I'm hearing it might either be a "rally the troops" gathering or "shit hits the fan" encounter. A few local wags indicated this latest possible legal indignity is cause for concern.
One thing is certain at Jack London Square: They were probably never happier that the Zimmerman verdict was announced on Saturday night.
Oh, and the ratings for Monday's Noon News should be off the chart; "MO2" too.
Keep it here for the latest.
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They better stop ending their newscasts with that "trust" bullshit.
ReplyDelete2 has been for years a bunch of self important c*m suc*ing pic*s. this was no accident but "breaking news" at it "best"
ReplyDeleteDid you hear the sports on KGO around 6:45 am yesterday. Larry, the Sports Anchor was busy yammering away about how much different breast sizes weigh and how they might slow down runners. Also, yammering about jiggling and nipples.
What a pig,
If you didn't go back and listen...
It takes a boob to know a boob.
DeleteSo, what can we expect? That they will come to an understanding that the "process" is wrong at KTVU? That they will find that there are too few "cutouts" (someone who can review the product and say "No, that's not right") and that maybe they are understaffed in important areas?
ReplyDeleteIts been mentioned that ratings are down over there. It used to be that while they may have done a few less stories, what they did report was done with an understanding of the subject and that understanding was passed along to the viewers. Now its "get the story count up and get it first", all that went against the KTVU of old. If you're just like the other stations then why should I watch you over those other ones? But what do I know, I've just been watching Ch 2 since before Charlie and Humpfrey.
While Channel 2 has a lot to be ashamed of, Asiana Airlines' claim that the report damaged their reputation is ludicrous on its face. Crashing into a sea wall in perfect weather, having a pilot at the controls with fewer hours in a 777 than most teen drivers have before they get their full license, having a copilot-trainer with no training experience, having the pilots say "Don't bother" when asked the rhetorical question "Do you want to evacuate?" after they crashed and skidded into the grass, having a top guy who flies to America and dodges all reporters' questions, runs away,refuses to apolgizse on camera and gives grieving relatives the short-shift--all of that damaged Asiana's reputation, not four silly names read on the air.
ReplyDeleteVery well stated.
DeleteYes, very well stated. F*ck Asiana Airlines for threatening a lawsuit. Absurd.
Delete> I'm hearing it might either be a "rally the troops" gathering or "shit hits the fan" encounter.
ReplyDeleteKnowing the current management there, I'd say the chances of #1 are fukking close to zero.
But oh, to be a fly on that wall...
Asiana May want to forget this. Im sure Asiana will have much larger Legal problems. I saw the Frank Summerville statement. It is my opinion that it was Laziness on a few fronts.
ReplyDeleteAsiana says TV station damaged its reputation. No landing your plane 1000 FT short of the runway, damaged your reputation.
ReplyDeleteThey should promote it as a new feature. "Crowded terminal? At Asiana, we let you bypass customs by letting you off on the ground so you can walk right to your ride and avoid the hastle..."
DeleteToday's Chronicle reports that KTVU presented a graphic of the fake names, as Campbell was reading the "story."
ReplyDeleteThat means:
-some professional at "the desk" read, and OK'd the story,
-someone generated a graphic for the screen,
-and, STILL, no one recognized the obvious, before it was too late.
Yes You are 100% Correct Also Rich has the graphic here a few posts back
DeleteBreaking News: KTVU to hire Charlie and Humphrey to run news department. Captain Satellite will be named general manager.
ReplyDeleteQuestion: will they find room for Miss Nancy?
Can't be worse than what's there now.
I personally was hoping for a Buster, Vanilla & Russell coup, crossing the bay to run shop.
DeleteThree words: clone Bob Wilkins
DeleteToday on his show, Brian Copeland strongly defended KTVU in general and Tori Campbell in particular. This was in the middle of KGO playing Campbell's report in almost every news break. If the airline is going to sue KTVU, they sure better sue KGO for getting maximum mileage from it. KGO is a closet full of whores.
ReplyDeleteNO wait...let's hire Amy G. to replace Mark Ibanez as sports anchor. "Well boys and girls, that's the sporting life."
ReplyDeleteWhen is 'Amy G.' going to learn how to use her voice and project? She must have flunked basic Public Speaking, because she sounds as if she is still in high grade school with that breathy, teenage voice that is better suited to hosting 'Romper Room' with four years old kids.
1st I've heard of a 10am staff meeting
ReplyDelete"Asiana Airlines said Sunday its reputation was damaged by a report on a San Francisco TV station that used bogus and racially offensive names for four pilots on its plane"....Uh, I think the that the four pilots couldn't land the plane without crashing might be a wee bit more of a problem for their reputation.
ReplyDeleteAsiana's reputation was ruined hours before the KTVU event.
ReplyDeleteIt's time to review our policy of letting marginal carriers land in the USA. Asiana is a risky airline. So are many other foreign carriers. We don't need their risk.
I'm waiting for Christine Craft to chime in and say: "had Deborah Hersman been the KTVU news editor this would've never happened. She would've had everyone in the newsroom for lunch before anything this dumb would've occurred and neither they nor her would've noticed her devouring everyone in one big bite...."
ReplyDeleteAsiana has contacted KTVU through their lawyer, Al Su Yu.
ReplyDeleteKTVU has retained its own legal bigwig--Phuc Yu--to counter-sue.
ReplyDeleteKTVU owner Cox Media has a history of factual errors.
ReplyDeleteIts flagship newspaper, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and flagship TV station WBS-TV in Atlanta, were the originators of the Richard Jewel "is the Olympic Park bomber" allegations. They were the only media outlet that never paid Jewel damages, even though they started the false, libelous firestorm against Jewel. They appealed and appealed, and Jewel eventually died. The case was then dismissed. Cox never apologized to Jewel either.
KTVU owner Cox Media. also has a history of racial problems.
When Cox owner Ann Cox Chambers was nominated to be Ambassador to Belgium by President Jimmy Carter, it was revealed she was a member of a "Whites Only" country club in Atlanta.
So with that kind of sloppy journalism and history of racial insensitivity, what happened at KTVU Friday should come as no surprise. In leadership (or the lack thereof), the apple never falls far from the tree!
You're overthinking the situation.
DeleteOverthinking the situation??? I think not! Had KTVU "overthought" the situation, they'd not be in this mess right now! See the comment posted at 9:13 AM which supports my point. Sloppy arrogance will get you sued, and all I am pointing out is that Cox Media has an embarrassing trail of bread crumbs in this regard on its resume.
DeleteAnd just what are Asiana's damages after this report aired? I doubt anyone in the Bay Area was buying a ticket on Asiana after 7/6/13. Doesn't Asiana have bigger problems right now anyway?
ReplyDeleteOn Saturday night's news broadcast, anchor Ken Wayne, reading from his teleprompter, described Trayvon Martin as a "seventeen year old teenager." This is so typical of Channel 2 that it shouldn't be accepted as poor copy writing or an editing oversight; this is Channel 2 once again emulating the very worst of college news reporting, by doing everything it can to emphasize the most divisive elements of a story, all in an effort to cause viewers to see those rioting morons not for what they are -- thugs, outcasts, and anti-social opportunists, but as caring young people so traumatized by injustice that they turn destructive.
ReplyDeleteAnd once again, the city of Oakland lies wounded... which, wouldn't you know it, gives Channel 2 even more news to distort, more fans to flame, more trouble to bring to our cities.