2. Tell every second caller "you're a great American."
3. Inform your base we're in a "tyranny" every 10 minutes.
4. Of course that Obama guy is a "socialist."
5. After repeated socialist mentions, go to the really, really, bread and butter, "communist."
6. When the press is against you, get the sharpie out and have this ready for standby: "MAIN-STREAM MEDIA."
7. Be immersed with the word: "Liberal."
8. Invoke the name, "Ronald Reagan"every show, (even though by today's GOP standards, Ronald Reagan would be a liberal).
9. At the end of your program, give a brave salute to, "OUR Great Armed Forces!--the Army, the Navy, Marines, the Air Force and the Coast Guard." A little Ray Charles "America" underneath helps too.
10. Say "lefties" a lot. It inspires confidence and emphasizes you really mean what you say.
*Follow me on Twitter
any word, yet??
ReplyDeleteAll of this from "DOCTOR POISON".(slimbag) spreading his venom!!!
ReplyDeleteIn sports,be a KNBR host and say you are not offended by calling the Redskins that racist name. You come back like Krueger and Pecon and say that "Fighting Irish" could be offensive. Except,what they didn't seem to understand is, if white Irish Catholics want to call themselves that with a Leprechaun cartoon..fine. But NO native American Indian chose "Redskins". None had any say.
ReplyDeleteAlways funny when the cultural tell ethnic people what should offend them or not.
This needs to researched; a long time ago I read that the name was changed to honor two players who were Native Americans. They were asked according to the story I read.
Delete11. 'sigh' a lot, expressing frustration and sadness. The right eats that shit up.
ReplyDeleteThe reality is that most of these terms are accuarte when describing the mainstream American left. In many ways, their comfort level is in sync with postwar USSR. Savage says that modern liberalism is a mental disorder. He's not far off!
ReplyDeleteSo true 11:07 so true.
DeleteI love the way American's throw around the terms socialite and communist? They are not interchangeable. I grew up in Scandinavia in a socialist country, (Denmark) during the fifties and sixties, USSR was a big threat and there is no comparison between the two. In a socialist country, you can still own a business, buy a house, even a summerhouse (which many Danes own) we have freedom of the press. Because we have national health care, you can change jobs without loosing your health care, or loose your job without loosing your health care. We also have private insurance so people have a choice. If I take a survey of American middle class families and Danish middle class families, I would say the danes have a higher quality of life. They might live in smaller houses and drive smaller cars (however distances are less and public transportation is excellent) they travel more than most Americans, and they don't live in fear all the time of loosing what they have accumulated because of a serious illness. Having said that I do believe in capitalism.
Delete9:50AM... Denmark has what, 5.5 million people? Try scaling that up 60 times and see if it still works. Your government might be able to handle managing the social insurance for 5 million Danes, but do you think ours can handle 350 million?
DeleteYes I agree it is easier because we are a smaller country, and I also think because we are fairly small, there is more of a feeling of looking out for your fellow man, than in a big country like the US. However Medicare works quite well, so why not extend that to other Americans who want to sign up, and then still have insurance available for those who want to have more of a choice. I'm a licensed Life and Health agent so I get insurance. What we have now is not working, and I think it is a burden for many businesses to provide health care insurance for their employee's. I never agree with that, because I use to be a small business owner, so I understand that side. However, when everything is said and done, I don't think anybody should be put at risk of loosing everything over something they cannot control, i.e. a serious illness.
DeleteI meant to write "The cultural majority". Also,you would have thought Krueger would have learned his lesson on whats offensive to other cultures by now.
ReplyDeleteSo what...It is what it is.
ReplyDeleteIf this is one of your weak attempts to censor bait, stick with your proven race based gimmicks. Playing one person against the other so you can jack up your click rate.
What a tool.
To be a Left Wing Host on talk radio, let's see. Well you have to stop having actual conversations with people who disagree with you. You answer any disagreement with personal ridicule. You don't talk policy after your opening statements, you describe how somebody is not cool or is old fashioned because they have standards of behavior. As a Left Wing Host, you reject any standards of any behavior if that means somebody has to stop an activity they consider 'fun'. You must claim to 'get allergic' to organized religion, in particular, you express fear of Christianity. If your work chum has a bronze Buddha on his desk "Cool!", but if he has a framed painting of The Pope, you go to Human Resources to complain that you feel harassed and emotionally bullied. If the coworker has a Pin Up Calendar Entitled "Girls, Girls, Girls", Human Resources hear about that too. If same worker has a Pin Up Calendar Entitled "The Norman Rockwell Version of the Kama Sutra" soon everybody in the office has their own copy, online too.
ReplyDeleteAlso, those who won't tow the left line are "political terrorists".
DeleteI read a comment from a kid(supposedly) that was responding to legislation to deny kids from having dirt bikes because, of all things, the paint on the MC had elevated levels of lead. What kind of chicken shit work around way is that to keep people from having fun.
He responded "if you let me keep my dirt bike, I promise I won't try to eat it".
why not just use lead free paint?...ie don't make it in china. Do you know what the effects of lead poisoning are? Think ADHD, learning disabilities...for starters.
Delete> Well you have to stop having actual conversations with people
Delete> who disagree with you.
Yeah, Rush is always having long conversations with people who agree with him, encouraging them to call in and telling the call screeners, "Make SURE the great Rushbo gets people who can pick him apart!"
Speaking of lead... can somebody explain to me why Gov. Brown is banning lead ammunition on the grounds that it's harmful to wildlife?
DeleteIsn't that the point? Is it the bullet or the lead that's harmful? Or is it the bullets that miss that he's afraid will lie around somewhere and "wildlife" will stumble across it?
@11:07 if liberalism is a mental disorder explain these frothing at the mouth teabaggers? Also is Savage an example of a stable well rounded mentality?
ReplyDelete@1:20 referring to them as teabaggers...are you currently frothing at the mouth?
DeleteSavage is anything but, I listened to him for less than 10 minutes, and in that time he agreed with a caller that, academia, gays, the feminist, the mainstream media, and well I'm sure I forgot one, but the above mentioned groups, is out to and have almost destroyed the white American male (oh yeah means there most have been some mentioning of blacks or NAACP or similar) the caller did most of the talking, Savage added the white Christian male. And he is sane, and someone this country listen to, which is okay, the problem with most of these hosts is that many listeners take what they say as gospel.
Delete#6 would be more correct by referring to anything (other than Fox News and Blaze channel) as the LAME Stream Media.
ReplyDeleteYou left several out:
ReplyDelete"I am OUTRAGED..." (Usually as the 1st words of the show.)
"Lame-stream media."
"...people of his (Obama) ilk..." (ilk?)
And the Number 1 way to be a Right-wing talk show host: Just go on the air, make stuff up and then get REALLY MAD about it.
or come to the comment section of Rich's website, make stuff up and then get REALLY MAD about it
Delete11. trash the poor, gun load sound effect, read a bible verse with a corporate bedfellow hoarding money outside the U.S. for tax shelter purposes. . . . thank the troops, play heavy metal music.
ReplyDeleteInteresting article. Next do LIBERAL talk show hosts.
ReplyDelete11. Be generally concerned about the future of America and try to educate the people (those that aren't liberals smoking pot all day) on how this country will fail in the coming years.
ReplyDeleteTwo of the major true conservatives and huge supporters of legalizing marijuana...???
ReplyDeleteWilliam F. Buckley and George Schultz....don't confuse tea baggers with true conservatives
I always thought George Schultz looked like the Cowardly Lion from the Wizard of Oz. Also, why name him but no one else in Reagan's cabinet. Wasn't Caspar Weinberger a conservative?
DeleteChristine. You suprised me by using that phrase popular with democrats. You called us (my friends) Teabaggers. You are too worldly not to know what that phrase actually means. You let me down Christine, but then So What, right?
DeleteChristine, great show today on KSCO. I love it when you make the central coast tea baggers mad!
DeleteYes, San Rafael - sorry - would you prefer Kochsuckers?
DeleteHi San Rafael...I'm not a democrat. I know what tea bagger means(in the sexual meaning). I appreciate that you find it annoying. It annoys me because the tea baggers seem to be too lazy to understand simple governmental process. The Affordable Care Act was passed by both houses of Congress, signed by the Prez, and ceclared constitutional in a case before the SCUS, a majority opinion by John Roberts, an uber-conservative . That means that it is already the law and both the prez and members take oaths to uphold the constitution and the laws of the US.The way to change the law is to propose another law(s) and see if it survives the democratic process, not shut down the government for personal gain, while the people turn blue.
Delete, I'm no fan of politicians of any stripe calling people they don't know,"friend" or "pal"(not referring to you). I'm also annoyed at the trenchant overuse of both "amazing" and "awesome", simply because when a superlative is used too lazily, it loses its punch. I positively blanch when anyone tells me that there "going to be honest here", because that means they are always liars. I go ballistic when someone like well, you kow, well, like ..oh never mind.
thanks 10:51, I always have a blast at KSCO!
Writers 10;51 and 10;53 are two shining (odoriferous) examples of DIM logic; do not debate the issue, throw stones to make your opponent bleed and cease making their opinions known. Sounds like the San Fran-Taliban to me. Unfortunately, Writer 12;56 of oct 10 was completely correct in his summary.
DeleteChristine said: That means that it is already the law and both the prez and members take oaths to uphold the constitution and the laws of the US.The way to change the law is to propose another law(s) and see if it survives the democratic process, not shut down the government for personal gain, while the people turn blue...
DeleteYou left out Obama's way: just issue waivers by fiat for the parts of a law that he doesn't like, like waivers to employers, waivers to Congress, etc.
Since you know the process, under what authority is Obama allowed to waive any part of a law that passes both chambers of Congress, when Obama is supposed to "faithfully execute" the laws?
Continuing with your Constitutional debate, have you entertained the thought that the shut-down is about restoring regular legislative order to Congress? You seem to have settled into a coziness with these so-called continuing funding resolutions. What about the Constitutional requirement of Congress to pass annual appropriation bills (aka "budgets)? Harry Reid hasn't passed one in five years, so the House and Senate can't go to reconciliation committees to work out the differences. Instead, Reid seems perfectly happy with these manufactured crises that he gets to whack Boehner with time after time.
So lets really get back to the Democratic process, one where the Congress passes Constitutional legislation constitutionally, and where the President faithfully executes the whole law, not just the parts he likes, or ignores the parts that become inconvenient to him at that moment.
Buckley has been a truly dead conservative for the last 5 1/2 years.
ReplyDeleteI'll bet you were upset to discover that George Schultz is still very much alive and still with that princeton tiger tattooed on his rear.
Deletep.s. ronald reagan(also dead) didn't give a rat's rear about attacking gay people either...his classic comment about sex in general was that it was ok with him, "as long as they don't scare the horses". You see, true conservatives are in favor of personal freedoms.
12. Label disabled people as "frauds."
ReplyDelete11) Point out that 47% of Americans don't pay taxes. Don't point out that you're including children too young to legally work, seniors, the disabled and the sick, and people who work but didn't make enough to qualify for the lowest tax rate. Also don't point out that you're not talking about the "taxes" everyone pays--fees, sales tax, gas tax, tolls, fines with bazillions of unrelated "penalties" tacked on that often triple, quadruple or more the size of the fine, etc. Also don't point out that "libtards" warned you in the 80s and 90s when you were offshoring high-paying jobs and providing tax breaks to businesses who did so courtesy of the government-funded Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) that this would be the result, and you told them then to shut up.
ReplyDeleteWhat I like about Rich Lieberman is that his radio talk show eschews pandering to ideological extreme. He's made it clear he's neither liberal nor conservative, neither Democrat nor Republican. Rich is above it all.
ReplyDeleteI'm Outraged that you nailed this one one the head!!!
ReplyDeleteAre there actually any prominent 'liberal' talk show hosts such as Hannity or Savage or Limbaugh on the air? I don't know of any. Also, this nonsense about the 'liberal' main street media?' I've worked in the media for nearly four decades and guess what? Most radio and TV stations today are more concerned with the bottom line than anything else.
ReplyDeleteThe reason Conservative radio talk shows are so popular is that they get audiences by polarizing and sensationalizing issues for those who are too dense or lazy to learn for themselves what the key issues in our society are all about. They would rather have some ranting, bloviating egotist like Limbaugh or a smarmy, self-righteous host like Hannity lead them like sheep. The basic problem with many 'conservatives' (and I don't have much respect for today's conservatives...yesterday's, like Reagan or even Goldwater, yes, I respected them, but idiots like Daniel Imhoffe of Oklahoma or Ted Cruz of Texas? No way!) is that they like to simplify so many of the complex issues.
They love to label the President a 'Socialist,' which is really juvenile. And they love wrapping themselves up in the flag, when at the same time they rip apart the very government that gives them the freedom to make money and express their opinions. They talk about what a great document the Constitution is, but the 'Tea Party' is constantly trying to make end runs around it by subverting the laws of the land.
If there are any hypocrites, cry babies and 'traitors,' it's the extreme right wing of the GOP; the 40 some odd folks in Congress (the 'Tea Party') who are holding this country hostage because they don't believe in majority rule, which has been a foundation of this country since 1789. The GOP should be ashamed of itself for letting these radicals run the table. But they'll end up paying for it eventually, as the majority of voting Americans DO NOT SUPPORT what the 'Tea Party' stands for. That was made clear in recent elections and it will be made clear again in 2014 and 2016.
You are so right, and yes it is hard to find a high profile liberal talk show host. In this area there is Alan Colmes on 910 and he is syndicated, if you suffer from insomnia Bill Press is on at 3 a.m. on 960 a.m, he is syndicated as well.
DeleteYou try to sound so worldly and intelligent, yet you don't understand that we live in a Representative Republic, we don't live in a Democracy. The United States has not been a "majority rule" country since 1789, or ever, as a matter of fact. The founders designed it that way, and if we had "majority rule", like you claim, gay marriage and obamacare (just to name a couple of things I'm sure you support) would not be law right now. Nice try though, tool!
DeleteYou truly believe you're a part of a Majority of Americans who are anti PBO and 'The Affordable Care Act'?
Why even our Pope, when asked about Gay Marriage said:
"Who am I to judge".
There is a small group in America...Brainwashed...beyond our wildest dreams...by Big Money Republican Propaganda!
Citizen's United $$$$$...Is destroying America!
Misinformed, Anti-Americans...filled with lies.
Here's what we're up against:
Oh no. et tu, Rich? I know you're talking about 'non-journalistic' programming, opinionated broadcasting. But, the greatest heartbreak in the last 50 years of journalism has been the complete blurring of the line between opinion and objectivity.
ReplyDeleteSome of us were dedicated to upholding the latter. It was a sacred trust, and we treated it that way. Now- whatever. A free-for-all partisan shoutfest on the talk shows. And an often-undisguised sneerfest or partisan primer on the news shows.. local or not. So sad.
Broadcasting is a business and everything that drives it is based on revenue. That's true of most businesses in this country, and that's the problem. The end justifies the means, so that 's why you have more shouting, more name--calling, more bloviating than ever before. It's done by 'genius' programmers who realize that most Americans have been conditioned to have an 'attention deficit' syndrome, and therefore would prefer listening to 'entertaining' radio than informative radio. Just listen to all of the moronic sound effects on radio, and the personalities who try to be cute and funny, but aren't. Radio to the men and women programmers and big companies that own the stations is just another cheap form of show business. Therefore, Americans are NOT going to get enough credible and objective info from radio talk shows.