It's not the most looniest melt-down; in fact, it's sort of tame, but Ingraham; who obviously isn't aware of a broadcast edict: "Even if there's Nuclear War and every room goes dark", you keep on talking.
Furthermore, even if there's mass technical problems (like there was during her show) you don't go off and scream fucking obscenities, there's issues like hot mics, Laura.
Any doubt? Ask this guy.
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Yup, im in full agreement with you Mr. Leiberman. It kind of reminds me of that "joe the plumber" episode with that troglodyte karel. Oh well...whats good for the left is good for the right,and all things in between...
ReplyDeleteIn honor of Rich Lieberman & all the great work he does putting people who aren't genuine in their place, donate what you can TODAY!! I sure did!! People that aren't genuine can go to the toilet!!
ReplyDeleteI've seen worse on the AM cloud owned liberal talker.
DeleteIm sure it'll be a much more pleasant experience now that I have your permission...
DeleteI'm genuine, but I had Chipotle for lunch, so I'm in the toilet anyway.
DeleteHow far would I have to drive to catch Ingraham on the closest 500 W AM to the Bay Area?
ReplyDeleteSuccessful talk radio is all about the voice!! She was put on this Planet to do AM talk radio, what a voice, she could launch an aircraft carrier with her voice. Her voice commands attention, just like Mike Savage.
ReplyDeleteThat's the first thing that you are taught in radio.... Always assume that the mic is hot!!
ReplyDeleteIs she the one with the funny looking hands who also writes books or the other one?
ReplyDeleteShe is the "Christian Right" one who sells, and wears, a 4-way cross necklace. Her language and actions aren't very Christian, nor are they right.
DeleteThis right-wingnut witch still around? Reminds me of Bill O'Reilly 's meltdown on TV years ago. "Fuck it! Well do it live!."
ReplyDeleteShe was a frequent guest, and periodic guest host, on "The Factor." Now she and Bill can compare their tantrums-gone-viral clips!
DeleteThat's Ann Coulter.
Delete"When you come out of those uptempo goddamned numbers, man. it's impossible to make those transitions."
ReplyDeleteMRS Talking Point as us true conservatives call her.
ReplyDeleteIngraham's voice sounds like a raven's caw. Can't stand Conservative women talkers. Just plain nasty. They don't believe what they say, just one big act like the guy radio talkies, and they have a dumb audience that laps it up. Uninformed, racist, bigoted fools. Quite pathetic.
ReplyDeleteWhen super hot babes like Laura speaks, all of us guys just tune out but we just nod our heads like we are listening.
ReplyDeleteLaura's not hot, maybe back in the day. Ann Colter looks like a guy. The Foxbots are mostly hot but sound so ridiculous that it's kind of a turnoff.
DeleteOops, my apologies. I thought that we were talking about Laura Garcia-Cannonball.
DeleteShe's completely unattractive. I saw her up close and personal at 6am. Not a good look.
DeleteCoulter may have balls.