Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Message To The Readers

415 Media has reached a new high in readers and followers but unfortunately not enough funds to sustain the 24/7 work and effort put forth by its creator and author; its blogger who relies on donations and subscriptions to keep the site afloat --we're living on fumes now.

There are those of you who have made donations and subscribed --countless times--to support 415 Media and I greatly appreciate your help. Unfortunately, there are not enough of you.

I've resisted the idea of putting 415 Media behind a paywall because I know many of you who come here don't have the financial wherewithal to commit to a yearly subscription.

So today, I'm asking those of you who like reading about Bay Area media; TV -Radio insight, opinion and news that you won't get anywhere else to MAKE A DONATION, NOW.

It takes quite a bit of time and energy to make 415 Media happen. I'm a one-man show.

Go to the Pay Pal icon on the right side of the blog and SUBSCRIBE --$25 one year; $30 two years--YOU can also make a DONATION --all contributions are 100% CONFIDENTIAL and SECURE and you do not have to have a Pay Pal account to contribute. I will personally CALL and/or E-MAIL you thanking you for your contribution.

We're at a critical point. I need your help to keep 415 Media up and running. If you enjoy coming here --(and over 250,000 of you come here monthly) then if just a fraction of you make a contribution then 415 Media will be financially feasible and the need for pledge breaks will be significantly lessened.

Best, Rich


  1. Time to help Rich out. 25 bucks that's a couple of drinks downtown..

  2. rich I'm giving you yet another $50. I love the blog. but you owe me a drink at this point . bob
