Friday, June 6, 2014

Friday Headlines: That Station Hosting Sunday Debate Having Trouble Selling Tix; De La Cruz Debut on PIX Monday

 The call-letter deficient radio station is having trouble selling tickets, at $8.10 a pop, to its "debate" Sunday at a San Jose theatre.

That's not surprising, I'd be astounded at talking to a person gullible enough who actually paid for this ducat.

Even more telling: the station cannot literally give tickets away either. That's why it's papering  the event and has been giving tickets to employees, advertisers, their friends and the like.

Make no mistake--the hosts will do whatever it takes to fill the theatre--even if it means trying to make it look as if the torsos in the seats are actual paying customers. You want to know how they feel about this just keep in mind they put it on a Sunday afternoon at 1-4, (the Giants are at home and on TV, Nascar, NBA Finals, etc) --they may be dumb but they're not that stupid.

*It's official, as reported here first: KPIX new anchor, Veronica De La Cruz, will be on the screen Monday, finally, at 6 PM, more than a month after she was to have begun her duties May 5.


  1. Glad to hear that our long national nightmare of a Veronica De La Cruz-less 6pm Eyewitness-Snooze will soon be over.

    1. I will finally be able to sleep at night!

    2. Disappointed. I was hoping Da Lin would get his shot

  2. This so called debate has fiasco written all over it. I'd be interested to hear the interaction between Lowennnnnnsteinnnnn and the red carpeted entertainer. Will Karel confront Ronnnn as to why he was blacklisted from filling in from 9-noon all these years? I'm also curious to hear what a "special appearance" by that schmucky chef Scott will entail.

    1. Ronnnnnnn doesn't want Karel subbing cause he fears that Karel will draw an audience for a fraction of his bloated salary...

      But don't expect to see the Mattress Man called out on it. Karel doesn't have the balls.

    2. Ronn Owens is only staying for half the debate. He mentioned he'll only be there from 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m., and only will be debating Brian Copeland and Pat Thurston. In other words, he's only participating under limited circumstances, and I doubt we'll hear anything directly between Karel and Owens. Owens is overpaid. If he were such an amazing talent, would the station have plummeted to #20 in this market? If he had enough talent to justify his salary, he'd have kept the station's audience. He was only good as a counterpoint and as part of an integrated package with Gene Burns, Bernie Ward, and Ray Taliaferro. Alone, he's really not that good and manages to alienate a big chunk of the Bay Area audience, who would listen to the likes of Burns and Ward and Taliaferro to shoot down Owen's opinions.

      Owens has two strengths: He's witty and he can draw big-name guests. His wit has dimmed over the years; and he's no longer really drawing great guests, either.

  3. Rich, KGO IS able to give tickets away to their event. You yourself acknowledge they've been "giving tickets to employees, advertisers, their friends and the like." Papering the house means giving tickets away.

  4. Why are they charging??? Who the fuck would pay for this shit??

  5. Hey somewhat off-topic (I seem to be good at that.....) - but back to KGO-TV for a moment: First - the absence of Cheryl Jennings?? The timing is odd - following the departure of Carolyn Johnson. Assume Jennings is just taking routine time off - or?? Also notable - given this blog's prediction that Spencer Christian will be a gonner: He's back in NYC doing weather on GMA!! He's from that area - so, maybe he's auditioning for a new spot there?? And on a much more trivial note: Several days ago, Ama Daetz sported a "new do" - her hair seeming to be styled in a much "smoother", more professional manner. But today - ACK - it's back to the oily-looking curls around her face. C'mon, KGO - let's do our best every day!

  6. Ama looks like she cut her hair and flat ironed it earlier in the week and then went back to soft curls. I think her hair looks great! Some one should fix Heather Holmes hair and wardrobe. She makes too much money to have hair that is two different shades and ugly clothes.

    1. Holy God you nailed it perfectly regarding Heather Holmes. I'm watching her now next to Frank Sommerville and I thought exactly what you stated. Is she letting herself go after snot gate?
