Wednesday, August 23, 2017

NBC Sports Bay Area On Assignment at Giants' Game; Kuiper Too

Image result for Kids playing at AT&T Park NBC SPORTS Bay Area is on assignment today ...

1. Giants-Brewers game replaced by 64,000 shots of kids mugging camera.

2. Multiple wide -angle pans of multiple big-breasted white women wearing baseball caps...or in the words of Mike Krukow: "Gamer babes."

3. Obligatory 30 shots of ball dudes who wrote a $5000 check to Larry Baer so they could get their ass on the field and make a fool of themselves.

4. Duane Kuiper sounding as if he's emceeing a wake in St. Petersburg, Florida where the only food is week-old triscuits and cheese.

5. More dead air than a Colma mortuary.

6. 37 shots of some asshole yuppie in a suit eating a hot dog and looking wacky.

7. Oh yeah, a guy wearing a Zito jersey and his girlfriend, a panda hat.  10 shots alone in just a minute.

8. More kids shots. Cotton candy. Invigorating.

9. Obligatory radio booth shot of Dave Flemming being Dave Flemming.

10. Baseball game? What game?


  1. "Multiple wide -angle pans of multiple big-breasted white women wearing baseball caps." act as if this is a BAD thing. You're losing it in your old age!

    1. They would show non white women but there aren't many at the park as they're currently protesting something or another. I've lost count, hard to say what it is they are up in arms about this week. Check back at the beginning of next week for the new thing.

    2. Frank Jordan and Friends in SFAugust 23, 2017 at 5:07 PM

      Amen, 2:52, AMEN!! Check Turk & Leavenworth for the non-white women, where $40 goes a long way.

    3. 2:52,

      Regarding protests, you ain't seen nothing yet. The protest snowball is just getting started.

    4. 252,Prove my point. Baseball games are expensive. Who has the extra money for that? And those guys with higher incomes go of course for attractive white woman and mix in some Asian.
      That's America's entertainment ratio for all nice things.

  2. The Giants are in last place and the telecast is waving the white flag

  3. Watching Giants games is like watching paint dry...

  4. MSNBC made me laugh as they played calliope music to Trumps lies. Of course I thought,KRON should do that for its sports director.
    Now,I think we could add the A's perpetually trade to finish last efforts to that and sadly after those World Series wins...the Giants.

  5. Who will you find in the stands?
    Lots of white people from Marin County, the kind Larry Baer caters to.

  6. at least Flem was at the game for once

  7. And then there is that baseball sage and roving "woman in the stands," Amy Gutierrez. AKA "Amy G," and "Amer the Gamer." One of their promos refers to her as an "Ace Reporter." On the Post Game Show, we can look forward to Failin' Smith and Jim Kozimor.

  8. Yeah, and A's game telecasts are nonstop excitement. Sure.

    If you are watching a last place baseball team in the dog days in August during a weekday afternoon game, you probably shouldn't be judging the quality of the broadcast.

    1. They used to show A's telecasts to prisoners at Gitmo until it was deemed torture by the UN

  9. Hey, when the team sucks this bad you gotta do SOMETHING to hold on to viewers . . . nothing wrong with women with huge tracts o land . . .

  10. Rich may be the only person paying attention to the Giants. If only Jon Miller weren't on assignment, and could add to his collection of sentences beginning with "I mean..."

  11. One must admit that Dave's wig is spectacular, however.

  12. Shot of an ice cream dessert followed by Kruk's saying, "I wanna get one, I wanna get one, I wanna get one."

    I went to a game at Petco Park this year. In between EVERY INNING there were fans mugging at the camera in order to see themselves on the scoreboard. Enough already!

  13. The wig is so obvious. Why Flem? Jon's been rocking the horseshoe look since the beginning and is a signature look.

  14. At least Giants weekday afternoon games are on TV. A's fans don't have that privilege. Besides Giants broadcasts have always been about kids eating food, ball dudes and gamer babes, not really about the actual game.

  15. Point No. 10 is very poignant. What baseball game? Baseball sucks so bad that the Giants/NBCSNBA want to make the telecast into entertainment. This is why I don't bother to watch anymore. It's dribble and the brain dead have bought into it. Every time the opposing team does something good, Kuiper sounds like his dog died. When the Giants do something good, he sounds like someone is sucking his Johnson on the air. In either case, that's taking being a homer to a new LOW. Find a happy medium, meat. Vin Scully wouldn't have been like that. He had class. You have crass. Excuse me, I have to go buy a Panda hat.

  16. In the bits and pieces I've seen recently its seems as if the crew (especially Kuiper) have had their emotions supercharged..........maybe a memo from upstairs.

  17. Giants suck, A's suck, Niners suck, Raiders - meh.....

    1. But the Warriors . . . Yeah, baby!

  18. thing is, they still act as if you can see what they are seeing, not realizing you are on earphones or lisyening on the run and they must continually describe every movement of the pitcher and batter, like simmons and greenwals did. were talking about the radio here, but modern announcers are distracted by too many ''screens'' and electronics. distractions...

  19. John Miller's seemingly hip and fresh, "Adios Pelota" is a borderline ethnic slur. That phrase went out years ago with, "Hasta la Vista Baby." Somebody get him a few $10.00 Hot Dogs.
