s though.....
