This doesn't shock me anymore because these morons have no bounds; they spread rumor and innuendo like lighter fluid on a wildfire.
To hell with any moral compass, we have a show to do and we must cackle -no wonder the American people are fed up with just about everyone in this carnival.
Go ahead, keep cackling.
seriously, did you even listen to any of what A & G were saying??!!
ReplyDeleteThey were getting inundated with texts from Trump supporters because they were not taking Clinton's health problems "seriously". A & G were more concerned and focusing on the cover-up, and delay in letting out the news that she was diagnosed with pneumonia a couple days ago. They were talking about the general paranoia that the Clinton camp seems to have, and this health issue is the latest example. Just release the info that she has pneumonia, needs to rest for a couple days and move on. They then had a Washington Post reporter on and he basically said the same thing.
Thank you for setting things straight. A and G have the best program in the area. I don't know what they did cause Rich's vendetta against them
Deleteso how much do cumulus plants make?
Deletei know that sony pays just a bit more than minimum wage for theirs...are your rates about the same?
Considering that most primary voters in the Bay Area chose Hillary Clinton and will choose her again in November, it's surprising that local talk radio is utterly out of the loop. I can't think of a single talk voice that wholeheartedly supports Hillary Clinton. Some do slightly, but apologize for it endlessly, I guess tone deaf to the local citizenry. I'm not surprised about the perpetually unfunny crude, backwater yuksters with the lousy ratings. Imagine them both with walking pneumonia, doing even a week of Hillary Clinton's schedule and in high heels. They'd be baying for momma or wifey poo that they were "dying".
ReplyDeleteKGO talkers Christine Craft and Rothmann have been supporting her for months.
DeleteShe has the best medical care our tax money can provide as well as doctors that travel with her daily. I wish I had that amount of around the clock care.
DeleteHealth issues aside, I think the race has been over for months. There's a lot of misinformation going on but I can tell you for sure that Ohio and Florida are gone and that means she's toast. That crack about deplorables was no doubt made in a moment of weakness (she's better than that) and will haunt her at least until the end of the race and possibly for the rest of her professional life. Yes, that is what most of those people think of us. We can do something about it and we're about to.
DeleteKGO Talkers Craft and Rothmann? If the best you can do is reference fill-in talk show hosts for support than it doesn't seem like much support. She's winning Virginia, Pennsylvania and will likely win Colorado as well. Probably Ohio as well because the Governor isn't going to help him. You don't have a clue but I'm sensing you want your dreams to come true.
DeleteHere's some useful info from the guy who has pretty much nailed everything:
Bwwwaaahhhhaaaa! Just because you and yours live in the basket, doesn't mean your orange messiah's path to the White House is a done deal. C'mon root, you're smarter than that.
DeleteShame on them for making fun of someone who obviously has serious medical issues!
ReplyDeleteShe has pneumonia, big deal, calm down right-wingers...
ReplyDeleteSureee, it's just "pneumonia".
DeleteOk "Doctor", what is your diagnosis?
DeleteWell for starters, the black doctor that travels with her daily has been photographed carrying a diazepam pen which is used to treat those with seizures. There's also multiple falls, blood clots, fainting spells (even during speeches). The list goes on and on and is well documented.
DeleteThe mainstream media and your beloved NPR cover this stuff up, I wouldn't expect you "left wingers" to be fully educated on the matter.
Thanks Doctor...
DeleteAh the left, whose only comeback is snark or protest when faced with facts that go against their beliefs.
DeleteI thought that was Christine leaving The 8-Ball Tavern in Cotati & not the Future President of the U.S.. Well excuse me.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of having to cackle, I clicked through on an article about whatever excuse they were feeding the press about her problems and it took me to politicos website. Who was there in the comments section commenting? A certain KGO talker that is continuously mocked here by the buttocks guy. She was defending Hillary of course.
DeleteHi Christine.
DeleteI'm quite skeptical that her medical issues are limited to pneumonia. Someone as sick as she probably is shouldn't lead the team.
ReplyDeleteRonnie took a bullet in a critical area of the body, and subsequently had numerous episodes of pronounced debilitation. I don't recall hearing his ability to "lead the team" being put into question very often.
Delete" I don't recall hearing his ability to "lead the team" being put into question very often. "
DeleteWell, they probably should have been, as is her ability to lead the team is being called into question now.
I'm happy Hillary may have to leave the race. I hope she gets the care she requires. As for becoming our next president, I hope she fails!!
ReplyDeleteAs I recall, Republicans hid Reagan's dementia until after he died. Really, having a president who doesn't know where or what he is is more important than a candidate who is suffering from a mild case of pneumonia.
ReplyDeleteIsn't recall one of the things that goes first?
Delete> As I recall, Republicans hid Reagan's dementia until after he died.
DeleteYou recall incorrectly then.
This is THE weakest form of arguing. Person X hides something, so you point out Person Y and how Person Y had a far more serious condition to hide, therefore taking attention off the topic at hand which is Person X. It's lazy, and it's the only ammo some people have.
DeleteHillary is a 68-year old who has kept an intense schedule despite having pneumonia and detractors are saying she's weak and dying. She is finally doing what she should have been doing. Getting rest. She's a tough woman and her strength is obviously upsetting to some people.
ReplyDeleteShe has released more medical info than Donald but is accused of secrecy. She has released her tax records while Trump refuses.
She is not being investigated by the government for racketeering or civil rights violations related to sexual assault like the Donald. She doesn't call out entire ethnic groups or religions by labeling criminals or having no future. While some KKK grand wizard claims to support her there are no records of alt right financial contributions and no right wing white supremists have made robo calls in her support like for Trump.
She knows Vladimir Putin is hostile to the US and cannot be flattered by him. She knew Crimea was invaded by Russia and Ukraine might be next. Trump was clueless.
The family of Chris Stevens does not blame Hillary for his death in Behghazi. His mother has asked Trump to stop politicizing her son's death.
Yawn. The same old spin.
DeleteYou forgot to include what a great job she did in the Middle East when she was Secretary of State, the Middle East is on fire!!
DeleteShe has zero leadership abilities and will gain zero respect from World leaders.
She lost the 2008 Primary to community organizer with absolutely zero experience, plus a black to boot, who know one had ever heard of before...that say's it all.
Her "OWN" party stabbed her in the back and kicked her to the curb for an unknown, she still (2016) is not well liked. A vote for Hillary is a vote for Obama's third term.
We are electing a World leader, not just the POTUS.
DeleteDunno about "tough." Aside from single-handedly keeping Europe afloat, Angela Merkel consistently handles grueling schedules with relative ease and has done so for years.
For all the sanctimony and grand standing, the fact is Obama was brutal with his words for George Bush. And have you ever heard Pelosi just open her mouth? She is a pitbull who goes after the jugular every single time.
ReplyDeleteI think for the liberals they are just not used to seeing the tactics they so often employ be used against them. It has been lower than a dog fight for years and years. Most elected Republics have no clue that there has been a fight and that they have essentially lost the fight. The populist Republicans are the ones who understand that the battle was nearly lost.
And for Mr. Lieberman and others pro-HRC, any time you feel indignant, substitute in Bush, Romney, Trump for HRC and see if your mind changes. When Bush threw up on the emperor of Japan it was all over the news, pre-internet. And the Dems were giddy back then and used it against him. So be fair. and check your bias.
Couldnt have said it better myself.
DeleteHow did the Dems use Bush's passing out after choking on a pretzel against him?
DeleteNot sure what your point is. Not sure there was one.
DeleteTo 3:47 pm, the point is that the post was about how outrageous it is that KSFO and others in the Republican party seem to have no moral compass and were gruesome and disgusting for questioning Clinton's health. But the fact is if this were video of Trump the other side would be equally merciless. Do you think Mr. Lieberman or the SF crowd would even think to suggest that Mr. Trump's health should be handled with more dignity? Of course, not. They would be the first to say it made him unqualified, etc. So that is the point. But perhaps you knew that already.
DeleteTo 3:05, they used it to make Bush seem old and feeble... which of course is not like Clinton who is so young and mobile these days. If you remember your history, it will help you for the present issues.
I remember comedians making fun of Bush, but no fellow legislators or news people. But if you believe Fox News, you probably think Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert were real news people too.
DeleteHillary is really better suited for making cookies and taking care of her grand kids!!
ReplyDeleteAnd Trump is better suited for suing people, ripping off workers and acting like a jackass 24/7.
DeleteTrump would be better suited running a University.
DeleteThe FNN morning crowd (Fox and Friends First, and Fox and Friends) were alternately derogatory, delighted, defamatory, and dubious when they delivered the most recent story on Hillary's illness. Misogynist Doocy (AKA Steve, one of the characters fingered in Gretchen Carlson's sexual harassment case), while beaming, actually put his fist in the air when he read that some conservative pundits gave Trump a good chance of winning. Now that is "Fair and Balanced!"
ReplyDeleteOh, and in regard to Carlson's harassment claims and the ostensibly moral network: Geraldo Rivera and Greta Van Susteren have now stated that they "regret" not believing Carlson initially. Another black eye for the FNN right wing/Trump propaganda machine!
....not much different then hillary calling Trump voters deplorable,racist homophobes is it?? She, like obummer seem to enjoy insulting the hard working American people. But even worse...is the fact that her camp have been calling Americans that have questions about her health issues right wing conspiracy bloggers...really?? We have a right to know the truth but all we get from her are lies on lies with a fib or ten tossed in for good measure. Good job A&G the truth only hurts those like hillary!!
ReplyDeleteI think that makes the score 1,028 to 1 in ignorant comments from the candidates. Clinton's got a long ways to come from behind. She better make up ground fast.
Delete@302...another Foxbot who just mimics the GOP horseshit propaganda. Keep it up, deplorable clown, cuz you guys will never get back in the White House if you don't change your racist, sexist evil ways. A sick, dying Hillary is better than a healthy asswipe Trump any day.
DeleteI don't see a 3:02. I see a 3:03, but no 3:02. I will look for this 3:02.
Deletelol@using "cuz". You show your age. Stick to twitter and text messaging, it's more your intellectual level.
So I typed 302 instead of 303, close enough. "Cuz" is used all the time to save time. Another nit-picking Contard fool who adds nothing to the conversation but criticizes others over stupid stuff (an obvious deplorable Trump supporter). I'll take an IQ test against you any place, any time and will bet you $5k I'll score higher. You in?
DeleteThere's only one way to find out if she does or does not have pneumonia: another Benghazi hearing!
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump had a doctors appointment last week. So said he. Where was the appointment, what state and what doctor. Don't let it worry you. The press doesn't hold Donald responsible for telling lies.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Trump hiding the results of his last PSA? What about his last colonoscopy? The American people have a right to know!
ReplyDeleteThank you Rich for speaking Truth To Power. Real Journalism, & the Media Died a long time ago! Its now all about the Horse Race, whose up, or down?! And who the Media wants to win the Presidency.
ReplyDeleteWhere the F are Trump's tax returns? I want to see them now!
ReplyDeleteI think that Trump should release his tax returns when Hillary releases her medical records and 0bama releases his college transcripts.
ReplyDeletehillary released an actual physical
Deletetrump is not running against obama
what is mr trump hiding?
ill tell you what he is hiding
how he writes off banging easter european whores as a biz expense
Armstrong and Getty are awesome! They really do make my mornings more entertaining. But they might not be for everyone. Once they've branched out past Sacramento the show has changed quite a bit..more national not as homespun as they used to be. I guess everything changes.