Monday, December 18, 2017

Butt Seriously, KPIX

I'M NOT SURE KPIX wanted the 49ers tuchas in the background, how asinine.


  1. Brings a whole new meaning to the term "man buns."

  2. Darrin, aka The ASS!!! ManDecember 18, 2017 at 11:16 AM


  3. so the players have no responsibility to cover themselves when cameras are present? You've see one mushy male butt....

  4. Differently not a good look. I saw it live, you knew he was nake, but it didnt show that much skin. Dennis O'Donnell did apologize to the viewers.

  5. Wonder if the ass man will sue?

  6. What is wrong with the A-S-S, all human has one. Even if he turns himself front view, god create us equalilly. Also, TV is already explicit these days with profanity, violence from R to PG-13, sex on tv like NYPD Blues and uncut content on Gane if Thrones

    1. NYPD Blue was 25+ years ago, at 10pm, not at 4pm after school on Heros & Icons. What is "Gane if Thrones"?
      If you've never been in a shower with other men,trust me, God did not create all men "equalilly".

  7. Keep hiring the minimum wagers from the Columbia School of Broadcasting (does that still exist?) and send the experienced people out to pasture. What's a little embarrassment if you're saving money?

  8. You've seen one Democrat, you've seen them all.

  9. During my time from the distant past, long before most of you were born, if that picture was sent out over the airways people would have lost their jobs.

    North Korea isn't our greatest enemy, we are! America is now infected from border to border and coast to coast with immorality and social decay. The poster at 1:26 has been programmed perfectly, his teachers (America) should be proud of what they have achieved.

    It's just a butt. Three people shot dead in Oakland over the weekend. Homelessness dramatically increasing in all major U.S. cities. There's a genocide happening on the streets of Chicago. Car windows being shattered all over the Bay area. People being robbed and beaten on Bart. Women and children being sexually assaulted. Claudine Wong has her purse stolen in the Costco parking lot of all places. Mass shootings all over the country, children shot dead in their school classrooms, people being shot dead in their place of worship!

    It's just a butt why worry. It's just social decay why worry! Every thing I have mentioned were non-existent during my distant past...a great time to live in America.

    When there are no moral or social get what you got!

    When my car starts to decay I take it to the auto repair shop. When my teeth start to decay I take them to the dentist. When my body starts to decay I take it to the doctor.

    America is decaying and there isn't any place to take it to eliminate the decay! It's just a butt, nothing to be concerned about.

    I'm a Vietnam Veteran and what I have just describe, in Military jargon would be called the "combat zone," you are now living in one!

    Doctor Savage said it best, "Put your baseball cap on backwards, pick up your smart phone and order a home delivered pizza, watch some porn on your laptop...everything will be OK."

    My biggest concern now is what to pack in my suitcase for the trip to the other side, which is not to far away. The future is yours, what kind of future will you create!!!

    1. Eloquent. Thank you for this post.

    2. You're so right. I saw some porn the other day. Only about the third or forth time in my life I've watched any. It was the amateur, home-made variety. Anyway, it looked amateurish. Must have been an amateur contest, because the two short videos ... both couples did the exact same things. They weren't having any fun ... they were just having sex. It's supposed to be fun. So sad.

      And, to think, generations have been raised on the stuff, and it's available to children who's parents are overwhelmed and maybe not very attentive. All these angry people killing each other ... they can't get any sexual satisfaction because they grew up on porn thinking it was what they were supposed to do. They have no idea that porn isn't about sexual satisfaction, and humans are very much "monkey see, monkey do," so they don't know any better.

      The tipping point,in my opinion, was the introduction and popularization of rap and it's readily available glorification of thug life including the popularization of a low-life, cheapened sexualization of women beyond anything we have seen previously. And, the seemingly total acceptance of marijuana use among this group hasn't helped create responsible, empathic, and caring adults. All we can hope for is that this group (which is socially challenged in the Darwinian sense) will kill each other off and leave the rest of us alone.

      Mark Zuckerberg's idiotic invention, Facebook, really speaks to the kind of brain dead functionality of a man who obviously smokes too much weed, as well. He's one of those sad human beings who is not content wallowing in his misery, alone. Even people who have worked with him agree that Facebook is a terrible thing. He created a monster that is destroying society, because some girl saw him for the minimally well-adjusted adult he had potential to become and wouldn't go out with him. What a loser and he still has no clue.

    3. You lost me at "distant past"...

    4. I miss the good old days when Jim Crow, lynchings and bombing the shit out of Vietnamese peasants passed for morality.

    5. If you can't make your point in three paragraphs or less, is it a point worth making?

  10. The "Oh no!" moment of the year . . .

  11. Looks like we had two supermoons this month!

  12. Bad job by the camera man. It's his responsibility to make sure to avoid private parts.

  13. I'm certain that there are a lot more viewers who don't find that the least bit offensive than you think.

  14. They found their new Morning Weather Anchor!! He is showing us a Full Moon.

    1. ...more like a rectal eclipse...

  15. There shouldn't be any Locker Room Interviews in the first place.
    Don't they deserve a little privacy? Such interviews are not necessary, bordering on voyeurism and exhibition!

  16. Can you swipe a credit card in that thing...or does it only take quarters?

  17. Who was the camera operator? Maybe a woman wanting to take a peek or maybe a man? There may be a story there. LOL

  18. Oh, wow! Like I've never seen a fat@ss before.

  19. Why can't they do this in female athlete's locker rooms??
