They wear suits and think they're geniuses. They're consultants, GM's, News Directors, anchor people, reporters, pitchmen, talk-show hosts, women, men--hey, jerks come from all classes, race, creed, color, gender.
I know a lot of jerks in media. They don't know shit which automatically qualified them to be consultants, reporters, and people generally associated with Jerkville, the town of real jerks.
New Poll: Who's the biggest jerk in this area? Media People. I don't want hear about your boss or the guy/gal that was crappy in the sack. Be nice. Express yourself! OK, expose the big jerks!
*And follow this jerk on Twitter
Who's the leader of this band known to you and me? ABC 7 ND T r a c e y W a t k o w s k i. Its one thing to be a jerk working in a pressure filled newsroom. Maybe that's an excuse. Tracey inherited the #1 shop in town now cruising into a ratings iceberg. Toss in some god awful morale, and the "Heather" issue. Pass the Turtle tee-shirts!
ReplyDeleteuhhhhh #1 shop in town??? did she work at Chan 2 or something?
DeleteYou have a mirror handy Rich?
ReplyDeleteHands down Dan Noise channel 7 he thinks he is a God..I remember hearing years ago he chase somebody around because they got in his shot what a jerk.....
ReplyDeleteI second the Dan Noise being a total ass as well as a class a jerk. The Dan Noise episode with the wild chase was video taped and shared with another local station and they aired it. KGO brought in their lawyers and started interviewing people to see who shared the video. There were over 20 copies made of the chase. The video let everyone know just how big an ass he really is. Richard has said nice things about Dan that may be true but that does not override his jerk ego.
DeleteWorked alongside ole Dan-O HUGE EGO. Probably why he never got picked up by any network, and why he was kicked off the 5 O'clock anchor chair. But at this point, he's a bargain compared to the big $$$ KNTV spends for We Investigate. He's not going anywhere.
Deletei'm a newspaper reporter and i saw dan go after somebody one time ... he was a world-class dick ... felt sorry for the person he was browbeating ...
DeleteAnybody have a link to the Dan Noise chase video?
DeleteDarya Fullofherself - nobody else comes close.
ReplyDeleteShe is second only to that piece of shit fiance of her's- news director Aaron Pero
DeleteYeah whats with the rock she is recently sporting of her left hand on tv?
DeleteThey're engaged??
DeleteI would have to qualify Rich Lieberman as the biggest jerk. In full knowledge that he has a platform that others read, he writes disrespectful things about women, goes on bizarre homophobic rants, publishes unsourced and unverified private wage information, posts not-so-blind items designed to spread rumor and innuendo, attaches gossip and hearsay to deaths and private events in media professionals lives, launches ad hominem attacks on specific individuals, their spouses, and organizations in an effort to tear them down. Claims to be a reporter when it suits him, and then waffles and claims he's just a blogger when confronted. That's pretty jerky. Will probably not post this
ReplyDeleteand Dick Lieberman calls his readership "ass wipes"
DeleteOnly the ones that deserve to be called "ass wipes".
DeleteIn a way, all of us have an "ass wipe" to face some day. For some, shyness might be their "ass wipe". For others, a lack of education might be their "ass wipe". For Rich, "ass wipes" are ass wipes that visit this blog, incessantly complain about Rich, what he posts, how he's a ridiculous excuse for this or that, yet visit daily because they can't get enough. Rich fills a void in their lives.
But as sure as my name isn't Stan, the readers of 415 media can conquer their personal "ass wipes". You just have to have faith!
Hey 10:23, as Brittany's uber fan would say....leave Riche alone! If you are in the biz ( which I doubt ) then you are guilty of just about every item you mentioned.
DeleteDo we have to worry about libel on posts such as this?
ReplyDeleteNo. Read this thing called the Con-sti-too-shun.
Delete@11:20 I'm guessing you're no constitutional scholar but just to be clear, the United States Constitution does not protect libelous expression.
DeleteI assume you are aware that citizens in this country may be sued for making written or oral defamatory statement or representation.
@11:20. You're an idiot. And, obviously, not a trained journalist. Not ALL speech is protected: libel, slander, threats, inciting a riot, "yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater," etc. And, yes... Were someone in this bog to say something defamatory (damaging) about a local media person (accusing someone of an illegal activity, for example, that cannot be proved) ...then, yes. Rich can be held accountable for transmitting that speech. Call a media lawyer.
DeleteThere have been several Supreme Court rulings within the past few years that upheld First Amendment rights in online forums.
DeleteI wouldn't worry too much. I've been writing in online forums for thirty years, predating the web. I go back to Fidonet, Usenet, had a bulletin board, etc. You can do whatever you like within limits. Use your head.
Well, I am the "idiot" you are all referring to and I *am* a lawyer, I defend libel cases for a living, and you are all the ones who are the idiots.
DeleteIt's amazing how ill-informed Americans are today. Once upon a time people understood the Constitution. I guess it's too much American Idol/Tweeting.
I asked the original question. So can I bash giggles or not?
Delete3:42 .Coming from a scum of the earth lawyer. Lawyers have no shame.
DeleteNo effin way are you a First Amendment lawyer! I'm calling BS on you. (And on good authority.) You're saying ALL speech is protected?! That we can slander/libel or threaten harm to someone on this blog, and there would be NO recourse for someone in a civil or criminal courtroom! Well, sir. I work for CBS. I'm in close touch with one of the biggest media attorneys in the US--his clients are CNN, CBS, Hearst, A&E, etc. (He works right here in SF and has ARGUED a brief BEFORE the Supreme Court.) If are who you say you are, you would KNOW to whom I am referring. And HE is calling BS on you.
DeleteBlogger’s Incarceration Raises First Amendment Questions
You can be sued at any time for alleged defamation (libel in print; slander in broadcast). Whether the person suing you will win is a vastly different question.
DeleteFor that person to be victorious, if he or she is a public official, public persona (news people are), etc., this person would have to prove: 1) what is stated is FALSE 2) what is stated is defamatory and has caused harm personally, professionally and/or financially and 3) and that what was stated was done so with ACTUAL MALICE.
Business libel is a bit different, of course.
There are other elements to libel law, including privilege, republication of libel, etc., and libel law for the Internet, according to some experts, has not yet evolved to the level that is has for print news.
Please note, I'm not an attorney. I've just dealt with libel my entire career and been threatened with libel lawsuits numerous times by public and private individuals, but in the end, they must have seen the light because what I wrote personally or published in my newspapers was the truth.
Besides Radnich the King of Jerkdom?...Well,Fitz and Brooks take condescending to a higher level. Laura Anthony, queen of smirk? The two KQED Joanne's who might as well be dentists since the station is now toothless. Trinket shows all the time. Jim Kozimor..easily convinced environmentalists are bad for the environment and basketball teams are not. That, and he also doesn't believe in equality.
ReplyDeleteMo Qayoumi president of San Jose State. Where he goes,the locals are unhappy. I called that he would have trouble at SJ State..and it came to be. The man at Eastbay U,so hated dog lovers..he banned parking anywhere close to that fiefdom school so locals couldn't go for walks- dogs or the school. His problems with other cultures is more of..indifference. I picked up on that long ago. Well,except for the culture of CSU and UC systems caste. He's steeped in that.
Enough for now...
I have a word for what KQED has become. Gentrified.
DeleteNew Poll: Who's the biggest jerk in this area? Media People. I don't want hear about your boss or the guy/gal that was crappy in the sack. Be nice. Express yourself! OK, expose the big jerks!
ReplyDeleteI think Rich meant: "I dont want *to* hear..."
S. I. Hayakawa
ReplyDeleteVery seriously, could not whittle it down to just one. Who ISN'T a jerk might be a better question.
ReplyDeleteBecause he isn't very entertaining, and as a tandem they're so incredibly condescending. It's stunning to me these two people have a radio program. Never heard a black man be so vanilla in my life, yet try soooo hard to be "urban." And Fitz is just a complete bore.
Unbelievably poor show, and two jackass radio personas.
Don't mind Fitz in his other capacities. Brooks stinks. For the sake of having a "person of color", I guess he's there.
A perfect example of this occurred several years ago.
DeleteA kid, who stated that he was 12 years old, called into their show. The kid was a good sports fan, and he was clearly excited, nervous, and eager to share his perspectives. Brooks cuts the kid off in mid sentence, and starts to berate and shame the poor youngster over the airwaves. All because, at that time, Big Rod felt that kids that age shouldn't make calls into sports talk shows!
I...I...I...disagree with you throwin' shade on Rod Brooks. I'm sayin' is that he isn't bad. By bad, what I mean that he is good. when I say good, I'm really establishing is that...that...that...that...he is not bad. point is I do not agree with, Rod Brooks opposite of bad good!
DeleteAll comments are spot on. Years ago when Brooks was paired with Rick Barry, Barry questioned one of his comments. KNBR goes to commercial and Brooks goes off on Barry. "" . . . don't ever question me, I have to keep my creditability. It's all I have." Umm, Rod. Just because you say it with an authoritative voice, it carries no weight. Weak, and still on the air.
Delete1:20 P.M. I am ROFL!!! That's the funniest impression I've ever read!!! Please put it on You Tube and if you're white do it in black face.....
Delete5:39 You don't need me, anybody can do First Pitch Rod. Just talk a lot, say nothing of consequence and stutter while you are trying to come up with your next thought - which is always just a rephrasing of your last thought. I have never heard someone speak so much and say so little. It once took him seven sentences to ask a guest the name of his website.
DeleteBoth 11:33 and 12:34 hit it out of the park with their observations of Rod Brooks.
DeleteOn more than one occasion I have heard the same poor treatment to callers who were young and calling for the first time.
Condescending does not even begin to describe Brooks.
Rod? Why do you take yourself so serious?
Aaron Pero by far. He micromanages to a fault and yells at staff doing their best in dire circumstances. Morale could not be worse, and he has terrible news judgement. Janice should be news director
ReplyDeleteHey 12:01. Janice? Are you high? She's been kicked out of every newsroom in the Bay Area. Janice's last day at KTVU was the worst in station history HOLY FUK. She was passed over for ND and sprinkled her magic dust out the door.
DeleteFuck Aaron Pero!
DeleteHow Aaron Pero continues to hold on after all these years is beyond me. First off- when is he NOT yelling? Blatant favortism for his friends, girlfriend, etc. Makes the staff cry... Most who come out of that building cite him as the reason they left. His presence there is a testament to the fact that Young/Media General doesn't give a rat's ass about KRON's employees/morale. The morning show is so beat up that everyone refuses to speak now out of fear.
DeleteGet your facts right 12:41. Janice Gin was already gone when Holy Fuk happened. They booted her the week before. They may have said the 12th but she was done on the 3rd
DeleteThe biggest jerk I ever personally encountered in Bay Area media was Cal Worthington's dog "Spot". What an ass !
ReplyDeleteIf Lieberman actually qualifies as being in the San Francisco Bay Area Media, he wins hands down.
ReplyDeleteHe keeps switching between conflicting roles that inevitably undermine one another.
He's "trying" to be a critic, a performer, a journalist, and a blogger all at the same time. It doesn't work. He's not a credible reporter if he commingles fact and opinion. He's not a credible critic if he's trying to compete in the same activities he's critiquing.
We also notice that he can NEVER admit when he's wrong and is incapable of admitting his own mistakes.
Who's "we?" Were you not alone when writing that?
DeleteI think everyone gets what he is, even if he does not: a personality. Heck, he doesn't even know who he is, but that's not really important. In the end he's a guy trying to shed some light on things he perceives to be wrong, and like everyone else he weighs in on different happenings.
No one can be defined anymore because these days you have to make it on so many platforms.
None of this doesn't make him the winner.
He has moved away but I can assure you that almost everyone at KGO would agree that Tim Montemayor was the far and away winner at the Cumulus cluster.
DeleteAaron Pero has achieved levels of Jerkness that few men could ever achieve. In his time at KRON as News Director, he has managed to accrue a reputation as a petty, angry little man with no regard for how his actions affect anybody around him, and I would wager that anybody who has worked for the man would quite readily admit that if they were to find him on the ground engulfed in flames, they would not consider stopping to urinate on him to extinguish the fire – even if they had just walked out of Tommy’s Joynt after a few rounds of beer and really had to go.
ReplyDeleteBob Fitzgerald: full of ego, no talent. Jack of ass. Even colleagues and peers feel the same way.
ReplyDeleteRich Walcoff: thinks his poop doesn't stink too. Lucky to still have a job. Should do talk shows on KGone. That suits his talents perfectly. He can't do play-by-play and sounds so condescending when he grabs audio at sporting events.
Fatnich: living off reputation -- I know, what reputation? Acts like he's still the man. Was he ever? When Fatnich was in his so-called prime, Wayne Walker was kicking his ass.
Rich opens every mic toss with "yeah". Very professional. He's a narcissist who thrives on schadenfreude. Still remember the 49ers banned him from the sidelines and locker room when he made a tasteless remark about two players swapping wives.
DeleteAgree about Walcoff.
DeleteHe comes across on the air with a holier than thou demeanor.
The post at 1;24 hit it perfectly, "condescending"
Hey Rich Walcoff, who appointed you the church deacon?
CANNOT STAND WALCOFF. Used to hate him on the 49er postgame show years ago and don't listen now when he's on. Least enjoyable radio personality in the bay area, hands down.
DeleteI used to shoot for the CCT. I'm a tall guy and Walcoff is a midget. When KGO had 49ers broadcasts, he did sideline and one time I had to bail as the play was coming straight at me, and I knocked him on his ass, because he was hovering RIGHT behind me. I liked that I knocked him on his ass. :-D
DeleteI got out of the TV world two years out of college in part due to the enormous egos and jackass types. Knew I couldn't deal with people like that for the rest of my life, so I made the switch to..... tech sales/biz dev.
ReplyDeleteLateral move.
My vote goes to Marty Lurie who wants so badly to be somebody he literally has to be every available hour on knbr to get on the air .he cuts people off and assumes he knows the rest of their sentences.hes a bully bescause hes paid for the air time and i guess he pays for his co stooge patrick connor.second vote is for gary radnich whose time has come and gone.his sports cast are sloopy and he passes off second and third hand info as fact.a blowhard.
ReplyDeleteYou're misinformed - Mary had a huge love for baseball growing up in Brooklyn and during his career as a trial lawyer - he honed his love for baseball with his:
Marty IS somebody, Are you?
Whoa, Marty Lurie? Wow, I think he's pretty tolerant of the people who call into his show. I've found him to be a pleasure on the air.
DeleteI agree. Marty has a need to keep the Calliope good ol' days going. If someone disagrees or suggest conflict Marty briefly pulls off the mask and jerks-out on them.
DeleteI think Lund and Papa cross the jerk line often and toe it very often. They seem really into saying how ugly each would be to be a woman and how uncomfortable pantyhose must be. Its a recurring theme for them. Hence that Booty pistol segment they do.
ReplyDeleteLund's Obama bashing pretty much outed him in the politics area. And Papa's strange knowledge of woman in every port fits the guy who hired the "Milk Ladys" of Candlestick two years ago.
Another is that "Peterson" of the solar panels company. He needs to shut his mouth bashing the government. It was the green laws that probably gave him the start up money and the tax credits for those who convert are Government backed,not private sector.
Funny how when the right-wing makes a fortune off of green laws?..its STILL the liberal government's fault.
Greedy ingrates.
" He needs to shut his mouth bashing the government."
DeleteWe need more folks criticizing the political landscape friend, not fewer.
Part of being an American used to mean that bashing the government was well within a person's rights. Nowadays under emperor Barry's watch, only the illegals are permitted to be critical without facing the irs wmd.
Regarding the solar tax incentives, Peterson is the smart guy. He's making money, so it's his tax dollars paying for other peoples upgrades, so he's just getting it back by being in the business. The greedy ingrates are the one's taking the tax break...the greeny pruis driving folks with hope and/or pbs stickers. They'd be taken more seriously if they put their money where their mouth is by paying full price for solar and let the gov't divert their incentive towards the truly needy.
Your post reminds me of that picture of a bunny balancing a pancake on his/her head.
If we had to pick an actual Jerk, judging by Bay Area personalities, we would HAVE TO agree that Michael Wiener is the winner. "Jerk" doesn't really do him justice, but I guess he knows this since he admittedly has no friends. Those I've spoken with about him say he really does have no friends.
ReplyDeleteI guess he would fit more into the "douchebag" column, or worse, but assuming we're going for something pejorative, he wins.
Could anyone disagree?
That sounds about right, from what I have heard from different sources. Somebody on Barbara Simpson program last week suggested that she run for President and picked Savage as a VP, or maybe it was the other way around. It was very clear from her response that she does not like Savage on bit, she is very classy (until she starts to trash Obama and dems) and now that Savage is on the same station as she, I believe she has to be diplomatic, so she didn't say much, never the less she is no fan of Savage, and the same can be said for other conservative hosts.
Delete1) Stan 2) the man that is keeping me down
ReplyDeleteYeah,but you deserve it.So,it's ok.
DeleteRich Lieberman?
ReplyDeleteRod Brooks-Not only is he a Jerk on KNBR he is a Jerk outside of Radio-when he used to work as a 49er Sideline Reporter several years back I saw him pregame on the field & went up to him to complement his 49er Work & he said to me" Don't Bother Me"-The Bay Area's Version of Kanye West!!
ReplyDeleteSo this Brooks character is just as big a jackass off the air? Not surprised!
DeleteThat bean pole thinks he's the shit. He is. A shit. He's delivered his act on the sports loser for many years. People don't get it. They still think he's the best. He has no talent. Gets by with his "personality." Go work for a 10-watt radio station. No one will miss you.
DeleteWow. Interesting and revealing encounter with Rod Brooks at 4:29.
DeleteThat would have pissed me off. Thanks for sharing.
Sorry to say when it comes to media people nice guys finish last. If you care at all about becoming somebody you better arrive with a healthy ego or you won't last.
ReplyDeleteBTW, how is Tarilyn Joe lasting these days?
DeleteVery good suggestion at 6:20am.
DeleteShared by many.
Rich Lieberman plays you all like a fiddle! Every one who responded here is a jerk wannabe.
ReplyDeleteBrian Sussman and the tiny KSFO listening audience who actually consider him to be smart and well-versed on current events. No question about it.
ReplyDeleteThe dumb, stupid jerks that run elevator music stations! Yuck!
ReplyDeleteThe untalented KGO blowhard, Karel.
ReplyDeleteDitto, 100x. Karel. The King of Jerk - Offs.
DeleteUsed to be Ralph Barbieri. He would push people's buttons and tick off his guests (e.g., Brian Sabean). He would make unfair claims (e.g., repeatedly calling golfer Tom Kite a "choker" simply because he was runner-up in so many golf tournaments; he was runner-up 29 times, but he also won 19 times--that's being a model of consistency!). Grrrr . . .
ReplyDeleteRich, could you also have a poll on the good guys (and gals) in media?
Never could stand Barbieri. The show is so much better now with Tolbert and friends, mostly Ratto. The Brian Sabean interviews are the best the best example. Barb was just contentious for no reason. Listening to them was a waste of time and you learned nothing. I look forward to them now that Tolbert is doing them. They are cordial, humorous and informative. I bet Sabean is delighted to be rid of the worthless blowhard.
DeleteThe idiots at CBS who keep pulling the plug on KFRC in whatever form it's in and replace it with something "Trendy". Enough is Enough! Want to do some good? Bring KFRC back.
ReplyDeleteHere's my list in no particular order: Fitz and Fatnich for obvious reasons. Brooks and Lund, also for obvious reasons. 'P-Con,' (why is this guy even allowed on the air?)
ReplyDelete'Amy G.' an absolute joke. You'd have think that after six years of doing Giants features, she's get a little better, but her annoying, teenage sounding voice, and repetitive questions showcase her ineptitude, Aaron Pero seems to make everyone's list, but he's not on the air. But it sounds as if he's made life miserable for everyone in the KRON newsroom. I wonder how much Fatnich likes working for him. The 20 something girls who anchor at Comcast. At least Jamie Sire looked as if she knew what she was talking about. Where did they get these bimbos...fresh out of college? Fareed and Feldi are also pretty annoying. Scott Reiss also seems to think his own farts don't smell, and he's not a very good radio play by play announcer for Stanford, but I guess since he went there, they like him. And finally, s much as Marty Lurie knows the game of baseball, does he have to be on for 8 hours each weekend afternoon during the Giants' season? That's overkill.
Richard Hart, one time host of Evening Magazine who has gone on to work in the fringes of the media, This guy is the rudest, most self centered, P.O.S. I have ever encountered. He's got the biggest ego for a nobody/has-been/never-was - take your pick.
ReplyDeleteFor a second there I thought you talking about Mike Rowe.
DeleteNo, not Rowe. I've never dealt with him but he seems like a cool guy. Hart was the host in the 70s and early 80s with Jan Yanihiro. He thought he was curing cancer or a BIG NETWORK STAR. You have to have an ego to some extent to be successful but this guy was ridiculous. In the years after he was fired from Evening Magazine I've met with some former cameramen and a producer and they also had some horror stories about "Dick" Hart. I'm going to send an e-mail to one of them with a link to this thread, hopefully he'll share a few gems.
DeleteHands down, Tori "Bang Ding Ow" Campbell.
ReplyDeleteHank Plante, jerk Bob Sarlatte also jerk of first order
ReplyDeleteI'll second Sarlatte. He's got the "big fish/small pond" syndrome where he thinks he's some kind of broadcasting god when in reality he is a washed up terrible comedian and mediocre announcer. He also never fails to bring up his friendship with Letterman usually in the first ten minutes of meeting him. I've been introduced to Bob probably a half dozen times over the last thirty years and like clockwork Letterman always comes up. He doesn't know that we've met before so I figure this is his usually way of charming folks if you consider being condescending charming. There's got to be a drinking game in there somewhere! I wonder what kind of dirt he has on Dave that warrants being booked on the Late Show at least once a year with no product to promote. Of course being of French ancestry Bob is genetically predisposed to being obnoxious.
DeleteAnd it is a pretty small pond of people who actually know (or give a fuck) who Bob Sarlatte is!
DeleteI saw Larry Kreuger kick a little puppy once.
ReplyDeleteOops. I meant Larry Krueger.
DeleteHe'll get mad at me if I don't spell his name right.
Larry Kreuger is a conceited, self absorbed, racist jerk. I'm not going to give specifics since our paths cross regularly and I don't need to be on the receiving end of one his legendary alcohol fused attacks (sometimes bordering on not being completely verbal). I've probably known Larry longer than many that read or post here, again I don't want to go into specifics but lets just say you know the kids that pull wings off of butterflies for fun? Yeah, he was one of those. Larry was big for his age but unfortunately his intellect didn't match his physical growth which led to a crippling inferiority complex and we all know how kids who are sub-standard lash out. Right again, Larry was a bully. He was the worst kind of privileged private school bully imaginable and he often made children of color his target. Being a second fiddle sports broadcaster suits this guy perfectly. Too bad he never learned an important lesson - fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life.
DeleteDoesn't surprise me. Everybody Radnich praises turns out to be the same assholes we all hate. OR, I know those woman he does that too have some kind of emotional problem he takes advantage of.
DeleteIts never on the up and up with him. Life is a scheme.
Larry Baer.
ReplyDeleteRadnich is so insecure, he's scared of his own shadow. I will never understand why a guy who makes his kind of money, has his kind of security, and has been around as long as he has is so rude and says such backhanded things to his co workers, while he's on the air! I've never heard anyone in this profession do it quite as much as Gary. What's his purpose in doing that? Does he think it's funny? No Gary, it's rude and shows your insecurity. I remember once a co worker of his challenged him to talk about this off the air and his response was typical Fatnich: "I'll bury you!" Classless!
ReplyDeleteIt should come as no shock that Radnich is not at all liked by his fellow broadcasters.
ReplyDeleteIf Brian Sussman is still doing his thing on KSFO, he's the biggest jerk, for sure