Thursday, July 17, 2014

Here We Go Again


  1. I'm listening to cnn on tunein. Bunch of mumbo jumbo theories: laser guided, heat seeking, hardware, small arms, hostilities, black box, the target was Putin, separatists, launch, debris

    1. Anon @11:58, since you seem to be unhappy with the "mumbo jumbo theories" on CNN, could you kindly enlighten us all as to what happened.

    2. Hey @12:35 the bodies were still falling and already the CNN experts were coming up with multiple theories and baseless speculation. That doesn't help anything. Why not provide the information of what we know and reserve theories at this time? Rich, what's the over under on Martin Savidge returning to the flight simulator for this story?

    3. Anon@12:35:
      1. The bodies weren't "still falling."
      2. It was speculation based on the facts that were available, not baseless.
      3. The public is eager to consider theories for what might have happened. If CNN limited itself to what was definitely known, it would have been a very brief report. In which case you and all Lieberman's critics at large would be complaining about the lack of coverage.

  2. "Here We Go Again," meaning what?

    That no matter how the national or local media report this story, Lieberman will make some snarky remarks about what they are doing wrong. Anyone can sit on the sidelines and complain.

  3. Speaking of "here we go again". KSCO right wing hack Charles Friedman is shocked no one is calling his show on the topic: Impeach Obama!
    Oy vey...come on Rich, get back on the airwaves. We need you in Pebble Beach man!

  4. Condolences to all the families who lost loved ones in this tragedy. CNN will probably run with this for weeks and the public will have to listen to the insufferable Richard Quest dominating the conversation.

  5. Fox blaming Obama yet?

    1. They should. It was his administration's gross incompetence at foreign affairs that led to the Ukraine/Russia confrontation. Wait, sorry, it was W's fault.

    2. I happened to take a day off work, and was switching between Fox and CNN. Maybe around 2 PM Fox had Krauthammer and Judge Napolitano sniping about Obama not doing enough.

  6. According to an "eyewitness" interviewed on MessNBC by Krystal Ball (if that were my real name, I'd change it), the plane fell from the sky due to a "blast of gas from Howard Stern's anus". Krystal, a little low on the fuel uptake, even asked her "eyewitness" a followup question.

    1. And Rich Lieberman thought this comment deserved to be published?

    2. Lieberman loves any comment mentioning Howard Stern. I wish Stern would come up with a clever nickname for Lieberman a'la "pig virus" then we could see how funny Lieberman thinks Stern is.

  7. The Theory of Black Holes. Now that seems plausible.

  8. On March 6, 2014 the Crimean Parliament voted to become part of the Russian Federation, which launched the crisis in Ukraine. On March 8, 2014 Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 went missing. At the time, I wondered if there was any connection between the two events. Then, I shrugged it off because it didn't seem likely. Now, I'm convinced there is some connection.

    1. Since you left out the fact that the US and EU deliberately orchestrated the trouble in Ukrain that lead to the split, you probably wouldn't consider any US involvement in the downing of the jet. When you're being played, just shrug it off.

    2. Anon@4:36,

      Do you realize how idiotic it is for an anonymous commenter to say "Now, I'm convinced there is some connection. "? YOU are convinced, who the hell are you? You're anonymous!

  9. @6.02 Care to cite a source or two regarding your claim?
