Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Thanks For Reading 415 Media, Happy Happy

12 Million All-Time Thanks


  1. Rich, THANK YOU for bringing to us Bay Area media info that you won't hear anywhere else! For as Terilyn Joe once said, "Two Dollars?!? Bullshit, I will not!!"

  2. The last time that particular smiley face was in vogue, the Warriors won a championship. Coincidence?

  3. Do I win anything for being the 12,000,000th visitor earlier?

  4. It seems we can't even discuss antacid in today's ads without alluding to profanity.
    Have you heard the radio spots where the person with heartburn says "I'm going to kick-acid with Rolaids!" How tacky and pedestrian. I'm surprised they didn't just have the voice over saying "kick-ass" then loudly bleep it, as though we were still being protected.
