Friday, October 27, 2017

It's not just 415 Media That Thinks Mikaelian and Orozco are Pains in the Ass; KTVU Staffers Had Enuf; Castro Worn Out Act at KGO-TV; SF Giants/KNBR Paid Shill Brian Murphy; Friday Open

MEDIA THAT THINKS Gasia Mikaelian , in particular, and lately, Rosemary Orozco, are the MOST ANNOYING, grating anchors at KTVU.

Insiders tell yours truly that Mikaelian is just a plain "pain in the ass."

Noted a senior air talent who has considerable time at the Oakland/Fox O and O:

"She's a clown; her act is so weak; she's an embarrassment to the station!" The person spoke on condition of anonymity because they happen to work at the same outlet.

Further muddying the TV News waters at KTVU is latest diva, weather anchor, Rosemary Orozco, who has seen less on-air profile lately (particularly during the North Bay Fires) because station brass simply thought she was not ready for prime time. It was an about-face since Orozco was thought to be groomed for more prime-time placement. She's certainly acted the part because she's become more dramatic and diva...ish

Another Insider: "Rosemary suddenly thinks she's a star and let everyone know." Oh, how just plain fine and dandy.

Whatever the case, both Mikaelian and her weather partner-in-crime make a mockery of the KTVU brand (however tainted it's become). Sure, Fox's iteration makes that incumbent but the gruesome twosome's diva act has worn thin with staff and considerably more from the 415 Media standpoint.

The GAAS continues to MUGG shamelessly on the camera and acts like some giddy high-school cheerleader about to go to the prom. If you think her on-air hijinks are ridiculous you should hear about her off-air act. Orozco too has a penchant for being Miss 'Ain't  Miss Behavin' lately and thinks her persona is just plain peachy. NOT!

I think it's just a matter of time before the two wonder bras get pulled aside by some high suit and read the riot act...yes, even "The Firm" has its rules and guidelines to abide by.

Image result for jessica castro abc7*LOVEY-DOVEY? Across the bay at 900 Front, another former future star has worn out her welcome, KGO's (ABC7) morning updater, Jessica Castro (shown with lovey-dovey, admirer, Matt Keller) is getting blasted by staffers complaining about Castro's "bitchiness." 

"She used to be really cool and nice; not anymore," says a newsroom observer. 

Hey Jess: simple advice: read the room. If you go down the 'big star' act and begin doing a "KTLA act', you'll be in Fresno in a nanosecond. Just be patient and relax. Oh, get a zippo on your agent too.

Image result for Brian Murphy KNBR*Let's be patently clear: Brian Murphy is an adequate interviewer with an ability to move things along morning drive; at least when he's not uttering "dude" a thousand times which a guy in his 50's sounds like crap. Murphy thinks because he's a 'Giants' fan he can act like a doofus saying quite seriously "if you root for the 'Dodgers you should be ashamed' and much more, (talk about a pain and embarrassment--a grown man giving shit to people who happen to root for LA (maybe they live down there); what a putz!

Furthermore, let's be DIRECT!: Murphy is a PAID SHILL for Larry Baer. He sits on many Giants' boards and committees; in essence he might as well read the daily press releases --what a damn farce that he acts like a fucking hack even on the Giants' propaganda  machine known as KNBR where objectivity is a foreign word. 

Let Murphy and his inane twit, sidekick--the guy with the fake Jersey accent--"Powlie" do their daily doofus shows for the booster club morons but they're gonna get called out by the 415 Media police.

KNBR: White guys. Irish. Pizza parties. Any day now a Re-Elect Trump decal on the front door. No wonder they score well in Fremont.


  1. btw,On the Radnich front: He's been boring lately. He sticks to sports,cut back- far back- on political jabs. He's doing what he should have been doing before he went sports shock jock 10-15 years ago. NEXSTAR and media have got through to him.
    DO I think its a true personal change? Hell no. But he's changed his act big time.

    1. Who will you stalk now that Raddy is "boring"? Maybe Raj?

    2. Nah,me and Raj hang out. We have a running bet going-Its who will get Thuy Vu at closing time. I can be smoooooth.

  2. Thank you for the beautiful picture of Jessica Castro. She brighten up my day except I don't like her partner reporter, the Harrison Ford look-alike.

  3. Is it me or has Steve P. stopped displaying his godawful tweets on the morning program? WOW. Hope so. Did management have anything to do with the absence of the tweets?...Makes for a way better weathercast..someone got smart.

  4. Another spot-on post. Good work. Brian Murphy thinks he's the shit. He is a shit. I'm surprised he doesn't do his hair like Larry Baer so they can both look like clowns. Yet another reason not to listen to the Sports Bleeder. If you want unbiased baseball coverage, listen to XM Channel 89 for MLB Network Radio. NFL coverage is on XM Channel 88 and the NBA is on 86. In other words, don't listen to KNBR. Get real, meaningful coverage from satellite radio.

    1. It shouldn't bother anyone that Murphy says "dude" all the time. After all, he's just "doing his thing."

    2. Especially when they are addressing a female coworker!

  5. Agree.
    I have a hard time listening to a man in his 50s uttering the word "dude".
    I can't help but to feel embarrassed for him.
    I guess we common folk are suppose to be impressed with this man's command of hip jargon.

  6. Jeez, Rich I think management encourages these antics from the "wonder bras". I think they would have discouraged this behavior back when it first started. Remember Foxification? These girls are happily Foxified. I wonder what Megyn Kelly would say?

    1. I ran into a former cameraman for KTVU at Pacificon a few years ago and right away he wanted to talk about Gasia's schtick and how embarrassing it was for the station. We are not alone.

    2. Yet I'll bet they'll renew her contract because some consultant will tell them she's good for attracting millennials. If that's what you have to do to attract millennials (and I don't think it is), they aren't worth bothering with.

  7. Castro is over rated in the anchors role. And, Seems like ABC7 has tapered down its obsession with Zouves. She isn't getting as much time on air as last year.

  8. "KNBR: White guys. Irish. Pizza parties"

    And Steve Kerr would be described as "a white boy liberal".

    1. Kerr is feeling as if he needs to weigh in on all things...don’t want to hear his opinion...or, Popovich’s either.

  9. Jessica is probably mad and grumpy because Natasha leaves early.

  10. Rosemary is free to annoy me at any time she desires. Seems to me that Fox "Gets it"...

  11. Some stand out, some are daring. Some have both attributes. There is one at ABC7, hint, think alphabet. I love the daring ones!!

    She knows who she is, do you? She continually deserves honorable mention. Hint, think red. She always captures my attention and won't let go, I don't mind at all!!

    Whoever "hacked" Rich's website "again" deserves honorable mention also!

  12. Is he ever gonna lose weight or always have that fat potato head? 98 losses, go Giants dude. They should move to Santa Clara then we will have all SF assets without the crappy congestion and hills.

  13. It doesn’t surprise me that Jessica is acting like a diva. She is sooooo over-rated. Especially when she sits in for Natasha. Keep learning how to sail Jessica cause if you keep acting like your bigger than you really are those sailing lessons will come in handy as you sail right out of SF.

  14. Must be an old Murph photo. In his solar panel commercial his hair is grey. A face for radio.

    1. When is that commercial going to end?
      I don’t give a rat’s ass what “the Murphy’s” did with their roof. I wouldn’t trade with that company BECAUSE of that commercial.

  15. I used to be s loyal KNBR fan in the past, but the station is unlistenable. The only reason to tune in was Giants games (I have been a fan since 1963 and gave up on the Santa Clara 49ers) even as they tanked this season.

  16. Sirius/XM radio. The best money you will ever spend.

  17. Brian/Bert is dying his hair. Just like his career, it's dying.

  18. Murph also called out Astros pitcher for his un-atheletic forearms! Look at that soft redwood grad calling out a pro! Fat stooge

    1. Murph went to Tam high with Courtney Thorne Smith. Then he went to UCLA. That's all he talked about when I listened years ago. Don't forget Dude.

  19. Murph is as left as I am, WTF are you talking about?

  20. everyone on knbr and kgmz suck, with their stupid drops, sound effects every five minutes. boring, arrogant personalites, they rehash the same topics all day, lets talk about the 49ers, warriors and giants all day thats it, then the guests they have on all same the same thing, its just very dull

  21. OMG....Have you seen Rosemary as Wonder Woman yet?

  22. The missing Kardashian aunt aka Gasia Mikaelian is pathetic, the girl can't maintain her fingernails, hair or makeup. She's a hot mess.
