*That new, female voice on
KNBR morning, is about as exciting as a
Fresno Opera in the park in August. Adds ZERO to zero.
Natasha Zouves, won't be back on
KGO-TV until December at the earliest --but by then, her
LA campaign will be close to fruition if it isn't already.
Lisa Argen is willing to go to
CNN will pay the freight and then some.
Add caption |
Sandhya Patel should be KGO's #1 weather meteorologist because she's smart, knows her stuff, and looks great.
Dan Ashley signs his new deal, as expected, it could be
nine seven figures --and is deserved.
KTVU anchor brand, circa 2018: maintain zombie-like persona; inject amateur questions to reporters on street; try to sound sincere even if you don't know what the hell you're asking; close out questions that are awkward and throw to sports.
*I thought
Andre Senior was an OK 4th-tier anchor and decent; KTVU has placed him into the
Ed Bradley zone. All that's missing is an earing. Senior is good, not close to great.
Sandhya Patel |
Chronicle Sports scribes pay: 1.
Scott Ostler: $200G;
Bruce Jenkins: $175G;
Ann Killion: $150G
*At the conclusion of his long-term contract,
Raj Mathai could very well end up back in
NY serving as
NBC's back-up to
Lester Holt. Did
I say that? No, but a top
NBC News official did; said it to
Willie Brown of all people.
*You think I'm rough on
Gary Radnich, you should hear what
Tony Bruno has to say about
Bentley man.
Heather Holmes |
*See, the thing about
Heather Holmes is this: she used to have considerable leverage before the
Fox-takeover at Channel 2; she still does but not to the degree she thinks she does; at one point, management seemed to buy into the "
Heather is golden" credo. No more. Holmes is there because she has some pedigree (I still don't see it) and
KTVU still regards her as their "
young Diane Sawyer." The problem is, she doesn't have an ounce of Sawyer's news acumen. She can't ad-lib worth a damn, and she still dresses like a
Marina chick on her way to the bar at the
Balboa. In the meantime, KTVU has to pay her and she still works at KTVU even though she's clearly not happy and wants
Julie Haener's gig.
The next Lester Holt? Raj Mathai of NBC Bay Area |
Alyana Gomez: rules to abide by: 1. Don't even think of kissing up to
HH. 2. Watch your back when
Mark Ibanez is in the room. 3. Be weary of so-called "
allies" who have all the loyalty of a Vegas card shark. 4. Your friend from Jersey? Cold as a fish and took advantage of a depressed mongrel. Just a few. More to come.
Alyana Gomez |
Re: Bruno/Radnich
ReplyDeleteWow! Really. In the early aughts, Bruno/Radnich with Woodson was appointment radio at 10:30. Some of the best back and forth with Woodson playing the straight man. I think the issue is that Radnich "blocked" (declined) an opportunity for Bruno (and Radnich) when he needed a gig? That's too bad. I haven't to KNBR since those days but of those two would have a show... would set the alarm in a heartbeat.
One question about the new girl on KNBR in the morning (I don't know, or care, what her name is as it's not important): why?
ReplyDeleteShe makes me miss Kate T. Scott.
New gal is fine. I do miss Tanika. She had a very smooth voice to wake up to each day.
DeleteRich, you're spot-on about the Heather Holmes dress code and hair styling. Why any news organization, particularly one owned by Fox, would want a female anchor who looks easy is beyond me. That's TV-20 behavior.
ReplyDeleteI know you've stated otherwise, but Julie Haener still comes across as professional and sincere IMO, and just as with Holmes, it's the image projected that counts.
Holmes is outstanding and delivers KTVU's core demographic with consistency. Haener is a real pro, making this duo tops in a super shitty TV market. ABC7 (in dire need of a tear down) should aggressively go after Holmes. (No compete could be an issue) She would be an outstanding replacement for both Daetz & Sze who just cannot seem to pull it together on any level. Ashley's an idiot to sign on to continue working with these two who greatly hurt his image.
DeleteRaj will have to leave the Bay Area in order to be taken seriously; Yes, he's a decent anchor, but those of us who've been here a while will always see him as a sports guy because that's what he was coming up...much the same way I can't take Hackney as an anchor because in my mind's eye I see him in front of a map talking about how hot it is in Vacaville...Deanno, though? For some reason I can see him anchoring...
ReplyDeleteWhat DOES Tony Bruno have to say about Gary Radnich? I can't find anything negative. If Rich has some specific information he should provide, otherwise it's nothing more than just blind speculation.
ReplyDeleteSo, I take it that Raddy doesn't refer to him as "The Great" Tony Bruno any more?!
ReplyDeleteThe term "the great" was / is a put down. Even he said so.
DeleteI believe it was the "Fabulous Bruno!"
DeleteHow about a link on this.
ReplyDeleteTony Bruno has to say about Bentley man
"*You think I'm rough on Gary Radnich, you should hear what Tony Bruno has to say about Bentley man."
ReplyDeletesuch as?
Is Natasha currently on a cane or wheelchair??? She is just taking the 6 months advantage "sick leave" and I am not surprised if she has some big personal surprises while she is off.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Tony said something *rolls eyes*. "Sex sells".
ReplyDeleteSad about KNBR. I listen to 95.7 The Game instead.
ReplyDeleteRadnich & Bruno were compelling radio. Radnich & Bruno is what REAL radio management, programmers & sales (that have a fucking clue) want on the air. Gary & Tony are "radio professionals" that know the business, unlike most listeners who would not recognize good radio schtick if it was shoved up their ass. If the numbers were right for Tony, he could've been doing mornings on KNBR. What a great lead in for Gary & Larry. But you have those dumb fucks running Cumulus that do not have a clue (BTW - they are getting read for their 2nd bankruptcy). Plan & simple, the cheap bastards do not to pay for good talent. Wake up! Whether it's radio or TV, you are only get what the bean counters think they need to pay. Welcome the bus from Dump Truck, Iowa!
ReplyDeleteCumulus never seems to have a clue about female voices. Remember the nasally Nurse ? the sidekick, first name only chorus of uptalk meemees? like, you know? the talk host with a voice that's okay until she starts the high pitched screeching? A voice can be unusual and still work , only if the content is good. Cumulus needs a basic primer on what is and what isn't a good voice..It's pretty simple, actually, whether the talent is male or female.
ReplyDeleteCaught Hal Ramey's half-time report during today's Cal game. I was driving over the Bay Bridge and I had the window down. The radio was turned off. But yet his report came through loud and clear. I guess he's from the old school of broadcasting, when announcers had to climb up poles and yell out their reports because they didn't have transmitters for radio stations.
ReplyDeleteThat an interesting situation for Lisa Argen. I don't know her personal situation and whether she's got any career drive. Seems like she would be a good pick for CNN (she's white bread after all). It probably depends on whether she's got strong family ties to the Bay Area. But a CNN situation seems like a golden opportunity. Since she's older and not a member of any traditional minority club a weather spot at one of the big 3 networks doesn't seem in the cards. (Just a side note that I miss the collection of leather outfits she sometimes used to wear in her KRON days. Not sure of what message she was sending but it wasn't about PETA.)
ReplyDeleteRaj's future is here. If he goes to the network, he'll have to work his way up to the anchor chair. There are probably 50 people, reporters and lesser anchors, who want to line up for Holt's job. Here are the problems: 1 ) Holt isn't going anywhere. 2)Raj would need to do a couple of years of field work to prove he can handle assignments and the writing that is expected of him. He may then get to a key assignment like The White House, Congress or some other high profile gig. Then he may get to anchor a little on MSNBC. After that, maybe Nightly News on the weekend. He'd have to do some dateline stories as well. Then when Lester retires or tires of the grind (something network anchors don't), he might then be considered for the role. But there are a lot of people ahead of him in line.
ReplyDeleteTo put it simply, if he goes network, he'll spend 80 percent of his time traveling, or working around the clock doing hour after hour of live shots. He'll need to impress all levels of producers, camera crews and editors and never piss any of them off.
Local anchor to network anchor has been tried and always fails.
Stay here Raj where you can be a big fish. Your road to the network should have begun 20 years ago. You can go when you are in your 20s or 30s. You can't once you pass the 40 mark.
Here's a link from a 2011 blog report from Rich...which touches on some possible bad blood between TB and Raddy.
HH makes me gag. Alyana still looks stoned. Julie just never did it for me. Give me Cristina Rendon.
ReplyDeleteYou just win a local EMMY, and then disappear claiming to be injured??? Is it that, or is one attempting to parlay the EMMY win into a new job elsewhere? I think that is obvious.
ReplyDeleteWatching KTVU news now. I don't get the vitriol directed at HH. She looks okay, nice straight long bob hair and a sensible/professional dress. Her delivery is just as vanilla (not a race remark) as any other news reader on local news.
ReplyDeleteWill I watch again? Probably not. Not because of HH but because I rarely watch local news except in the Monterey/Santa Cruz county coverage where I live and then rarely too.
sandhya patel=hyperbolic cudda, wudda, shudda bullshit artist useless as tits on a bull and just
ReplyDeleteas dumb, trade or sell her