Another made-for-cable event; a sad one at that but come to think of it, not all too unfamiliar in America.
Question to all of you: has coverage of these types of incidents become saturated? I know this involves a major airport and travel considerations; give me your thoughts.
*Follow me on Twitter
What do yo mean by "saturated" is my thought.
ReplyDeletePretty self-explanatory ..given that this happens a whole lot lately, does the latest incident this much coverage? Saturation.
ReplyDeletethe first comment nailed it. what do you mean rich? by "saturated" do you mean that incidents like this are given too much airtime? are you arguing that, because it seems like mass shootings are happening more and more, that at at certain point news channels and stations should relegate coverage of them to a little sound byte near the end of the broadcast? i think a BETTER question might be: due to the overuse of terms like "Breaking News", are we numbed to stories like today's airport shooting in a way that we didn't used to be?
ReplyDelete> i think a BETTER question might be: due to the overuse of terms
Delete> like "Breaking News", are we numbed to stories like today's airport
> shooting in a way that we didn't used to be?
Yes, that was my initial thought. I remember when these would happen and our leaders would comment on the "tragedy." It's gotten to the point where if our leaders--if you can call Obama that--commented they'd be commenting every day. As for the media, they're just covering this the way they do anything else--car accidents, fires, rapes, robberies. Every time one happens they will cover it. Is the media "over-saturated," whatever that means, with robbery coverage? Or grass fires? Or earthquakes? I agree with the first poster...nonsensical question, or Rich trying to be "controversial" again. We're still waiting for that other shoe to drop with KTVU, Rich.
I'm saturated to guns kill people. I'm tired of conservative America leading the rest of us by the nose with their worship of the gun. They like true capitalists, will sell to the very thug who shoots them so great is their gun lust. Airports,babies asleep in their beds, grandmas crossing the street. Nobody is safe from the conservative gun lobby's last stand.
ReplyDeleteDamn them .
As with many of these "breaking news" stories which get national attention, there has been the typical number of false initial reports, including one on CBS network's special report when Jeff Glor said as much as "unconfirmed thus far... CBS News has not confirmed" (later proved to be wrong). One of those glaring things I noticed is that almost every wire report I read, or network I happened to watch each mentioned the TSA employees as "agents" or "officers" which is far from the truth as it comes. A few years ago TSA niform workers were all issued gold badges that made them appear to be like police officers, but it is only an illusion. Even TSA's own site refers to them as "screeners" and "employees." I guess this reporting will merely perpetuate the notion that TSA employees have more power than they actually do (real local/federal police officers have to man each TSA checkpoint, as they are the ONLY people who can make formal arrests). Just my 2-cents worth for others to think about.
ReplyDelete1:34, interesting point about them being cast as agents or officers when they basically have the authority of the guy pushing a mop in the airport lounge. Another reason I think the whole security thing is just elaborate theater. And a huge waste of our tax dollars.
Delete1 killed and a couple more injured makes the news but 4000 babies are aborted each day and not a peep from the MSM. Hmm....sounds like an indictment on U.S. values and our short attention spans.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't like bad news, don't watch the news at all. The news right now is saturated with obamacare and his 6 customers, Bengahzi, NSA, IRS, Syria, Iran, the economy, and the growing deficit. Those will will affect you in practical terms and an isolated gun incident many miles away is merely a scary bedtime story.
True, some outlets are candy coating the bad news while others say the sky is falling but either way, the stories have some relevance. This one happens to be a convenient distraction for barry and probably making diane wet for more gun laws.
This a great time to be in charge if you want to destroy the constitution.
Are you claiming that you, personally, have studied the Constitution?
DeleteBush destroyed the Constitution already.
DeleteSomeone should do a study on the link between blog commentors and loony tunes.
Yeah, blame Bush for the past, present, and future. How original.
Delete> Are you claiming that you, personally, have studied the Constitution?
DeleteHe's studied the parts that turn his crank. The rest that gives it context? That's just scribble to make it longer so it would look more impressive in a display case.
Michael Savage must be disappointed that the perpetrator is a white male who apparently was anti government.
ReplyDelete:( the anti-Muslim rants will have to wait for another day :(
I haven't seen the media coverage on this yet. I first saw this story on my iPhone on the SFChron's web site. I dread to turn on my TV. Here we go again.....The NRA must be awfully proud.
ReplyDeleteDid you see the mayor of Los Angeles trying to have a news conference regarding the LAX shooting? The number of helicopters circling overhead was so loud you could not hear him speak! L.A. must have the record for the most T.V. news helicopters, and I was amused to see the traffic jam of news trucks, remote broadcast vehicles, and even Hollywood style make-up trailers for TV news reporters.
ReplyDeleteI seemed to feel there was almost a type of giddy glee expressed by various talking heads as they were breathless in almost hoping there was more than one person dead. KTLA, which I was watching online, seemed to be incredulous that there could only be one fatality when so many rounds were fired. They not only had their gorgeous helicopter with an incredible HD camera with incredible zoom/stability capabilities that I have never seen on any Bay Area broadcast, but KTLA also had reporters EVERYWHERE. Hospitals, City Hall, LAX, ( four different broadcast set ups), John Wayne airport in Orange County, and even a reporter at a hotel near the airport. Comparing this to the KTVU Asiana crash shows that though it may be overkill, Los Angeles knows how to create a news story and cover it form every angle as soon as it happens.
Let's get real. Americans don't give a damn about someone getting their brains blown out unless it is a loved one. Americans will never take responsibikity whether it's the pro gun control people who only give lip service or the pro gun people who will never see easy access to guns related to daily shootings because cars kill people too or some other non sequitur. Americans only care about what is right in front of them as long as it's something they want. Legalizing drugs is more important than gun deaths. Getting high is more important than mass murder. Standing in line for a new Apple toy is more important than protecting children. So another white guy shoots up some folks and because he's not a muslim or Middle Eastern, he gets to be a poor crazy person who was failed by the system. And we will just wait for the time someone shoots up a public place so we can bitch about how inconvenienced we were.
ReplyDeleteThe helicopters weren't over the airport. News helicopters are prohibited from flying over LAX air space. They were quite some distance away, and at fairly high altitudes. All of the choppers, however, have powerful gyro-mounted cameras. So the noise that accompanied the Mayor's news conference was not coming from the helicopters, but from surrounding traffic. As to whether or not the coverage amounts to "saturation," I don't think so. It's a legitimate news story. It's what TV and radio news operations do best -- cover emergencies that affect the public. Believe me, this event affected thousands of people, and not just passengers and the shooting victims. At this hour (nearly 8 p.m.) roads throughout the west side of L.A. are clogged because of the necessity to close streets and freeway on and off ramps due to the investigation. News coverage of this event is a public service, and it's what the news media is supposed to do more of.
ReplyDeleteGovernment killing their own people for a collectivist ends may be a stretch for a lot of people, and it was for me also, until I clearly see this administration is guilty of "accomplice to murder" in Benghazi and with 22 dead navy Seals.
ReplyDeleteIf you want your false flag attack to go well, you have to practice it, as LAPD did at this LAX just 3 weeks ago. How convenient.
They just want to push gun control, and arm the TSA.
You dullards in the MSM probably have little to no knowledge on things like Monarch assassins, controlled agents and mass Psy-ops.
Some of you here are almost catching on....Yes, these shootings are happening with more frequency because the most public of them are staged events for political ends. Wake the Eff up already. It's right in front of your face if you Mockingbirds in the MSM would stop and look and actually INVESTIGATE.
We understand the shooter was a registered Democrat.