Sunday, February 25, 2018

Oh Please Stop The Bitching and Moaning; Sunday 415 Media Brunch Leftovers

Image result for bitching and moaning OH PLEASE, STOP The Bitching and Moaning

*Yeah, in order to keep this site sustainable I ask for donations and contributions. Gotta problem? Sue me.

It takes a lot of time and energy and money to do this; if you have issues with me asking for help, then move forward. I'm not forcing you to read me; I do this because several thousand of you like coming here for news and opinion about Bay Area media. News you can't and won't get anywhere else.

I know there's many of you who are unable to donate because of various circumstances. And I appreciate all of you that have stepped up to the plate and contributed many times over. I try to minimize the pledge breaks but I need to pay bills and eat too. So, I'm not at all embarrassed to ask you for help. I'm a one man show; I don't have a staff.

And by the way, while some of you bitch and moan about me asking for donations, check your inbox for the daily inundation of RSN (Reader Supported News) requests asking for donations. Which is fine because now and then they have good stories and for them to survive, they ask for contributions.

I'm not the only one. And I'm not at all embarrassed.

Plus, my content is far more enjoyable and entertaining then most of their material. Here too. You know that.


*There's a lot of anxious souls waiting for Wednesday to come and go; they work (for now) near the Broadway/Battery media gulch and they have contingency plans to meet at Grumpy's come 6 PM for the inevitable dreaded news, if not then, some day soon.

*Yeah, many moons ago I thought PIX's Paul Deanno was a lightweight and had no gumption; guess what? I changed my mind. It happens occasionally.

*Speaking of the weather: supposedly, two or three good rain storms this week is forecast which means the Mill Valley hardware store will be inundated with reporters: "So, have you been busy?"

*Does KCBS' Jon Bristow ever sleep? Early Morning weekend; early morning weekday; afternoon drive; overnight; I'm beginning to think he really does have a cot in the newsroom.

*Yeah, so Jeffrey Schaub is pissed off because, A. his story count is down and B. he'd love to anchor but Madam Seelig isn't interested.

*Yeah, John Rothmann does talk a lot about Presidential Politics; guess what? Have any of us living now experienced such a bizarre, incredibly unpredictable and whack job such as the current occupier of the White House? It's a story an hour and it NEEDS to be covered. So thank god we have a Rothmann or would you prefer to listen to Ethan Bearman talk about his favorite salad dressing with some schmuck from Weight Watchers? I rest my case.

*Bearman is KGO's idea of "appealing to the millennial" --yeah, the backpack/tech kids in their 20's who wouldn't know a KGO from the KGB.

*"Chef" Ryan Scott: about as riveting as a looking at naked pictures of Ruth Buzzi.

*There was a time when Giants' broadcaster, Jon Miller, was funny and entertaining. But Miller thinks he's bigger than the game now. The home run call is over the top. The Vin Scully impressions used to be quaint; now, they are annoying. Miller can still call a good game, don't get me wrong. But his constant chirping and endless stories make for dullsville radio.

Furthermore, Miller is so fond of his voice he often never gives the score. It's so frustrating.

Yeah, I know ripping Miller will turn off Giants fans but I only speak the truth.

*Damon Bruce: time to maybe update the resume?

*It'll be interesting to hear Arizona alum, Tom Tolbert, on the radio Monday. Why? Uh, you didn't see this? Ouch.

*KQED: CSPAN3 with British drama, a restaurant chat show,  and pledge breaks

*Unseemly: Kim Wonderly doing termite commercials.

*Ditto, Joe Starkey, yikes!

*Another annoying radio commercial: the thermometer ad played 400,000 times every day and night on KCBS.

*The #MeToo movement is especially sensitive to me as I was once treated like a piece of meat by some high-level, female media blogger from Marin. I will have no further comment.

*Yawn: the 2018 Winter Olympics.


Yeah, if you like this site, please donate --if you don't, then go read the Chronicle.


  1. "millennials"
    Is code for a young white-boy liberal who works in Silicon Valley.

    1. Any young spoiled brat, of all political persuasions, in SF too!

    2. Oh, please. There's a boatload of libertarians in Silicon Valley. Not nearly the liberal bastion everyone paints it to be.

  2. When I watch Giants games I have to turn the sound down, can't take the non-stop homerism, but I'm sure Larry is happy with these shills...speaking of which, will the horrible Amy G be back this year?

    1. "...will the horrible Amy G be back this year?"

      I would bet on a "yes" answer from Larry and Co.

    2. If the North Bay Wildfire public services message on the NBC Sports cable stations last fall aren't any proof, then unfortunately, I don't know what is. Gutierrez needs a few charisma lessons for Kerith Burke.

  3. Today's Giants fan has no clue about what good is. They've got Mutt and Jeff on TV and the team had the audacity to campaign for their induction into the Hall of Fame. They're not THAT good! And then there's Jon Miller, who hasn't seen his feet since Richard Nixon's first term in office. He used to be real good. Now he's just average. The imitations and trek into insecurity by having to hear his own voice have lowered his ranking. The guys across the Bay (Ken Korach, Vince Cotroneo and Ray Fosse) are much more appealing to the ears. Hope that when the Athletics get their new stadium that the organization and those employed by them don't turn into a bunch of egotistical snots like those guys in China Basin.

    1. You mean IF the Athletics get their new stadium. I hope it Oakland... and in our lifetime.

    2. Fosse? Korach? lol. Homers stuck in a rinky dink market.

    3. Hey 838, you want homers? Listen to the Giants guys. And they're technically in the same market as San Francisco. If you knew anything about media, which you don't, you'd know that Oakland is part of the San Francisco media market.

    4. Fosse is a whiner...he reminds me of my son when he doesn't get his way...I can't watch the A's when he's announcing and Kuiper's monotone puts me to sleep.

  4. What is your issue with Jon Bristow? You frequently show disdain for media outlets that put a rotating cast of reporters/anchors on the air, yet at the same time you complain about how much airtime Bristow gets. Who can blame him for leaving KGO and going to KCBS? And who can blame KCBS for hiring a seasoned, experienced anchor? You can’t have it both ways, Rich.

  5. How about talking about how GREAT the A's radio announcers are? I'm so tired of all the Giants this Giants that in the Bay Area. Let's Go Oakland!

    1. Atta boy, Peter! The Giants aren't the only MLB team in the Bay Area. But they're the most conceited team in the Bay Area.

    2. I agree, we don't hear enough about the A's, it's almost ALL Giants - Go A's! And yes, A's announcers are much better, and without the over-the-top hype.

  6. Rich...embrace Trump

    1. Why the hell should Rich..or Democrats...embrace Trump?

      I don't recall Faux News ever embracing Obama. If Faux and the entire republiKKKan party spent eight Goddamn years never embracing Obama, then I hope Rich never does, either.

      I sure as hell haven't.

  7. ''thunder'' was losing , didn't bother catching up to warriors, get some rest collect the 60 million dollars, and wait for playoffs,not going to follow basketball anymore. just read the sports section when the Finals is over. only one good team. whats the use of as season. just collect 70 millions and wait for vacation offseason.

  8. hey rich, you have been bitchin about miller for years. its enough.

  9. Rich: Don't listen to 3:02. Enabling rapists is never a good idea, especially if they are also con man racists who are way overdue for reverse karma. Moral compasses should supersede agendas. Sadly, too many online, be it trolls or the delusional don't see it that way.
    Would like to see the Gulch take down the ND. Then the station would improve for the better.
    Dullsville to both all the ads and KGO Radio. Though many Laugh-In diehards during the heyday 50 years ago actually preferred Ruth Buzzi over Goldie Hawn. Sock it to them!

    1. Someone is insecure. I bet you had a thrill running up your leg when Obama was elected like Chris Matthews. Wait, is this Chris Matthews??

    2. The only thing keeping 45* from ending up in prison is the pardon he will be receiving.

  10. Hi Rich,

    Any updates on Cheryl Jennings?

  11. Hurray!!!! 13 comments today. How many donations Rich? You are so wrong about Jon MIller. But you don't hear other team's broadcasters. You won't review SiruisXM. You don't listen to other cities horrible broadcasters. If you could hear the other broadcasters around the country, you would know how blessed we are to have Miller, Fleming, Kruk and Kuiper.

    1. Oh shut it 931. The other announcers are no day at the beach either and they're about as mediocre as the Fat Man and Mutt and Jeff. On the other hand, Flemming is worth your time. Good solid announcer. Even better are the guys in Oakland. But you're probably one of those Giants gomers, so you don't listen to them and have no clue.

  12. Can you explain the Damon comment?

    1. Might be because he was on vacation and the shows were pretty good minus the one blowhole guy< forgot his name>

  13. Your "telling the truth" about Jon Miller isn't the truth. It is your petty,envious,anti-'anything SF' sports opinion.

  14. I was listening Monday at 10:30 to Ethan Bearman talking about "puppy parties" and I wondered... Is this guy broadcasting from San Francisco?
    So I called 80 80 810....and the asked the call screener if the show was being produced in San Francisco.. He said YES...
    I had my doubt so I called the station and the assistant said he had never seen Ethan Bearman in the building, nor had he ever seen Chrissy Whalin (the producer) in the building.

    So, was the call screener lying? If so, why lie about something so basic?

    1. He might be in a home studio. It's common.

    2. Chrissy isn't on the show anymore. They replaced her with Carolyn Copeland

    3. He broadcasts from LA. He slips up all the time like Dr Drew is in studio (Drew is in LA) Wombo whtever is in studio (Wombo is in LA) some call in guests say "nice to be talking to you in beautiful southern cali" etc. He's a fraud and if anybody listens they'd know.

      I don't know why KGO wants everyone to play act but it shines through all the time. They're just not that good.

    4. I think Ethan Bearman’s show is out of LA.

    5. So neither of you know whether Ethan Bearman is broadcasting from San Francisco or Los Angeles or elsewhere?
      Seems someone would know.
      Certainly Rich Lieberman might know the answer?

    6. Ethan Bearman broadcasts from LA. His producers/co hosts are in San Francisco.

  15. there is lots of ''iconizing'' in yay area. can't ''criticize'' Miller or whatever. it isn't that serious. just ideas on different broadcast styles. maybe you are used to Simmons Greenwald and like to point out differences. Adios Pelota!

  16. Jon Miller is still very good, but has slipped since he joined the Giants. Two decades ago, he was considered the best local baseball announcer not named Vin Scully (or Ernie Harwell, who was still around at that point). Miller's greatest shortcoming has been his chronic case of 'I Mean Disease', which afflicts him frequently. I mean, you never know when, I mean...

  17. Preach Rich! Can you post your email here? Have a question regarding the donations
