Belatedly still managing to crawl out of bed and look at the local dummies on TV; a few good ones are present but most of the mutts look like they just got their first assignment and giddy on up, a sort of yuppie media casserole, hey--look at me! I'm doing a live shot in Walnut Creek! Oh just shut the hell up, you bitch and do your job and go home already...KTVU is run by an ego-centric pisshead that has changed the atmosphere over at a place that used to rule the local TV news club. Now, even when they get it right, (and for the most part, they did), they have to royally screw it up with self-serving promos. 2! fucking days after the SFO crash. Who was the marketing genius that approved this bullshit? They should be hung out to dry but in the war of da numbers, maybe they're OK with all this, how swell. Wonder what Fred Zehnder, the legendary ND would think of this--hell, even good old Kevin O'Brien would have told the PR people to wait a week--shit, they haven't even buried the bodies yet!...Speaking of the downed Korean jet, you have to love the great SussMAN over at KKKSFO who started off a lovely Friday morning by insulting the Asian community: based upon anecdotal evidence "sent" to him, he made all kinds of accusations and then said not to fly Asiana. Then, he took a call and the caller said he had seen the same email, so was this something Sussman got or read from one of his knee-jerk wacko sites? Way to go Susser!...The Cumulus frat boys over on Knibber were up to their usual lame tricks and treats. Murph was Murph and the sound effect guy with the fake Jersey accent was aching to please, god--a day in the life of the vomit patrol. Even their beloved Giants won a game so they could retreat to the Larry Baer handbook and run one of their 18,000 promos...the morning news yakkers yakked away--"IT'S FRIDAY!", blurted out the 810 AM giggler. Predictable and still grating enough. Maybe she should rejoin the glee club! ...Stan Bunger is GOD and if you don't know it, he'll tell you...Did a fast detour to the mellow sounds of NPR and KCSM and temporarily escaped the asylum. I don't know how KCSM does it, but given a shoestring operation, they pull off miracles every day, 24/7...Threw on the Friday TV minutiae ---not much there either but what is there to expect? The network shows look all the same and Channel 2 still trying diligently to hold serve with angry Dave Clark and Miss Nancy, 2013, Torri Campbell. Don't get me wrong, MO2 is OK but do we really need all the coffee-talk fluff? Bring back Ross Macgowan, wait, Ross is selling mattresses or windows, I forgot...I need another cup of coffee, the day is just beginning.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Summer Mood SF Media; The Inmates Are Running The Asylum; Friday Rant
Belatedly still managing to crawl out of bed and look at the local dummies on TV; a few good ones are present but most of the mutts look like they just got their first assignment and giddy on up, a sort of yuppie media casserole, hey--look at me! I'm doing a live shot in Walnut Creek! Oh just shut the hell up, you bitch and do your job and go home already...KTVU is run by an ego-centric pisshead that has changed the atmosphere over at a place that used to rule the local TV news club. Now, even when they get it right, (and for the most part, they did), they have to royally screw it up with self-serving promos. 2! fucking days after the SFO crash. Who was the marketing genius that approved this bullshit? They should be hung out to dry but in the war of da numbers, maybe they're OK with all this, how swell. Wonder what Fred Zehnder, the legendary ND would think of this--hell, even good old Kevin O'Brien would have told the PR people to wait a week--shit, they haven't even buried the bodies yet!...Speaking of the downed Korean jet, you have to love the great SussMAN over at KKKSFO who started off a lovely Friday morning by insulting the Asian community: based upon anecdotal evidence "sent" to him, he made all kinds of accusations and then said not to fly Asiana. Then, he took a call and the caller said he had seen the same email, so was this something Sussman got or read from one of his knee-jerk wacko sites? Way to go Susser!...The Cumulus frat boys over on Knibber were up to their usual lame tricks and treats. Murph was Murph and the sound effect guy with the fake Jersey accent was aching to please, god--a day in the life of the vomit patrol. Even their beloved Giants won a game so they could retreat to the Larry Baer handbook and run one of their 18,000 promos...the morning news yakkers yakked away--"IT'S FRIDAY!", blurted out the 810 AM giggler. Predictable and still grating enough. Maybe she should rejoin the glee club! ...Stan Bunger is GOD and if you don't know it, he'll tell you...Did a fast detour to the mellow sounds of NPR and KCSM and temporarily escaped the asylum. I don't know how KCSM does it, but given a shoestring operation, they pull off miracles every day, 24/7...Threw on the Friday TV minutiae ---not much there either but what is there to expect? The network shows look all the same and Channel 2 still trying diligently to hold serve with angry Dave Clark and Miss Nancy, 2013, Torri Campbell. Don't get me wrong, MO2 is OK but do we really need all the coffee-talk fluff? Bring back Ross Macgowan, wait, Ross is selling mattresses or windows, I forgot...I need another cup of coffee, the day is just beginning.
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Ross is selling walk in bathtubs, last I saw....
ReplyDeleteRich - go rub one off and you'll feel better lol. All this frustration will just faaaaaaaaade away.
ReplyDeleteThat about sums up local TV news, which is why I no longer watch local TV news.
ReplyDeleteListening to Sussman this am, kind of self inflicted torture. Melanie is still mentioning in the promo. Yes, I heard him saying something about the plane crash, but not all of it. Anyway I heard more than enough of what he is saying about the Zimmerman trial. He is wondering if the Obama folks got to the judge, because Brian thinks she is too much in Trayvon Martin's corner. Since when did conservatives start to blame the victim and put the victim on trial? I guess if the victim is a black and a teen-ager wearing a hoodie. He made some other assessment that was totally off the wall. He and other conservatives have a problem anytime someone want to raise the minimum wage, but think it is okay when a CEO and businesses make gazillions of dollars, I might agree to a certain extend, but share some of it with workers, then they might actually be able to buy things and help the economy. Is happy that the republicans got foodstamps taken out of the farm subsidiary bill. Forgot to mention that many that benefit from that bill is huge companies, like Conacre and Monsanto, although small farmers also benefit, let's subsidize big companies, and cut aide and wages to people that really needs it. He's having a fit that Obama at one point said if I had a son he would look like Trayvon, said the president injected race into the Zimmerman controversy. How? By stating the obvious. I should not listen to Sussman anymore he is not good for my bloodpressure.
ReplyDeleteBring on the bitterness and the anger Rich! But my question is: Why does anyone waste the time of day listening or watching the local dreck? They give you nothing, and they have nothing to give. The morning giggler on KGO, the 'Frat Boys' on KNBR, the bloviating manager at KTVU, Stan Bunger who thinks "he's god;" it sounds as if all of them need a reality check. Thanks for putting them in their proper places Richie!
ReplyDeleteIsn't reading complaints about the local dreck as objectionable as listening or watching local dreck? Seems slightly parasitic.
DeleteI have worked with many of them (or others just as bad) over the years and I can assure you 1) they all do think they're God and 2) they do need a reality check. Every time I read one of them has been laid off I gloat, because they ALL think THEY are immune.
DeleteI am reminded of a quote by Edward R. Murrow (whom several producers I'd worked with over the years *had never even heard of*, I'm not making that up), who once said, "Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar." If I ran a news organization, I'd have that engraved in a plaque and hang it in the middle of the newsroom where everyone could see it. And I'd put another above the cameras at the anchor desk for good measure.
KGO-ABC-7 was hyping "BREAKING NEWS" last night.
ReplyDeleteThis was "tweeted" by @abc7mewsBayArea:
#BREAKING: @RepSpeier, @NancyPelosi, @mayoredlee, and SFFD Chief Hayes-White visited the #SFOcrash site tonight.
Since when does a staged photo-op for politicians qualify as "breaking news?"
Channel 7 News is losing credibility with their incessant hyping and extravagant abuse of the term "breaking."
I plan to tune into the Murph and Mac show.
ReplyDeleteJust cannot get enough of the Sergio Romo Show.
Besides 18,000 giant promos you will find an equal amount of buzz for the Sergio Romo Show.
i guess there were reports of this blunder. will you be able to find out what happened? this is embarassing for the TV station.
It's on youtube now...
actual apology from ktvu
KTVU got hacked:
here's part of the live apology by tori
Ha.. how could KTVU have possibly confirmed these obviously bogus, prank names with the National Transportation Safety Board?! Sum Ting Wong here.
DeleteLet's all remember one thing: you don't have to watch/listen to the local jackmonkeys. This forum is proof enough that they're a bunch of idiots. Get your news online (LA Times, NY Times...even the SF Chronicle, etc.). Everyone has smart phones and/or tablets. Come on people. You don't have to swallow the dreck. Don't be a lemming and be led out to sea. You have a mind. You have common sense. Use it!
ReplyDeleteHoly cow. KTVU has just been punked. Reminds me of
Maybe all of these idiot "news" stations will stop with the "exclusive" (that drives me crazy) and "first" (Welfare and Institutions Code 5150). Are they all still snorting or something? What is wrong with these newspeople?
Heads will roll at KTVU. How fucking dumb and insensitive? I'm sure Walter Cronkite is rolling over in his grave...
ReplyDeleteIn 1991 when Mornings on 2 1st started, it was a much, much different kind of Morning Show. I honestly wish it would go back to what it started as, a Morning Show like The Today Show, & GMA.
ReplyDeleteIs this the item Brian Sussman read?
ReplyDeleteIf so many others have indicated this problem as well, such as this.,0,6132218.story
More KKK activity (your mindless term) in the form of slandering those sweet innocent Korean pilots. This time from the SF Chronicle.
ReplyDeleteCaptain Vic Hooper told his Korean co-pilot to make a visual approach, meaning he’d manually fly instead of letting automation do the work.
The co-pilot froze, leaving them too high and off course, Hooper said about the incident, which occurred several years ago. Hooper said he had to take over the controls to get the Boeing Co. 777 back on track.
“I don’t need to know this,” Hooper said the co-pilot told him later, explaining why a maneuver that’s second nature to most U.S. airline pilots rattled him. “We just don’t do this.”