Sunday, June 15, 2014

Screw You To Some of my Media Friends and Companies

 *KTVU, specifically GM, Tom Raponi, ND-- Wonder boy himself, Lee Rosenthal and some shitty consultants who have permanently ruined a hallmark Bay Area TV News powerhouse.

*Cumulus, for managing to do the seemingly impossible: fuck up three legacy stations; create a siege mentality among the majority of the work force and reduce a once hearty sales dept. from over 30 AE's to a paltry 4-5.
Sklenar, Deidre Lieberman did the right thing and couldn't take it anymore and told all of 'yous to go fuck yourself. Too bad a few of the others, one of whom sells mattresses in the morning, didn't follow suit.

*To the no-balls media people who take shots at me and this site, anonymously, because you have no testicles and/or vagina. If you want fight, then take the gloves off, show some grit and show your names, assholes, I'm on to most of you and you know it.

*To the PR people at KPIX who routinely tell their staffers, new hires not to talk to me, yet inevitably the more you do that, the more they talk. And in spite of your attempts to quiet me and them in the process, I get more information and you continue to look like the pack of fools you are and continue to be. By the way, I know the full story on your latest human purge. It won't work. I wasn't born yesterday.

*Jason Barrett, the PD at 95.7, All-Sports, The Game: I'm wise to you, dude. Your tweet after the latest ratings debacle was a joke even among staff at the radio station. I don't know how the hell you still got a gig --I'd guess there's no one any worse out there to do what you do, or better yet, what apparently you can do, run a shitty radio station. Nice work by the way on that wonderful new morning show. Maybe you could add The Monty guy to replace moron #3, even fucked-up Monty knows more about sports than that genius hire, Aubrey Huff.

*Stan Bunger and your pompous buddy, Steve Bitker: If only half the Bay Area knew what a bunch of A-grade phonies you were, they'd be hip to the whole notion that your good-guy persona is masked by the self-absorbed bullshit and cantankerous nature of your true persona. Stan, get a grip. Take some truth pills. Steve, oh before I call out your personal BS, Good morning Stan, good morning Susan, Good morning Holly, Good morning Jason, Good morning, Good God, good morning...Bitker, you are worse than a vermin's excrement, other than that, you're a good guy.

*Ryan Scott and Karel: You both deserve each other. Phonies.

*Aaron Pero, KRON ND: at least you have an excuse--you were born a prick.

*Brian Copeland: You are neither a funny man, genuine, or otherwise. Time for you to start your gossip bullshit deep in Google groups where you spew forth more fucked-up fiction than a crack addict in the Tenderloin. You're a complete sham, a misfit, a mean spigot of hate, venom and personal grime, asswipe --we're on to you except the mental midgets like your supreme sponsor, the mattress man himself. Go kiss more ass and bare your spineless soul for Cumulus; I think you have a future: Byron Allen Plays the Curran!

*KQED: You pompous assholes hiding behind the curtain of "progressive" public TV. Yeah, keep fooling the masses and while you fatten your manager's slush funds, the people that do the real work get screwed. They're hip to you.

Happy Father's Day!

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. Happy Father's Day to you, too.

  2. Take a look at the KGO radio FB page...their latest (or maybe one back) post is a strait cut-and-paste of the talking points/suggested questions sent by the PR firm for the resort being discussed...with their president/GM as a guest!

  3. Do you really think spewing hate with a foul mouth is necessary? I am a former listener of KGO and read your stuff hoping to find KGOs format has reversed. But, chill already.

  4. Best. Rant. Ever. There's a morass of crap on the dial in this market. It's not OK to see legacy radio stations fall on their ass -- with no one caring or wanting to do anything about it. It's not OK for television news departments not to care about spelling on their crawls.

    Someone needs to bring this up. And to those in high places at these outlets: someone is on to you huge. The fact that you're trying to cover this stuff up shows that you know you've screwed up -- and know it.

    The morons in high places these days have no clue what quality means. They hide behind their laptops and are concerned that all they see is black on their spreadsheets. Gee, they must've worked for GM or Toyota (can you say "recall"?).

    Let these bastards have it. They deserve it. Don't even bother reading Ben Fong Torres and his crap in the Chronicle. It's pablum. This is where the truth is spoken. And as Jack Nicholson once said, "(the media people) can't handle the truth."

  5. Lieberman has a thing against KTVU, we get it. But why must he portray himself as a mighty hero in a colossal battle of good vs. bad? More like a personal grudge.

    1. More like a vendetta. Rich never got over AsianaGate.

    2. Well, maybe he has a vendetta against incompetent news directors, general managers, etc. I can relate. I went through a zoo of incompetent publishers and general managers who tried to reinvent the wheel each time, and yet they all bombed and moved on, while the little folks like me, who actually ran the operation and didn't get paid for it. He gets sick of watching a bunch of a-holes making decisions that viewers and listeners (of which he is one) have to live with and that we don't like.As a professional journalist, my advice to the whiner TV and radio people: get a thick skin or don't read his blog. Simple as that.

  6. Wow Rich. You must have received a whole room of new pin up targets for your dart practice back in the Bat Cave. Meanwhile, you are not worried about stepping on the wrong toes? Some people on your Sh#t List have big bank accounts, are fourth generation San Franciscans, and wield a certain amount of influence in the Bay Area. They are paitiently waiting for the day, the hour, the moment when you need some cooperation or support from them. At which point they will gleefully slam the piano bench down on all your little piggies at once, to serve as an example to all future piano players.

    You may already know this possibility and see it has presumed power vs real. Or you may just enjoy dancing on a tightrope with the audience below watching and waiting for the next scene.

  7. Talk about lack of testicles, how about Lieberman censoring comments from anyone who disagrees with him.

    Rich is a tremendous hero, in his own mind, full of anger and resentment.

    1. He published this trollishness...are you happy now, Ann Ahn E. Mousse?

  8. To: Chuck "Karel" Bouley (Chuck named by his friend David G. Hall)

    You bastard. Here's your next job opportunity you mindless, clueless hack:

    594 - Add Radio Annas (Al-Nass) to MY RADIO Radio Annas (Al-Nass) - Baghdad
    999 - Add Al-Bilad to MY RADIO Al-Bilad - Baghdad
    1179 - Add Voice of Iraq to MY RADIO Voice of Iraq - Baghdad
    1593 - Add Radio Free Iraq to MY RADIO LISTEN LIVE Radio Free Iraq|on FM - Baghdad
    (AM) - Add Al Rashid Radio to MY RADIO Al Rashid Radio
    88.0 - Add Monte Carlo Doualiya to MY RADIO LISTEN LIVE Monte Carlo Doualiya|sat feed - Baghdad news/info French
    88.2 - Add Radio Dijla to MY RADIO Radio Dijla - Baghdad
    89.0 - Add BBC Arabic Service to MY RADIO LISTEN LIVE BBC Arabic Service|sat feed - Baghdad news,info English/Arabic
    89.9 - Add Radio Nawa Kurdish to MY RADIO LISTEN LIVE Radio Nawa Kurdish|rep - Baghdad Kurdish
    91.0 - Add Dar Al Salam to MY RADIO Dar Al Salam - Baghdad talk
    91.5 - Add Al-Rasheed to MY RADIO LISTEN LIVE Al-Rasheed - Baghdad
    92.8 - Add Al Huda Radio to MY RADIO Al Huda Radio - Baghdad
    95.5 - Add Al-Rasheed to MY RADIO LISTEN LIVE Al-Rasheed|rep - Baghdad
    96.9 - Add BBC World Service to MY RADIO LISTEN LIVE BBC World Service|sat feed - Baghdad news,info English/Arabic
    97.8 - Add Al-Hurriya FM to MY RADIO Al-Hurriya FM - Baghdad news
    98.8 - Add Ur FM to MY RADIO Ur FM - Baghdad pop (Arabic)
    99.8 - Add Sumer FM to MY RADIO LISTEN LIVE Sumer FM - Baghdad
    100.4 - Add Radio Sawa Iraq to MY RADIO LISTEN LIVE Radio Sawa Iraq - Baghdad [More info]
    102.0 - Add Shafaq to MY RADIO Shafaq - Baghdad
    102.4 - Add Radio Free Iraq to MY RADIO LISTEN LIVE Radio Free Iraq - Baghdad
    104.1 1kW Add Freedom Radio (AFN Iraq) to MY RADIO Freedom Radio (AFN Iraq) - Baghdad
    106.9 - Add BFBS Radio 1 (Middle East) to MY RADIO LISTEN LIVE BFBS Radio 1 (Middle East)|sat feed - Baghdad news/music English
    107.7 1kW Add Freedom Radio (AFN Iraq) to MY RADIO Freedom Radio (AFN Iraq)|rep - Baghdad

    You love Iraq so much? Take your flaming open gayness there and see how long you last. I helped fight for YOUR freedoms of speech and equality as an American. Not about Democrat or Republican. Yes, Iraq's dictators and government killed over 140,000 of their own people. We added to that, not "for $4.50 a gallon oil owned by Bush." or Obama. 13 years or more is long enough and both parties bloodied fingers are on this debacle.

    The thing is, though you had no respect for your Father, many Dads volunteered for service for this great nation. What did you do? Got drunk, take drugs, screwed guys and then cried when you became an outcast to "your own kind" you raging flaming creep.

    Hey, Chucky, you're still in the minority, not in the minority. Get off your fat ass and do something instead of being in 30th place on a has-been radio station where the audience, gay groups and organizations, along with so many other millions of people could care less about you or your views and take them to Iraq or Ireland. You sicken many of us.

    To shame those who gave, when you give crap for the country, is meaningless and not appreciated. You are a phony individual who has a bad name among the people you obsessively you crave but can't get. What's that say about you, you vile creep?

    Go to Iraq, queer. That's where you belong and see how you do there. We lost many loved ones fighting for you and for freedom. You freaking creep. That heart scan you got last week proves one thing. You have no heart.

    1. Wow! Well said. Karel doesn't get it. One thing to be confrontational and ultra extreme, but another thing to be paranoid and radically out of touch with reality in his "It's about me" rants. Good post.

    2. That would be "In the minority, not the majority, 2:26. Just sayin'. He so bad and a clueless hack at that. As my dad told us kids many times, "War is hell." That's what people do in war, shoot to kill people. Didn't Congress and government agree to do this from both sides of the aisle. I remember that they did. Plus, Iraq goes back to way before Bush and Obama. I'm looking for the YouTube of Bernard Shaw on CNN on the night we bombed Iraq in the "Persian Gulf War" in the early 90s.

    3. Confrontational he is. Controversial he's not. That boat sails a long time ago. Karel is a total ineffectual and he knows it. Iraq could be our biggest launch for our secret weapon, Karel "The Bully" Bouley.

    4. Dipshit Karel may think what he said last night is funny. It's not. I served in Iraq and his type would never be tolerated. Hey shithead, "Freedom of speech is not free." You may have it, but it doesn't mean you should use it. To disagree is fine and American. To ram your thoughts down our throats with "equality" is a bunch of shit. Equality is not only about gay boys like you. That post above pissed me off. Iraq isn't good enuff for Karel. Neither is this country.

    5. I am hoping that some of this was tongue and cheek.But I disagree about what you wrote about Steve Bitker. He is NOT pompous and i fact is probably the best radio sports reporters in California. I must disagree with you about Brian Copeland. He is a very good friend of mine and I worked with him when he did the weather on KTVU. He is Genuine and not a how you describe him. He does a lot of research on this show and he is NOT a sham or a misfit as you describe. I don't think you have to attack someone to express whatever displeasure you may have.

  9. I personally never cared for the genuine funny man and his "headliners". They're so far to the left its hard to listen to all of the biased opinions. It's as bad as all the biased crap you hear coming from a certain gay radio host that works the weekends.

    1. Agree at 4:49pm.
      A solid double with bases loaded.

    2. I guess you can listen to Fox or Hannity and company, they don't have any bias opinions at all, right? If it is hard to listen to and you don't find it funny, I assume you realize you can JUST TURN THE DIAL, or the off switch. That is what I do when I heard racist, right wing bias crap. I turn to a jazz station to sooth my nerves and calm me down.

    3. 12:22, what is it like to live in an imaginary world where all your political opposites are racist? That must be very stressful.

  10. Lieberman always censors and will this time too. Always too weak to face the truth

    These "no talents" as he's have you think are all drawing a salary whirl he begs.

    This is the source of his anger.

  11. I had a terrific Father's Day! My kids took me to a great Eastern filet lunch with my wonderful wife, and it was great! They plan on taking me to a show tonight, so I'm in between events here, just checking into the "415" for a couple of minutes.

    I hope you had an equally fantastic Father's Day!

  12. You are no longer relevant. A one trick pony who now spews venom so the insecure will react and give you more fodder for your limp-dick canon. KGO's demise made you. They are no longer relevant as our you.

    1. That would be "cannon" 7:13. Unless, of course, you want to get groin kicked for wrong spelling by Christine Craft.

  13. Rich

    Think you must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed today. Maybe you should check out one of those new mattresses that Ron Owens advertises so consistently.

  14. I don't get your anger at Brian Copeland, you might not care for him or his show, but your comments are way over the top, very mean spirited, it sounds like you have some personal vendetta against him. For someone who likes John Rothman, I don't get these angry rants, guess that is why you like Mike Savage. I like Brian, as I have written before, he often has a different take on issues, he can engage callers, he has lately been battling depression and has been very open about it, as someone who has had depression issues in the past, I appreciate his willingness to talk about it, a lot of people don't. Also considering who many bad hosts we have in the Bay Area these days (Sussman, Frosty, Gil, Joel & Corey) Brian sounds better and better. Listened a little to Casey Bartholomew (think that is his name) this afternoon, he was really nasty to a caller who disagreed with him, accused him of lying, although I heard no evidence of that, he just disagreed. Surely miss Gene Burns and John Rothmann who could disagree with a caller, and get into a heated argument (especially Gene) without getting real nasty.

    1. I heard the same call with Bartholomew. He claimed he is "right about everything because I don't talk about stuff I'd be wrong about." The caller asked, "You're right about everything?" Bartholomew noted, again, that he is correct about everything he talks about. It was pretty juvenile.

    2. At least Rich didn't call him the KGO "janitor" again, in fact Rich has toned down the obvious racism pretty much the past year or so (except for the KTVU thing which he repeats as often as possibe)

  15. KQED aren't they the ones who will not promote minority studio engineers?
    And the local TV union remains notably silent.

  16. This is why for music I created a nice Pandora station reminiscent of the old KSAN plus some KALX, toss. in some old jazz and new cuts a la 105, but without the played to death feel. Did this 6 weeks ago and haven't touched the radio dial much. Have pretty much given up talk radio. All the good brains are gone. Only bad brains so bad that zombies reject them are left to blovuate. KTVU RIP. KGO RIP. FM RADIO RIP.

  17. KQED is run by limousine liberals appealing to the same... or brain dead.

    PBS' Gwen Ifill really needs to get a clothing consultant.

    1. Not so much limo libs as the"entitled executive class". People who think they work for Goldman Sachs and entitled to be paid C-level salaries. That's where a lot of the money from fundraising and the godforsaken infomercials go to. KQED has NOT been public for more than 30 years. Thanks to Tony Tiano and other greed sucking buttwipes. It's another money tree for the local aristocracy.

  18. The only way Rich Lieberman can build himself up is by trashing everyone else.

  19. Great Rich, but when are you going to take the gloves off?

  20. Rich, you really went to town on those assholes. ROLMAO. Man, that was great.
