I took a stroll past the media gathering outside the Caltrans building in Downtown Oakland Tuesday night and a throng of reporters hunkered down outside and most were texting or gazing at their IPhones.
The podium where a bank of microphones were placed was empty. Although their existed a sea of activity nothing of substance was taking place. The only constant seemed to be where one could get some decent food.
Later in the evening, a Bart union head, Antoinette Bryant, (who's received enough face time she should be given an AFTRA card), made a benign statement regarding some rumor and didn't take any questions from the outside gathering, which was just as well since nothing of substance had taken place.
I realize this is a big story. The public at large, especially the thousands of people and commuters who rely on BART want information. They want updates and the latest but when there is truly NO news to report, is there a need for the constant "live shots" when all they amount to, essentially, is filling time?
*My post regarding the mysterious status of KGO anchor Jennifer Jones-Lee was prompted by several e-mails from readers who were concerned about her. Although I'm not a fan of Ms. Jones, she has enough of a following for people who are mystified about her return on Monday and subsequent absence since then.
I'm sensitive to her privacy and have not written anything, (nor would), even if I had firm proof of the reason she's been gone. Again, we wish her well.
*During Sunday evening's tense negotiations late into the evening when it appeared BART workers would indeed strike, KCBS was out in full force with reporters at the scene providing much-needed updates. (Notably, Chris Filippi, who spent 14 hours at the scene)...on KGO, a weekend woman talk host was talking about Kanye West. Sound programming.
*If you were at the Old Ship the other day you would have witnessed a loud-mouth reporter from the 1001 Van Ness building shouting rather obnoxious demands at one of the bartenders. Again, had the putz left a decent tip he probably would have been extended another round but was told to get the hell out.
*Underrated and a bit under the radar: KTVU's Jana Katsuyama. Tenacious, tough, a bit of a personality and not afraid to get into someone's face with mild criticism. Believe me, I know

*CNN and Justine Waldman: There is still plenty of interest from Atlanta, but Waldman appears set to stay in SF. Unless of course CNN is going to show a lot more coin.
*Unintentional hilarious moment of the night on Monday...KGO-TV had a live stream of the outside lectern at the Oakland -BART negotiations and for about 10 minutes, viewers had a eye of KTVU lead tonsil, Frank Somerville.
*"Frosty" on Talk 910: Who needs ambien.
*When their own reporters make fun, (off air), of the NBC Bay Area, (KNTV), "Investigative Unit", you know there's an issue. That won't stop the money pit.
*Gil Gross on Talk 910: See above Frosty item.
*A KPIX van parked on Battery last week contained several, I mean, several parking tickets...probably enough of a fine to hire another manager.
*Latest trend among the local TV News live shots that is both annoying and quite stupid: the Blair-Witch-moving camera. First off, herky-jerky camera is only useful in movies, (most of the time)--using it as a local news technique amounts to gimmicks and viewer irritation. Stop it.
*Ken Wayne's new look is not that eye-catching and in spite of the he-had-plastic surgery rumors, he did but I know 100% that he didn't do it to improve his looks even though the end result is he looks better.
*KTVU GM and ND continue to practice the SILENCE of the lambs which is about as expedient as reading wrong names on a teleprompter.
*Darya Folsom is to the point where she's becoming KRON's most popular personality. As such, the word she's looking to hire an agent is perfectly normal and understandable.
*On The Radio Front: Yours Truly had a whole bunch of electronic gadgets installed at the pad so the radio show will come back ---LIVE and well-connected, soon, from 2-4 PM on KSCO any day now. Reports of my impending broadcast demise are greatly exaggerated, sorry to ruin your day.
*Follow me on Twitter
"When their own reporters make fun, (off air), of the NBC Bay Area, (KNTV), "Investigative Unit", you know there's an issue. "
ReplyDeleteThe rest of us make fun of the clowns in the "Investigative Unit"; why shouldn't the other reporters join in?
Most popular personality? That shows just how much we've fallen as the millennial generation comes of age. She's pushing 40 or is over 40 by now?
ReplyDeleteI miss the days when she felt threatened and was the sluttiest dresser on local news.
PUSHING 40? Try pushing 50!
DeleteI just looked her up, she's 48 if these websites are correct. She looks DAMN good for 48.
DeleteDarya being the most popular person on KRON is like being the toughest kid at Science camp. Not that hard to do.
ReplyDeleteAn agent? Whatever for? When you're already sleeping with the boss, do you really need a middle man to negotiate?
ReplyDeleteNurses, cops, and maybe elevator mechanics should be able to leverage with a strike, nobody else.
ReplyDeleteGarbage men, fireman, prison guards,bart, city workers, pg&e all have things too good as it is with no real unique skill. Firemen are the worst. Their only leverage is that the admin let them organize to strike.
The eventual question should already have been asked? "How high will bart fares rise"? What is the balance point for those who have the option to say "screw bart, I'll just join the freeway/bridge bunch". It'd make a good walnut creek/by the fountain piece.
I can't help but think that Darya would look much better with much shorter hair, hair that is lightened and lighten the eyebrows for god's sake! Long hair does not work on older people (past 30) men or women.
'Long hair does not work on older people!' Tell that to Cher, Ted Nugent, or Richard Branson; owner of Virgin Air. I do admit none of these people are News Anchors, but still, aren't you impressed with their style?
DeleteRegarding Ms. Jones-Lee, "I'm sensitive to her privacy and have not written anything, (nor would), even if I had firm proof of the reason she's been gone.'
ReplyDeleteSo why would you invade her privacy by publishing a rumor that she has a serious personal/medical issue.
You have invaded her privacy and you are spreading gossip.
DeleteBecause in truth, if you thought it was more about some rift with KGO then you'd be using your sources to uncover this. Instead you're promoting gossip on your site, and leading people to wonder whether she is in fact having personal/health problems.
It's slime journalism.
Well this is a media news site and Jennifer has not been on air for so long and then came back and left again. Obviously, something is wrong. There is nothing wrong with mentioning that it might be a medical issue. We would presume that or a contract issue. Everyone who listens to Jennifer is wondering and making guesses. It makes sense to address it here. Whatever the possible specific ailment is was not mentioned and that is good. I hope she returns in good health.
DeleteI have noticed that kron has featured Darya less on the newscast which is better for everyone concerned. She seems to have calmed her over the top act and slutty dress down just a tad and we are thankful for that as well.
ReplyDeleteSince darya no longer feels threatened by any young attractive newcomers at kron she appears to have calmed down. But in the long run her day has long passed and she is no longer relevant in the news business. Dosent matter how much more she pumps up her chest or her biceps. She needs to take a seat!
ReplyDeleteNo matter what darya still reminds me of a donkey that has the jawline of a baboon. No offense intended of the donkey and baboon respectively.
ReplyDeletegood stuff! you are keeping us informed!!
ReplyDeleteWell-played, sir/madam! I would like to buy you a beer!
I always liked Darya. At first though I bought into her being the queen of mean. Then I watched for myself. She seemed like a nice person to me. Just a surviving single mom. Never heard her say a racist or bigoted remark. Common sense like you would want from a woman in your life. She doesn't know football? Eh.