Wednesday, July 8, 2015

TSL Top 10 Streaming Talk Shows; Savage Leads List

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TalkStreamLive TOP 10


  1. Fair and Balanced!

    1. Alex Jones is a Tard of the C. Craft variety.

    2. Jada Pinkett SmithJuly 8, 2015 at 8:22 PM

      Two Tards walk into a bar, and--oh shit, sorry, I forgot this is a family blog. Christine Craft walks into a bar and...

    3. Here ya go. I'll fix it for you. Christine Craft walks into a bar with a huge German dog. "Gimme a drink! One for me and one for my dog," Christine says to the bartender. "You know," the bartender says, we don't serve many dogs in here." Christine, not missing a beat says, "And at these prices, you won't be getting many more, either!" Bar-rum-pa!

  2. I am a fan and listen off and on to about half of the shows on this list. No idea who the other half are. I'm surprised Noory is so low as I figured Coast to Coast was pretty popular nationally. Perhaps people use other means to listen to him.

    1. I listen to Sean David Morton on occasion. He's an excellent broadcaster and was originally tapped to succeed Art Bell when he stepped down, but when offered, asked the bosses if it was o.k. for him to clear by Art first before he said 'yes'.

      The bosses didn't like that...and hired George Noory -- who has since squandered the inherited fan base from years past into a dustbin.

    2. Noory is a POS. Art Bell's number where much better

  3. Alan Colmes couldn't get 3 Democrats to stream his show? Or were they busy taking selfies and yelping about Chipotle and omg'ing the latest autotuned singer?

    1. Yeah, he always puts on that guy Mr. Dobson, or whatever his name is. When you're able to call a show and get on the air every time it means the lines are free because no one else is calling--or listening.

  4. what the hell is talk stream live? i just looked it up cause i didn't know what it is. why is he on that?

  5. He must be the best then.
    McDonalds and WalMart can say the same about what they do.

  6. Every single one on the list is on my list of hosts to never ever listen to.

  7. Why would anyone stream Limbaugh when he can be picked up on 5 different broadcast stations in anywhere in the country? The kids aren't listening to any of these old fools, they are listening to the vulgar likes of Adam Carolla. Maybe they will discover broadcast radio when they've lost the cell signal, wifi and Hillary(Lady Thatcher) Clinton institutes a male only military draft.

    Savage made some good points the young lady murdered in SF. If a Red Neck with a Confederate Flag murdered a minority cities would be burning.

    1. How is that a good point?

      Was the killing racially motivated?

  8. Tammy Bruce is a pleasant surprise. I enjoyed her shows when I used to listen on KFI. I didn't know she streamed a show, I guess I'll have to start listening.

    1. Agreed. A bit of a surprise. But she has earned these rating.
      Well worth tuning into.

  9. Wow, Savage did a butt-kick. It's almost double the share of Rush Limbaugh.

  10. I heard Savage boast about this the other day. What are the real numbers? He could be number one out of 100 listeners online. Don't forget, the commercial breaks are brutal. Cabbage Nation's podcast is close to 1.5 hours for the 3 hour show without commercials. This means we get 1.5 hours of fluff and commercials. No wonder the medium is dying. Who wants to spend 1.5 hours of their day listening to commercials?

  11. Remember how the Lib KGO talk-hosts (you know who they are - BOTH are OFF the radio) used to denigrate Savage? Tried to get him thrown off the air. Well, the public has spoken and they seem to like Savage. That said - the two who used to savage Savage (the most) have never, nor will they ever apologize. The sign of weak, insecure and horribly vindictive men. Guess the beds they made for themselves are not surprising.

  12. Christine just can't understand it (Savage's success). Can't understand that few people think like her. Guess everyone is wrong - everyone but her!

  13. That's because Christine Craft is a certifiably, legally insane psychopath troll.

  14. She was on the air after the Charlie Hebdo attack, and kept saying it was likely a false-flag operation...
