Thursday, June 28, 2018

Goodrich and Bastida Shine on KPIX. It's About Time. The Mystery Surrounding Veronica De La Cruz; The Reason Why I'm Fed Up With Giants' PBP Guy Duane Kuiper And Not Brother Glen; Thursday Opener

Image result for juliette goodrich
Juliette Goodrich
FINALLY saw the paring I wanted to see and it looked and sounded rather crisp and inviting; a breath of fresh air and interesting; although Juliette Goodrich and Ken Bastida were on KPIX's second-fiddle "NightBeat", the newscast moved along quite well; basic concept met: She made him look good; made him sound better; he helped her; it was invigorating and complete. Yeah, again, quite a twosome.

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Ken Bastida
Bastida, its rumored, might be in his sunset years at 'PIX; he doesn't move the needle anymore at 'PIX but if the powers that at 5 were to invest in a Goodrich-Bastida permanent tandem, he may be given a new birth and life support. Sometimes a fresh new face helps and Bastida was helped mightily by the appearance of Goodrich next to him.

*ON a more serious note (maybe) but definitely more mysterious: the continued MIA act by Veronica De La Cruz.

Image result for Victoria De La Cruz kpix anchors
Veronica De La Cruz
Several of you have asked me what is going on because VDLC has been off the air quite some time; she's dealing with a very serious personal issue and we'll leave it at that but she's not in any danger, I'm told.

* Some people have (rightly, to a degree) wondered why the continual ripping of Giants' broadcasters, especially Duane Kuiper.

I'll tell you why and it's not because I have some East Bay bias in favor of the A's broadcasters (Glen Kuiper and Ray Fosse); I agree that Fosse's homerism is overboard at times and I've been critical. I really do like Glen (Duane's younger brother) He is solid, crisp, and describes the action with knowledge and bravado. I love Glen's homerun call too: ("And that baby IS GONE!")

On radio, I've always admired and loved Ken Korach, who is not only good but always gives the score, almost on clockwork.

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Duane Kuiper
I'm not a Duane Kuiper fan, yeah, you're right. He sounds bored. He looks away from the camera as if he's detached and disinterested. Sorry, but I'm right. Most irritating is Kuiper refuses to give the score while on TV after an inning! How insulting. How irritating. Is he serious? Apparently.

What really bothers me is when I get comments from people saying "ah, you've never heard the crappy pbp guys in the Midwest or East Coast; the Giants' announcers are so much better." Or something to that effect.

I've heard some of those guys and yes, some are awful but I'm not comparing --I'm talking about the broadcasters here. Hello! Out-of-town voices don't interest me.

Kuiper is good when he wants to be; at least interesting and occasionally funny, with help from his partner, Mike Krukow.

Image result for Glen Kuiper Ray Fosse Oakland A'sIt's when he's solo on the air, radio especially, when if it's late; if the Giants are losing; is when Kuiper loses interest and says very little; the dead air is astounding. Excuse me for saying the obvious and I'm right. You know it.

*If you want to know the very BEST pbp guy here: Randy Hahn, just flat out nails it every night he broadcasts hockey.


  1. Kuip has really gone to the dogs. Larry Baer thinks Kuip is great so nothing will change. Look at the Amy G. fiasco.

    1. To clarify, RL says it's worse on radio solo than TV at any time, even when the inane Amy G worsens the TV broadcast. Very unfortunate. Thanks to other life priorities, I never get around to following the ballgames, instead relying on to keep me updated. Sounds like I should be glad to avoid Bay Baseball on Bay Media. Wow.

  2. With regard to Hahn, I couldn't agree more.

    1. Not to mention hockey is one of the tougher sports to call because the action is fast and for the most part non-stop.

    2. 11:56,

      True. Lots of difficult names to remember and pronounce, too!

  3. Per VDLC's accounts on her social media, she is dealing with an extremely serious situation. Definitely a valid reason for the extended hiatus.

    1. I believe she said was in a bike accident and suffered a major concussion.

  4. Most excellent move, KPIX ! !

    Rich, you're to be congratulated for suggesting Bastida and Goodrich. True professionals, comfortable in their jobs.

    (I'll try not to jinx this by mentioning The Cookie.)

  5. I'll tell you what it is about Kuip, he has 3 world series rings and wants more. The team hasn't been very good the last few years so his additude has changed. When things were great you heard nothing from Rich. Now that things aren't as good, it shows.

  6. Why does anyone need to constantly give the score on TV when the score is perpetually in the upper left corner of the screen?

    1. Amen! It's a visual medium, and it seems like most Giant broadcasters will verbally cue to the upcoming batters / pitchers AS THE SCOREBOARD FILLS THE SCREEN. Criticism of a detached manner, OK. But this end-of-inning criticism is a bit empty for a TV broadcaster.

  7. yup, saw bastida and goodrich on nightbeat the other night. Nice to see a common format back and VDLC not part of it.

  8. frandsen hoffar are really just barroom sports ''experts''. anyone can talk like them.

  9. Veronica De La Cruz isn't a professional reporter having too many personal issues carrying onto her job. She never shows up on serious breaking news on weekends when all station reporters come in. I read about her not so incredible story online but as a reporter she cannot focus on her job and personal issues together. One reporter who should be let go not showing any professionalism at work. Liz Cook can just do all the news from 5-11 with no problem. Time for her to change jobs or take some time off dealing with her issues.

  10. Liz Cook is the worst news reader in the history of news! FACTS!

    1. Amen. If management continues with this good judgement I may start watching Ch5 again

  11. I always thought Joe Vasquez would make a great anchor, if he only wasn't such an a-hole

  12. Goodrich is better than what she's been lately. She seems distracted.
    Just my own observation.

  13. Kuip is always looking like for his next bag of corn chips. And I like him more than the other. He's just dis-interested and boring. Time to go. There's a reason he's down to one day a week. Don't show up to your morning job half asleep.

  14. Jeez, if Bastida according to you isn't "Moving the needle" anymore, then get him some Viagra!!

  15. I know folks sour on Papa but he is probably the best PBP announcer 'roun these parts not named Bill King. I hear Hahn is very good also so I won't deny seeing that I listen to hockey but for being able to announce all ofnthe big 3 with above board chops, I go Papa.

  16. re your comments on Kuiper --> sorry you are wrong Rich and we know it ! I listen to 99% of the Gs games on 680 [won't spring for comcast's ridiculous $$$ sports channel pkg and the MLB won't loose their money grubbing "black out" rules for MLB-TV]. I really like Kuiper's take on the game, the way he lets the P-B-P breathe, the player insights he interjects and I really appreciate the give and take when he broadcasts with fleming. He gives the score regularly, keeps up with count, describes the pitches and is generally right there describing the action on the field. I like the personal feel to Kuip's broadcasts and really enjoy Kruk+Kuip on baseball before every game. So you have your opinion [how often do you listen to a game even Rich?] and I [as a decades long listener] have mine.
