*"Way Too Late" host (12-2 AM), David Weintraub, was told to stay home so Metheny could "try out" new "talent."
Weintraub, one of actual decent talk-hosts on the albatross station, refused to kiss Metheney's ass, a big no-no in Pig Virus' world.
I've reached out to Weintraub to get more info from his perspective.
*What ended up on KGO were two moronic-sounding bimbos clearly not ready for primetime --one bonehead decided to spike up her audition by uttering "vagina"every two minutes--how original!
Here's hour #1, give a listen and tell me this doesn't sound like a bad SNL skit.
Said a staffer to me early Saturday: "It's obvious to the younger women in the building that Kevin is open to suggestion." Read into that what you will. This is proof-positive of Metheny's MO. It works at some stations but inevitably it comes to a crashing halt and what you have left is trouble. Is it any wonder why Pig Virus goes from station to station, gets FIRED, rehired, and FIRED. He does small wonders, exhibits some degree of limited success and works on the cheap, all attractive to the Cumulus higher-ups.
*If we've heard anything about Metheny since his arrival it's that a young woman can curry favor with him, and now we have some first-hand proof of this.
*If Weintraub is off tonight I guess things will be more clear. Maybe he's under the knife for breast enhancement surgery.
*Follow me on Twitter
I thought Lieberman Live was bad. Holy God! These two bimbos are hideous...they make Weintraub sound like Gene Burns.
ReplyDeleteMay Gene RIP
DeleteYes, that was pretty bad. I haven't listened to KGO for a long time, but I do not expect to listen in the future, either. The dialogue was bad enough, but the "news" was pretty lame, too. I liked how the sports report told us the Giants lost and there was no mention of the A's or Sharks. If you are going to report news and sports, get it all!
ReplyDeleteHaven't gotten to the "gilr talk" yet, but the new guy is the worst. Issues pronouncing "Potrero" and Vallejo"?! Another newbie to the Bay Area? Come on now! Lame.
DeleteOn weekend evenings most news and traffic comes from a centralized Cumulus news/traffic facility outside of Dallas. Why they didn't take 20 minutes to write some "pronouncers" and send them down there I don't know. What are there, maybe 40 or 50 cities/streets that don't follow standard English pronunciation?
DeleteI heard it last night for 10 minutes and just figured Weintraub was out. Are you positive he was told to take the night off? I hadn't heard anything about that and I'm connected enough to know.
ReplyDeleteDavid came to the KGO debate and stayed for well over an hour and talked with station fans. I didn't know him at the time but it was very classy. My wife developed a small crush. We usually listen in the morning because it is "WAY TOO LATE!" but I hope he's not gone. He should be on in the day time already although he may have to curtail some of the "edgy" stuff.
ReplyDeleteRichard, Why did you suddenly take a liking to Weintraub? He hasn't improved much since he started a while back. It is amazing though how those in management hire worse hosts each time they replace someone. I could not listen to more than 10 minutes of the bimbos' act. What the hell was that? You know how far KGO has fallen when people clamor for the return of Weintraub...
ReplyDeletethe old hosts are better than what they have today but tell me what host they have who's better than him? there isn't one. he filled in for maureen a couple months ago and I listened to almost the entire show. I hadn't done that in years. I don't make it an appointment to tune in but as my son says - he's the smartest kid in the retard class.
DeleteIf you have listened to Weintraub and have read about Vomit you had to figure something like this could happen. As a Stern fan it seems oddly familiar. Rich please keep us updated on whether it's true that He was bumped. I'll tune in tonight. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteIf he worked at KRON what would Darya do?
ReplyDeleteBang him.
DeleteI guess she'd go even bigger if we follow this to its conclusion.
DeleteLet me be the first to say that I don't listen to KGO but I'm in the building. Dave is a class act. Helps people out when they're looking for jobs, helps them at work and he's a good dude. Considering how crappy our workplace has become it wouldn't shock me to see them let go one of the good guys. Fight on bro!
DeleteMetheny needs to send Karel home...permanently.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't get past all the "shut ups."
Oh great, a broadcaster who has the "Watch how forward and fearless I am, listen to my brand of 'Vagina Monologues!!!1"
ReplyDeleteBrave, so brave!!
2 San Fernando "Valley" Girls Inanely Babbling Incoherently-=Pig Vomit, why don't you Team them up with Jean Quan & Karel & you 'll have the Nattering Nabobs of Late Night=even ISIS would self-decapitate themselves if they were continually forced to listen to that Dreck!
ReplyDeleteThat was amateur our radio. Saying penis and vagina over and over on KGO? Is that their plan for success? Does anyone not see the irony in Metheny putting that on the air when he became famous for rallying against that type of talk?
ReplyDeleteWhat an absolute joke. If that's their plan then they have no plan. Talk about cheap radio. WOW!
I sent an email to weintraub's account at KGODavid@gmail.com. he wrote me back and said he had no idea what is going on. But that he thinks he still has a show on the station. He did not deny being cut from last nights show
ReplyDeleteWeintraub is a turd-in-the-punchbowl who can't rely on "natural talent" but needs the crutch of "schtick" to survive. It doesn't work, as others know or should if they are professionals in this business. Goodbye, David. Now, you don't have to suck up to the executive producer, Rene Backos, as you do (did), Lynn, Brian or others. Your experiment in terror at KGO works as well as "The Vagina Monologue" did last night. You need to season up in Tulare or Stockton.
ReplyDeleteKarel, you are not the harbinger of :"stimulating talk radio". You sure as hell weren't after being fired twice from KFI and you schtick is even less relevent on KGO today. You need to expand on that little internet shit you shovel five days a week to no one and Metheny has his eyes on you and not because he wants a piece of your ass.
Will there be a loss of Bloomberg TV on KGO? I hope so, after Monday. Maybe Cume-less will save a buck or two by simulcasting "Red Eye Radio" on KSFO & KGO. Since iHeartMedia is dumping crap programming back to KSFO, maybe they can give up George Norry for two passes a night on KSFO. Batchelor needs to stay on KSFO. Then they can have a KOH - Reno, without the interference.
Last night was a cluster-fuck. Weintraub is a cluster-fuck, too. Tillem will end up on TRN (Talk Radio Network) with Dr. Bill, but the money's not there - but he'd clear 50 stations eventually. He has enough talent to work with issues of the law if not specific state statuates. He'd do fine. He doesn't need to be a "law-ya" for free service on the air, he can generalize, hear what people are fighting, and be very entertaining. Women all night won't get it. It didn't work for Craft on a regular basis, nor Sally Jesse Rafael. It's not a rated day part and edginess for the sake of being edgy doesn't get it. Ask Talifiero who overstaid his welcome by 25 years.
Larry King is available locally - he just bought a place here. Now, Larry would work and damn well. Not at Metheney's price, maybe, but a great choice be it locally or nationally once more. Larry still has a few good years in him yet.
Hell, even Bernie Ward would be great all night after he springs out from Lompoc Federal Pen in Dec. Talk about late night talk! Bernie would be great - but Larry would be better.
Rothman would be another John Batchelor. A snoozefest outside of late night. Tillem couldn't earn his value on KGO again because he couldn't make a deal and KGO won't go back to that again. That's what got them in trouble before Len would be good, but not fulltime.
Hope that the big black book throws the thought out that "comedians" need not apply. Talkers conversationalists, preparers and halfway intelligent people, not ranters like Karel, need apply.
Get rid of producers like Brian. He isn't quality of a high school producer and it's lazy work. Save producers for daytimer talkers.
The only woman capable of doing nights on a late night basis is Craft. Thurston is too much for daytime. She could do the early evening.
Come on, Metheny, it's really not rocket science. Also, dumb that Dallas news, traffic and weather crap. Don't need it. Want news? No need to. That ship sailed. The CNN idea will be a money savin non-labelled bust. KCBS and KQED do just fine, thank you. KGO. Put the NFL on KGO - not the Raiders. Put the Westwood One Sunday game, Monday Night Football, Thursday Night Football and Cal onn - that's all you need. No baseball. Too long a season.
Get new jingles and imagery.Put Ronn out to pasture. No Savage on KGO. Thurston would have to be tone down. This isn't KSRO. She'd quickly bore with the extreme radical left screed in mid-day. Good luck.
Or, sell the place(s). .
You hate weintraub for doing shtick but you like Larry King and Len Tillem. A unique perspective. You might be confused. KGOne has been over for ages. It ain't coming back no matter what they do.
DeleteDoes anyone even know if this is true? Maybe he took the night off. It happens. Wouldn't be the first time Rich was way off the mark.
ReplyDeleteThey sound like stereotypical Valley Girls from the 1980s. Where did Pig Virus get them? Atherton, Hillsborough or Palo Alto? Not ready for prime time, for sure, but not even ready for the dead of night. Oh, my gosh. I still listen to radio, but on my phone, and NEVER KGO.
ReplyDeleteI listened to Kevin when he was on KJR, long, long ago. I don't think he took the job of entertaining radio seriously then and I don't think, based on what he has done in the past, that he ever has.
ReplyDeleteHis style appears to be more on the level of treating the whole thing as a joke and a cheat. Cheat the audience, cheat the advertisers, cheat the station owners, cheat the staff. In the case of cheating the station owners, no big deal, since they are fools anyway.
The joke has run its course as demonstrated by the bimbo fest the other night. The thing is, Metheny knows the owners treat this whole thing as a joke, so he has carte blanche to do as he pleases.
He is not a genius now, nor will he be in a year - if he survives.
He will, however, pop up somewhere else. Clowns always do.
After hearing these 2 idiots for a few minutes, I have a new found respect for Maureen Langan.
ReplyDeleteThis was a test. A live on the air test but a demo tape nonetheless. Pig Virus will be playing with scheduling and giving new voices a chance on the air and I'm not just talking about the midnight to 3/4AM slots. The changes are coming - get used to it.
ReplyDeleteThis is more about how these two ladies sound than about what they say. Beth Spotswood represents the Catholic soccer mom segment and has local roots having gone to SI. Her dad Dick writes for the IJ. She's a next gen yuppie - exactly the folks who have money and still listen to radio. Noe Murphy is currently a junior producer at 55 Hawthorne, UC grad, fitness geek - Joanie Greggains ver. 2.0. Pig Virus knows that saying vagina, penis, golden shower, dirty Sanchez etc... in the middle of the night isn't going to shock anybody. Rich is probably one of a handful of people who even noticed. It's an audition and if these gals get better then individual shows for each of them. Young, cheap, local talent - just what Cumulus wants. Score one for the Virus!
Thanks Kevin.
DeleteGreat column, Rich. Since when does a father writing at the lackluster IJ qualify one for a job? Better yet, when does a father's career have ANYTHING to do with his ADULT child's employability? If Catholic soccer moms are your demo, you fail. In any segment. Does Pig Vomit Virus know he's in the Bay Area? Or, is he just shootin' for Marin County? And, I'm sorry, their language isn't shocking. Turned on your TV lately? How can such words be shocking when beheadings are viral on social media. Get a clue.
DeleteI heard it advertised last night as "the NEW KGO".
ReplyDeleteKevin is no genius and it's why at his age he's still bouncing around America looking for jobs.
ReplyDeleteThe more you bash his decisions the more dug in he will become. He is stupidly stubborn and incredibly insecure. Not one thing has changed about the guy in the last 30 years, so get used to a pattern of him thinking he's right, you being wrong, and your radio station not succeeding with him at the helm.
This guy has always had an answer for everything which he believes to be correct, only for history to prove that he never really had any answers.
I can promise in having dealt with him: he will take his wrong decisions to the grave. This situation is no different. If you asked him what he has been wrong about in his career he'd probably tell you "nothing" because he is completely lacking in self awareness.
Good luck with it. At his age he's not changing, nor is he going to succeed.
I don't think it sounds like a bad SNL skit as much as it sounds like really bad college radio.
ReplyDeleteAmen. What an embarrassment. I listen to KALX, KZSU hell even KFJC (community college radio!!) and their professionalism is higher than what was displayed by the bimbos on KGONE. Isn't it amazing that nonprofit community and college stations have higher quality programming than a for profit station like KGONE? Wow!
DeleteCan Rich stop using the "Pig Vomit" term?
ReplyDeleteIt sounds stupid. Yeah, it dates from Howard Stern 20 years ago. Whatever...
Nobody knows what it is. And it sounds stupid....
Come up with another description for clueless program director.
Beth Spotswood? Wow. Wow wow wow. The likening of her to a bad SNL skit is far too kind. How that woman was allowed to walk INTO a radio station let alone BE on one is mind boggling to the Nth degree. Mind boggling.
ReplyDeleteI listened for about ten minutes. I tune in after the train wreck host to listen to DW. He's a smart guy, dry humor and is a highlight to a station that has become miserable.
ReplyDeleteI said to myself I'll listen until they start talking with "like" or "omg" well, that took about ten minutes. And that's after the news break. Pitiful.
You "tune in after the train wreck host to listen to DW?" What's that MEAN?
ReplyDeleteAfter Karel. You should work on your grammar.
DeleteWhat did I miss this weekend?!?
ReplyDeleteHas weintraub been replaced by these two women or what? I'm a fan so I hope not. He's a bit full of himself at times but he's funny and I like his perspective. Plus I feel like he says what's on my mind! I wish he did some interviews though.
That night his Twitter feed said " what to do on my night off? I felt like telling him, read a book, put on NPR.