Friday, March 6, 2015

This Is Why You Love Ray Taliaferro And the Old KGO Radio; 'Ray, Are You Gay?'; TGIF

Combing YouTube and found this beauty--wait a minute--B.e.a.u.t.y --something that would be impossible to hear in today's KGO doofus-infested wasteland --get your latte out and enjoy this six-minute audio ballet.

A caller in the middle of the night (from a few years ago) repeatedly asks the great Ray Taliaferro "are you gay?" The rest speaks for itself. 

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  1. I miss Ray Taliaferro. Ray was a kick and a comfort early in the morning.

    Today it's a dull wasteland, indeed.

    1. Ray's great! He really knows where the buttons are. I think Ray knows this was a classic at the time it was aired. He's obviously enjoying this. He used to get quite a few calls from eclectic callers like this. I think he might have screened for them.

  2. "Sir, Sir....I'm gonna pipe you down!" Oh, Ray was the best! Thanks for the clip of this classic moment. It made me remember when I actually enjoyed listening to KGO.

  3. Off the subject for a bit but I was in the kitchen working and wanted background noise --can't stand early AM conservative talk show hosts so I turned on Ronn-- haven't listened for a while--he has totally turned conservative and rants on things like Hillary and the emails much in the style of Rush. OMG!! No more me in the kitchen talk shows for me.

    1. No one rants against liberals, the Clinton's etc like Rush, except for some wanna be's like Hannity and Levin. Savage is a little more original, but he still rants and about liberals. I heard the program you mentioned. All Ronn was saying, that it seems like with the Clinton's there is always something, and maybe the public is tired of it? He has also said that he wishes he had voted for Hillary rather than Obama. True he is perhaps more conservative than he use to be, not sure though, he supports gay marriage and other social liberal issues. As of now he is very open about wanting to have an alternative with a middle of the road republican, but also admits, that of the current hopefuls of republicans there is no one he feels he can vote for, not Jeb Bush, certainly not Ted Cruz. I'm not defending Ronn, or even try to say I'm a huge fan, just pointing out that your statement based on listening to one show is rather unfair. He might not be as liberal as you and I, but he is nowhere as conservative as Rush, Hannity, Levin or Savage.

  4. "Now wait a minute, wait a minute......." Ray was The Best.

  5. "...shut your mouth, or do you want something to go in your mouth that you can work on while I am trying to answer your damn question...." Classic.

  6. "Quit stammering, you idiot."

  7. Is that George Takei?

  8. I heard Ronn yesterday thank his audience for enduring the broadcasting glitches of moving into the "beautiful" new studio. He referred to these glitches as KGO's "growing pains." I do not know how he could say this so straight up without even a slight hiccup.

  9. That's a master broadcaster at work. What would any of the hacks on air today would've done in that situation? Can you imagine Matt Ray, Dreck Man or Weinslob? Amateur hour.

  10. sure miss Ray in the overnight! 910 were morons not picking him and other REAL talkers up after the massacre!

  11. "I've got another line open on the board now."

  12. HOWLING WITH LAUGHTER!! Was this guy GREAT or what???

  13. Ray is a closet electrician. Really he is.

  14. This is what you consider to be "good radio"? In that case it's a good thing it died. That was awful. Ray screaming and some guy stammering. You would have to have no life to find this entertaining on any level. This is on the level of watching Kardashians chew their cud. Gawd.

  15. I miss Ray...I called into to his old radio program on nights found myself with fighting with bout of insomnia....
