Friday, March 27, 2015

Note To My Readers

I've been a wreck this past week--that's why I took a break and I wanted you all to know why--I'm not going to get too specific because I don't want nor seek sympathy but I also want to set the record straight so there's no mystery.

My mom --my rock, really, has been dealing with heart issues and had to be admitted to the hospital Tuesday night. Mom is 92 but looks 72 and is tougher than nails--we just picked her up from Summit Medical Center and she's, thank god, at home doing very well and isn't having any difficulty breathing and her heart beat is almost back to normal thanks to some great doctors. She's going to have to have another procedure soon but the cardiologist said it'll make her heart better.

Real quickly, thanks to all the nurses, doctors and staff at Summit for taking care of mom.

And thanks to so many of you, my readers,  who sent messages and called to ask what was going on; was I OK, are you all right, etc.

Today is certainly a good Friday in my book.

I'll be back in action soon as will 415 Media. Again, thanks to all of you.


  1. Rich, prayers and positive thoughts for your mom and you are on the way.

    Sincere best wishes,

    - Bob

  2. Good luck to you and your mom, Rich.....
    - Greg from SF

  3. hoping the very best for your mom and for you hope you can get back soon:)

  4. All my best to your mom, and I'm glad you're ok too!

  5. Actually I have been through this with my mom and dad. Moms ARE the rock, thus you need to take as LONG as you need. This blog will be here when you have time.

  6. I wish you and you rmother well. Your priorities are well justified.

  7. Your Mom and you are much in thought, Rich. Be thankful for her strength and your thoughtfulness to being with her is priority one. Take care.

  8. Yeah hopefully you can get back to this blog soon so you can point out other peoples' problems, deficiencies, etc, and not worry so much about your own.


    1. @3:32 - you should run on home and kick your dog. Or something. The adults are talking.

  9. Rich, best wishes to you and your mother. Glad to hear she is home and okay. Take care.

  10. Rich, thoughts and prayers to you mom and you. Take what time you need.

  11. Rich the best to you and a speedy recovery to your a cardiac patient, take it from me those cards guys and gals are miracle workers... that's what happens when brains and rigorous training meet technology!

  12. Nothing more stressful than a cherished loved one who is ill. Glad things are looking up, and hope the improvements continue. Bless you for being there for her! Hang in there -

  13. Best wishes to you and your mom

  14. Glad your mom is are doing better!!

  15. God bless Rich. I feel the same way about my mother. I look forward to your mother hitting 100 !!!!!!!!

    In jest (and believe me I need to go myself!) I was going going to ask if you were off at fat camp! =P . Feel better Rich, you DO have friends out here in the comments area!

  16. Rich, you just take care of business. We'll be here. Besides it gives KGO, KRON, et al time to step on their collective d**ks in the interim.

  17. Best to Mom.
    And finish all your vegetables!

  18. Take care Rich, and wishes for a speedy recovery to your mom. We will look forward to your return.

  19. You have your priorities correct. Family (arguing and bickering) will be there for you when no else is.

  20. The only good thing about the collapse of KGO is that it allowed me to discover and enjoy this blog. Sending good thoughts your way and to your mother.

  21. May your Mother have a speedy recovery and get back to good health.

  22. Rich, I wish you only good things. I know how life can deal us all some tough hands; my wife of 20 years was diagnosed with breast cancer last week, and my daughter and I and the rest of our family are dealing with it. My wife is very strong and brave and we believe she will get through this ordeal, but these things are never easy. Take comfort in the fact that your Mom has been around this long. She has had a long life and must be very proud to have you as her son. Stay close to her Rich, and tell you that you love her and how much she's meant to you whenever you can. You can never say: "I love you" enough times to those you care about!

  23. Just wanted you to know Rich that you have a lot of friends out here in cyber land who not only love and look forward to reading your daily musings in your blog, but we are all pulling for you mom too. You stay strong for her and don't worry if you have to take a few days off from the media nonsense. The dysfunction and zany behavior of those who work or who manage the stations locally will be here for closer inspection when you get back! :)

  24. It's a tough thing for us to go through, Rich. My mom is 94, and in assisted living.

    The demands are great, but I'll always be glad that I set aside plenty of time to be with her. We're lucky to have them for as long as do.

    I'm keeping every good thought for both of you.

  25. Speedy recovery to your mom and sorry for all you are going through. I went through that with my Dad and I know it's very tough.

  26. Our thoughts and prayers for your mom. Glad she's doing better. Family comes first!

  27. If there was a media personality going through problems Rich would dredge up information, most of it false, about the person's whereabouts. Then in the end when it was discovered it was a "sick" parent, or maybe their own issue, Rich would issue some kind of bogus apology as if to suggest all his muckraking is justified.

    Don't print this #clown. But make no mistake you are the Bay Area Media Clown.

    Maybe now you'll recognize the sensitivities of which you rarely have any regard for. I doubt it thought because you're the BAMC.

  28. I am happy that your mom is doing better. The very best.

  29. Prayers going out to you and your mom

  30. Best wishes, thoughts and prayers for you and especially your mom.

  31. Blessings to your Mom & Family Rich, during this Easter Season of rebirth, hope, & prayer.

  32. Don't pay any attention to the insensitive asshole at 11:44 am. He's just a miserable human being and I'm sure he'll get his in the end.

  33. thoughts and prayers to you and your family, rich

  34. Good thoughts and prayers coming for your mom and of course for you, too. You are a good son...and know she appreciates your devotion. LC

  35. Good thoughts, karma, joss, whatever it takes...

  36. well if its the Cardiology group at summitr Oakland she's in very good hands

  37. Praying for you and your Mother Rich as she is now out of the hospital and recovering... And so are you....
