We'll call him Spencer Hughes--he's really Sven Silva, but Sven Silva is probably a moron too. He works for Cumulus, you know, where screaming, artificial, gimmick-minded jerks like this are considered commodities.
The topic on Tuesday morning on KSFO, was the ongoing violence and unrest in Ferguson. The Mike Brown deal, this is the 18 year-old, unarmed, black kid that was shot at least six times by a police officer. You know the story. I don't want to get into the who's right--who's wrong here, that's not the issue even though it's perfect talk-show fodder--it is. But frankly, we don't know all the facts. We can look at the all the details and draw our own conclusions but truth be told, we don't know.
The racist schmuck, Hughes/Silva, is a one of a kind. On Tuesday morning, Hughes told his crumbs that the kid deserved his fate. He berated a caller who tried to get in a word edgewise --by screaming at the guy that, and I quote, "Say it, Michael Brown is a thug---Michael Brown is a thug!---'cmon, say it, Mike Brown is a thug," and on and on. Racist, gimmick, schmuck-infested "radio" at its worst, welcome to Cumulus, Spencer Silva Hughes. It got worse.
I'm giving this putrid vermin exactly what he wants. Attention. I know it. Spencer Hughes did a few choice other things indicating that Mike Brown smoked dope and that he ripped off a box of cigars therefore he was up to no good and, therefore, deserved to get shot six times and die bleeding on the street.
Moron, racist and keep going, wait, it's KKKSFO.
Hughes has a right to be a moron and racist pig. On the radio. Hughes artificial outrage and forced act of sentencing the kid is his business. It's precisely what his employer wants him to do. Again, I want to point out that I'm kicking myself to give this prick the publicity he yearns but I was supremely bothered and insulted that this racist, insensitive, hate-monger has a public microphone to spew his vicious venom, all for the purpose of attracting attention on such a tragic and sad case as what is taking place in Ferguson. Hughes is an A-grade moron and looking for a Cumulus blue chip from his boss and he chose to show his ignorance here. It's an act, always an act and I wanted to call him out.
Hughes/Silva: complete phony and zero.
KKKSFO: In desperate search of a pulse.
Cumulus: The gift that keeps on giving.
*Follow me on Twitter
Would it have been ok if he was a Jewish host? Another blogger pointed that out about you a few months back.
ReplyDeleteSince you hate KSFO, I will start listening to KSFO and make it my new favorite radio statin to listen to.
ReplyDeleteMore people hate you, then you hate KSFO you creep!
Care for some after-dinner mints?
DeleteBasically, he acts just like Karel, but with the opposing hyperbole. "and you know what" Blech
ReplyDeleteIn a convenience store stealing cigars, pushing the clerk around in a strong arm robbery and walking down the center of a busy street challenging law enforcement. Coudn't be a thug, Rich!. Must be a choir boy helping his poor gang buddies cross the street.
ReplyDeleteSounds like this resembled your recent "interview" with Stacy Taylor re the Israel/Palestine conflict.
ReplyDeleteYou're right we DON'T know all the facts. What we do know is that the deceased engaged in a strong arm robbery moments before he was killed. We know from the Facebook page of one of his best friends - "Ty Da Shooter" - that he associated with marijuana smoking, drug dealing, armed thugs. Just take a glance at the page and scroll down to the video filmed on August 11 at the memorial for his fallen friend. Looks like Ty Da Shooter is broadcasting his intent to the world.
ReplyDeleteLike I said, you're right we DON'T know all the facts but what we do know points to another gang banger who decided to go up against the police. An act that is considered heroic in the hip hop world. Fight with a cop, get shot and you're a martyr. It's really sad that so many youth of all colors fall for this but they do. And before all of you respond with the "don't blame rap music" reply - read carefully. I'm not blaming music as that is only a slice of the pie that is hip hop culture. I'm not blaming gold teeth or spinner rims either. It's a mind-set that comes with all the accessories.
I think your depiction of Hughes as a racist is going too far. Hughes, like many of us, have heard reports that Brown was running toward the cop as he was shot. The independent autopsy proved that.
ReplyDeleteThe autopsy didn't prove Brown was running toward the cop. While that could have been the case, Brown could also have been on his knees with his hands up.
DeleteI would bet Savage had the same take. Sorry but you are wrong on this one.
ReplyDeleteYeah, and he's wrong too.
DeleteBut if you listen to his take on other recent events, (the Wash DC police killing of the black woman in the car; NY chokehold killing), he favored the victim's side.
Savage is sincere too. We can agree to disagree.
This is what happens when you don't do what you're told to do. When the Police Officer tells you to something, better do it or else things could be deadly. You have a problem with the Officer, there's another venue to address that, not on the street.
DeleteBingo, we have a winner with 2:52. Something the agitators in this country don't understand.
DeleteThank you 2:52 for the voice of Reason.
Can Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson make a buck off this?
ReplyDeleteSince when is telling the truth, even if in an overly vehement manner, "racist"?
ReplyDeleteCalling Spencer a "racist" for calling a Brown a "thug" is quite a stretch.
ReplyDeleteBecause "thug" is the new "N" word for racist cowards. Even if he did steal the cigars (and there is now a video that shows him paying), petty theft is not punishable by execution without trial or verdict. The looters will always find an excuse to loot, but now the cops are suppressing journalists and the like. Also check out the republicans condemning the voter registration efforts to combat the 25% turnout - what, you don't want the black population to control their own destiny? Would prefer it when the only people allowed to vote were white? Go ahead and use "thug", if I can also use it for Cliven Bundy, his supporters and most of the tea party.
Delete2:22 are you upset because your government handout check was late this month? Voter registration is more directed at your beloved party picking up foreigners by the busload and taking them to vote. Let's tax everyone and anything, use that money to recruit foreigners with handouts, housing, etc so they keep voting us into power, rinse, repeat. Fyi we are the ONLY country on the planet that doesn't require I'd to vote. Dumbass.
DeleteWe're also the only first world country in the world whose politicians are bought and sold, and has unlimited spending on issue ads, which in turn actually pay to keep conservative voices on the radio.
DeleteDon't be so proud of your "only country" commentary. It's weak at best.
2:22, you're as full of shit as the Hamas supporters in Oakland.
DeleteThug refers to anyone who acts like a violent criminal no matter the color.
YOU may want to see it as a "code" word, but that's YOUR interpretation. Stop trying to change the dictionary to suite your socio-political-revolutionary agenda.
I guess that means that everyone at KTVU is "racist" too, considering how you took the lead over the racist slurs over pilot's names.
ReplyDeleteIf I need you to guide my moral compass, I'll let you know. You are barking up the wrong tree due to your inconsistency, again.
What, did your KQED membership run out?
DeleteThe guy is a simpleton, and the conservative hosts need Michael Brown to be a thug in order to make themselves feel better about their own racist tendencies. It's easy to justify your own behavior to keep others down when you can point out their flaws. That's the conservative playbook.
ReplyDeleteThere have been hosts on KGO this past weekend who really surprised me with their takes on this. For the first time in a long time I was impressed with some of the things I heard.
I don't expect to be impressed by KSFO's predictable staff.
The seditious revolutionary types in Ferguson (and Chicago, and Oakland, etc.) need Michael Brown to be an innocent angel in order to make themselves feel better about their own lack of personal responsibility or ethics. It's easy to justify your own bad behavior when you play the race card on everything. That's the loser's playbook.
Delete12:39-must be nice to hate people based on what's in your imagination, not what exists in reality.
DeleteThe guy may have been a thug, but his death is merely a symptom of America's racist disease. The shooting set it off but a mere glance into Ferguson' s history display clearly one of racism.
DeleteTalk about him being this or that all you want. But part of the reason he's any of those thinigs is because of what Ferguson is.
Grow up.
Ferguson is what it is because of a bunch of entitled scumbags who don't believe in personal resonsibility, but do believe in blaming everyone and everything for their lack or willingness to live decent lives and bring their offspring up correctly.
DeleteHave you been to Ferguson? How can you describe one town in such a one sided way. Certainly, you cannot believe the whole town is that way. How do you know they don't live decent lives? Seem part of the town is fairly middle class. The CHP officer Ron Johnson came from that town, is he an entitled scumbag? The parents of Michael Brown come off as decent people, are you saying no rich kid, white kid, middle class kid or teen ager ever stole anything or shoplifted? There are some hooligans out in street who I most likely would describe as scumbags, but certainly peaceful protester have a right to peacefully protest, and there are no reason to believe they are as you describe. Your comment are so ignorant and racist, and one sided, I have trouble figuring out what kind of scumbag you are.
DeleteLieberman uses the word racist so indiscriminately, it's become meaningless. Rich, how about you learn what words mean and use them correctly.
ReplyDeleteThe "Gentle Giant" entered onto property owned by someone who worked and saved to buy it, worked night and day to operate it, and spent his hard earned money to stock it with merchandise, only to have this treasured member of the black community walk in, treat the property as if it were his own, take what he wanted, and terrify the rightful owner out of protecting his property rights. That is a robbery -- a felony worthy of a stiff prison sentence, and definitely not the work of a decent human being.
ReplyDeleteI would ask of any of you who think differently to provide your home addresses so that I might arrange a late night visit, shopping spree, and perhaps a beating.
I'm a liberal, not a progressive, but a liberal. I listen to Tom Sullivan and Spencer Hughes, and of course the few liberal hosts I can find on the air in this area. Tom Sullivan is a conservative and a former cop, he has some problems with the shooting and the amount of bullets. Michael Brown might not have been an angel, might even have stolen cigars from the store, but does that mean he has to be killed? I think not. Was he a decent human being? Perhaps not, but he was 18 years old, sounds like he came from a family that loved him, and was decent folks, because he stole some cigars at 18, does that mean he would have been a hard core criminal at 25, I don't think so, but we will never know now. My problem with Spencer Hughes take on the case was, jumping to too many conclusions without facts, looking at the case in black and white, instead of the many shades of grey that obviously is called for. Listen to Brian Copeland and his description of "the black man talk" with his sons, that says it all. Brian lives in fear that something similar will happen to his sons, because they are young black men. He tells them if you get stopped by the police, be polite, obey orders, keep your hand were the cops can see them at all times. If the police does something inappropriate we will deal with it later (lawyer courts etc.) but do not give the police any excuse to draw their guns. This in liberal Bay Area, cannot imagine what it is like in Missouri. I think if Tom Sullivan has a problem with this shooting, other conservatives needs to look at the case carefully instead of jumping to a knee jerk reaction. By the way, the reason I listen to Tom Sullivan's program, because although very much a conservative, he is thoughtful, for the most part fair, and he takes calls from people who disagree with him, and he treats them politely. No screaming and yelling.
ReplyDeleteTo 9:09 you are an idiot, we don't know if he was a clerk working there, or the owner. And although Michael Brown took some cigars, did he take what he wanted, and why do you point out that he was black. I'm a sales associated in a major Department store on the Peninsula ( a very high end shopping center) do you think only black people shop lift? We have very few black customers, yet we have shoplifting, it is done by whites, Asians, well to do middle age women, teen agers, basically, all kind of people shop lift and steal, our store has huge losses because of shoplifting and stealing, some of it done by employees. I could apply the same words, a treasured member of the community, take what they wanted etc. This might come as a big surprise, but many people who shoplift or steal are actually quite well off. Another trick is a customer try to change tickets, so they will swipe a ticket from a cheap item and put it on an expensive item. I once had a customer trying to buy a pair of over a $100.00 jeans for 14.99, fortunately I know the stores merchandise, and alerted security. She was white (Asian I think) in her thirties, well dressed and well spoken. So lets dispense with the notion that only blacks steal. I don;t care who steal, it is despicable and should be prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law, but we don't have the death penalty for stealing or shoplifting a couple of boxes of cigars.
Spencer Hughes is just an asshole. Always has been and always will be. The subject doen't even matter as he will get it wrong every time.
ReplyDeleteMr. Progressive @11:48
ReplyDeleteIf it was a clerk then he was charged with protecting the owner's assets, and whether clerk or owner, it appeared the poor guy was simply trying to do just that. I mentioned Brown's race (in relation to his community) because it has been made the central point of this entire controversy (or are you so colorblind you didn't notice the makeup of the crowd?).
I am very impressed that you are a sales associate, but you're wrong: I don't think only black people shoplift, but I will admit that, after reading your reply, I wonder if sales associate's can think.
By the way, clown, Brown did not shoplift, he committed the crime of robbery. Let me explain: if I grabbed an expensive pair of the panties you sell and left the store that would be shoplifting. However, if you tried to stop me and I put a clenched fist in your face and caused you to puddle, that's robbery.
As for the killing: If you have evidence that the police officer killed Brown for a reason other than self-defense, let's hear it. Otherwise, go back to your folding and straightening.
I'm a sales associate now, but it is part time job to keep me busy, I have in the past been a successful franchise owner and insurance agent selling various life insurance products. I grew up and was educated in Europe, I have travelled the world, lived in 4 different countries included one in the Middle East (Israel). I'm well read and well educated, boroder schools in Europe and some college in the states.The incidents I of shoplifting and stealing I mentioned, is based on facts, we as sales associates get from our training by the stores Loss Prevention details. A big part of preventing shoplifting, and stealing comes from having an alert and well trained personal, since security cannot be everywhere all the time. What exactly makes you think that I can't think? You lost me on that comment. As for the reason for the killing I don't know why it happened, it might have been self defense, but until I know all the details I will withhold any judgement, something you seem unwilling to do. You write that I can't think, well obviously you can't read, I said I was a liberal, NOT a progressive and I'm not Mr. but MS, which of course you have no way of knowing. I also said I find shoplifting and robbery despicable, and whoever (no matter, age, race, economic status) should be prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law, but I prefer that justice to metered out in a courtroom, with a judge and jury, not out in the street. If, when all the evidence is in, shows that it was clearly self defense, I'm prepared to accept that and will not condemn the officer for protecting himself, but I don't have those facts know.
DeleteMs. Liberal,
DeleteYour 1st wrote: "Michael Brown might not have been an angel, might even have stolen cigars from the store, but does that mean he has to be killed? I think not."
Now you claim: "… but until I know all the details I will withhold any judgement, something you seem unwilling to do."
In which of the countries you've lived would this contradiction go unnoticed (I'm guessing Israel, where contradiction is foreign policy).
I'm sorry I accused you of not being able to think: I didn't know you were a woman.
I lived in Israel on a kibbutz for 3 months, I'm not Jewish, but I am a big supporter of Israel (does not mean I support everything they do). I grew up in Scandinavia.
ReplyDeleteYou are a racist and a sexist. When I said I would withhold judgement, what I meant was that if the facts supports that the Police officer was justified in shooting and killing Michael Brown, I will accept it and defend him. I have an open mind, and as such, I can change my mind if the facts warrants it. In any case I find this exchange useless at this point, you seem more interested in insulting someone who disagrees with you, than getting the facts, and you definitely have some racist preconceived ideas, you are not someone I wish to exchange ideas with.
P.S. to 7:42 you are fond of making assumptions, aren't you. You made several assumptions about the Ferguson situation, you assumed I was a man, you assumed because I was a sales associate I couldn't think i.e. not very intelligent, you assumed because I disagreed with you I was a progressive. Hope you are not in sales because the first thing you are taught in sales do not make assumptions. When I was selling insurance, I have driven to neighborhoods and houses, where I was certain I was not going to sell anything, or not very much, and walked away with a big sale, i.e. big commission. Happens all the time in sales and in life. I have the feeling you have so many preconceived ideas, you are not open to all the other possibilities life has to offer. Too bad, you are missing out on a lot.
ReplyDelete@7:58 -- You haven't a clue as to how to identify an assumption. Your first response to me was to call me an idiot, for doing nothing other than pointing out the severity of the crime Brown committed and accurately identifying the community that has risen up (and rioted) in his name. About this you must have assumed I am wrong, but I am not.
ReplyDeleteYou then assumed you have something to teach me about crime (shoplifting). You don't. I am trained and have years of professional experience in the law.
You have continually demonstrated (in your own words) the assumption that Brown was killed for shoplifting. This is ignorant on several levels. There is no justifiable reason to ever jump to the conclusion that someone was shot by a cop for shoplifting (all but unheard of), the crime committed was robbery, and the details of his confrontation with the officer remain unknown.
You have assumed that I have formed a conclusion regarding the cause of the Brown shooting. That assumption has no basis in my posts, where all I have done was point out that no compelling evidence has been revealed to contradict the officer having used his firearm in self-defense.
You should've stopped @10:49. I hope for your sake you're not ugly, 'cause you're sure not smart.
You sure like to insult people don't you, as for all your claims of your training etc. I'll take that with a grain of salt, and it is obvious you must have the last word, which suggest insecurity. Frankly I don't care that you think I'm not smart, I might not be a Rhodes scholar, but I have a good amount of common sense, and smart enough to count amongst my best friends, a PH.D in biochemistry, who is a former associate professor at Harvard, so if I'm not smart, I'm probably good company, charming, funny, and decent to look at. What have you got going for you, other than your superior attitude?