I don't care for Ms. Mikaelian; professionally that is. She may be a really nice person and the star of the party but I don't care for her phony theatrics at KTVU, Foxified or not.
Mikaelian doesn't respect the brand, doesn't appreciate the legacy of KTVU News and makes a mockery of its image. That image has been forever sullied with no regard for the history of one of the greatest TV News operations in the country. Mikaelian isn't alone in the decapitation of Channel 2 but she's the prime instigator, the foremost member of the "lets further taint the legacy of KTVU News and fuck it up entirely."
Mission accomplished.
Mikaelian acts like this is her first rodeo --she's constantly giggling and cackling and looking and sounding like a buffoon she's become, and for what? So she can impress the Fox bosses with her constant circus act? She's built up enough credit in Oakland where she doesn't have to act like a fucking idiot every day on the air. She has enough seniority to tell some of the suits that they need not ask her to flaunt it like a drunk teenager. And by the way, contrary to the rumors, no one is being forced to act like infants and dorks from Fox management --the new "happy talk" format has become a mainstay (how unfortunate) where, yes, the news anchors ask questions to reporters, however forced, and KTVU has gone completely away from its award-winning and no-nonsense news presentation. That's right, nothing was broke but Fox still wanted to fix it. Damn geniuses they are at Fox.
All of that said, Mikaelian comes across as a brain-dead fool; a narcissistic diva prancing across the KTVU screen with all the authenticity of a Stockton IHop. She doesn't have to act like the complete moron she's become. All the "look at me, look at me" tweets are one thing, her on-air histrionics are another. I had no idea portions of KTVU have now become reminiscent of a Maury show.
And the worst thing is Gasia used to be credible and maintain a strong presence on the station. She was straight-forward, relaxed, and read the news in a calm demeanor without the slightest stench of Ringling Brothers perfume. Now she's become the lead hyena in an ever-growing zoo at 2 Jack London Square where the circus animals are holding Bay Area viewers hostage. What a damn shame.
Yo, KTVU/Gasia? The audience isn't buying any of this crap. Sure, the ratings in the morning are still strong but viewership has declined. Your greatest asset, loyalty and kinship, has been destroyed. Worse yet, the primary dummies, uh, I mean on-air anchors and reporters, have been transformed into a bunch of seething idiots who have no appreciation for the KTVU star.
Gasia, tweet all the foolishness you want; act like a bubblehead ; but take all that excrement outside and allow the cleansing of KTVU to commence. There's still time to shampoo the carpet, Gasia--I guess you didn't get the memo.
Her ass must be on the Kardashian/Sherman Klump Scale of Largeness.
ReplyDeleteThe camera adds 10 pounds to her ass. It's really not that big.
DeleteDon't be dissin' Stockton IHOPs now. Hater!
ReplyDelete> Now she's become the lead hyena in an ever-growing zoo at
ReplyDelete> 2 Jack London Square where the circus animals are holding
> Bay Area viewers hostage.
Not to defend her (I don't watch that awful station anymore) but she's surely just doing what she's doing to keep her job. If she didn't do the buffoonery, management would just hire someone else who would. The world is full of pretty faces with no talent.
Speaking of our local anchorettes, this is NOT to be missed: tomorrow, Tues, 1pm, KPIX, on 'THE TALK', Liz Cook will attempt to do a show without her teleprompter.
ReplyDeleteYou can take the girl out of LA, but you can't take the LA out of the girl. During one promo, she gleefully mentioned that "LA is a fun place!" Perhaps not the best thing to say to a Bay Area audience.
DeleteWonder if she'll be doing a little job hunting while she's down there?
The tease for this on the 6PM last night was a true view of unscripted Liz. all we can hope for is daddy can find her the LA dream and we can be rid of her.
DeleteI could stomach only the first half, but I did get to see Julie Moonves.
DeleteWhat an attractive lady, nice body, nice height, nice coloration, nice smile, nice nose, nice eyes*.
To you she may be 'Julie Chen'. If so, google her lovely self - before and *after- and see what vision Les had. (That's why rich New Yorkers rule the world.)
Rich I know that this rant of yours is your way of saying that you miss Keba.
ReplyDeleteRich is going to sign up for Kickboxing in Sacto
DeleteRich, I just heard Michelle Griego state on the Noon News today that the Tienanmen Square incident happened during the VietNam war. I didn't know the Vietnam war was still going in 1989! LOL.
ReplyDeleteAt least Gasia has a sense of humor making a viewer like me continue to watch her morning newscast. I just don't watch news on KRON and KGO during the morning hours with one reporter dressing up sexy yelling and shouting and another reporter with a soft voice and fake laughs.
DeleteBe sure to clean the carpets and the drapes...Foxified!
ReplyDeleteGee Rich..how do you REALLY feel about her?
ReplyDeleteI watch KTVU every morning. I'm OK with Dave, Sal, and Steve.
ReplyDeleteTheir field reporters -- Alex Savidge and Janine Dela Vega are
among the best. I put up with Gasia because I like the others. In reporting on Tim Duncan's retirement this morning, she said the Spurs were looking into signing Pau Gasol to take his place. She pronounced his last name as GAY-sill,
when it's actually GA-saul. VERY unprofessional. Even if you're not a sports fan, be conscientious enough about your job that you look at your script ahead of time and get some help. Never thought someone could be worse than Tori......
I stopped watching a long time ago, vomiting every morning got old.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't have said it better myself.
DeleteShe literally said that the Spurs were LOOKING INTO SIGNING Gasol to take Duncan's place? Those exact words?
ReplyDeleteGasol was signed by the Spurs last week...well before Duncan announced his retirement today (though everyone knew it was coming).
Gasia looks like she's constantly trying to audition for the KTLA Morning News. Sorry, Gasia, you're just not good enough and believable enough. And besides, Jessica Holmes is pretty much secure in her morning anchoring duties, beloved by the station and millions of L.A. viewers. As I've said before, Gasia should take a valium 5 minutes before air time... then take a deep breath... and stop trying so hard. You're not believable.
ReplyDeleteI could go on about this. And don't get me started again about that 9am show. I've mentioned before that the trio of on-air talent (if you can call it that) are nothing more than a modern day version of the Three Stooges. Rich, if you do another article on that gawd-awful show, I will simply unload with my comments and it won't be pretty. That's not a threat, it's a promise.
@4:54 Right on man!
DeleteNo fan of Gasia now or when she was on at 4pm but the piling on is disgusting. See ya in a few weeks. I don't like the hateful tone.
ReplyDeleteGasia is amazing! You know nothing Rich. She has bought mornings on 2 to another level. You should really be complaining about Dave!
ReplyDeleteThanks Gasia
DeleteGasia's transformation from seemingly smart, straightforward newscaster to histronic stream-of-consciousness blabbering has been nothing short of breathtaking. I've mentioned before how amazing she was covering the San Bruno disaster almost singlehandedly. That kind of spontaneous, on-the-fly, real time coverage is very hard to do and she made it look easy. Hard to believe that was way back in September of 2010. She had so much potential. The reality is - there are no real journalists doing newscasts anymore. They're all just auditioning for something else.
ReplyDeleteIt's really disheartening to be witnessing the accelerated demise of both TV/radio. The guts are being stripped away.....to be replaced by what? A new world order? Technology will save us right? Make everything better. Right? Drive our cars for us. Choose what we can watch and hear. Replace our law enforcement with bomb-exploding robots. If there isn't an app for it, it might as well not even exist. Mr. Robot can't happen soon enough.
I realized Gasia was unprofessional 16 years ago, when she was a bridesmaid at my niece's wedding. She was supposed to say a few words during the ceremony but couldn't stop giggling long enough to get the words out.
ReplyDeleteShe is so annoying!She is an attention whore....she needs to broadcast every petty activity. The fake glasses are a joke. Every move is a pose...she tries desperately to look so deep whenever anyone else is talking...I bet she's such a joy to work with...UGH!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy are you guys hating so hard on Gasia! Shes gorgeous, smart, and a leader! Didn't your mom ever tell you.....if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it! All you hater are just JEALOUS! Wish you could be her.
ReplyDeleteAside from Gasia speaking a bit annoyingly louder than her two male co-anchors who are a pleasure to watch, is she capable of speaking without her constant and extremely distracting gesturing with her hands and arms? I find myself changing the channel to another news station where no other tv anchor does what she does...so irritating.
ReplyDeleteHow sad there are so many haters out there ! Gasia is a breath of fresh air to what was seemingly a stiff lifeless news program.
ReplyDeleteI only watch ktvu for Gasia.They are lucky to have her on in the a.m
ReplyDeleteIf Gasia and Mike are married to different people , then why does he think it's ok to match his tie to her dress ? totally inappropriate
ReplyDeleteDave Clark "Presents" the News.
ReplyDeleteGasia wants to "BE" the news.
Gasias theatrics are tiring.