KTVU producer, Brad Belstock (pictured), tweeted out, "Oh shit" on Friday. Indeed.
Quick bullet points:
*Blaming an NTSB intern is counter-productive and doesn't help KTVU. There is NO excuse. Own up to the mistake, (as KTVU did in its apology), and move on.
*I'm sorry, but anyone with a quarter-brain reading those names would IMMEDIATELY have TOSSED the sheet. Still cannot fathom how that sheet made it past the desk, to the anchor chair.
*Tori Campbell is known for being less-than-friendly--this whole affair isn't going to help her.
*Karma factor: Several stations in the market aren't shedding any tears for KTVU. One major reason is the station's boasting of its coverage of the Asiana jet crash, (two days after it happened), and openly antagonizing other competitors. KPIX pounced on the KTVU mishap, (on its own website) and other personnel from the Battery gulch have been full of glee.
*One major KTVU personality who was fortunate to have been away from the studios said many staffers are miserable.
*Frank Somerville deserves a gold medal for valor; it was Somerville who read KTVU's apology and while it won't stop the rash, it was both emotionally resonant and convincing.
*Follow me on Twitter
*Tips-Inter-office e-mails: Rich.Lieberman@Gmail.com
*All tips provided strictly confidential
Worked for Janice Gin for (4) long years! Yesterday was her last day. Forced out. No N.D. No E.P. just EDD, with a huge EGO. She was mean and vindictive as they come. Was this her Wheel of Fortune parting gift to KTVU. Think about it? Was she in the building?
ReplyDeleteI actually, seriously, had that thought. I knew her too; wouldn't put it past her. Imagine if she went to KGO to work alongside Tracey Witchkowski!
Delete> Still cannot fathom how that sheet made it past the desk, to the anchor chair.
DeleteRich, have you ever worked in the industry you critique every day? The DESK has nothing to do with a story like this, as another person commenting who has worked for KTVU explained patiently yesterday. And there are no more supervising producers of any sort. Everyone was downsized years ago. All the newsrooms are now running their daily shows on the skeleton crews that used to be only on weekends, and nobody is minding the store. It's been this way for at least the last five years. Methinks you been out of the loop too long.
Almost all "reporting" today is press-release journalism: someone faxes an announcement for a presser and some reporter or "VJ" goes there while the writer or producer back at the station cuts and pastes the copy provided by the press release into an empty slug. Tha's "digging for details" (as they call it on KTVU) today. They're stenographers, truly. And it's not just TV. I know people at the New York Times who say it's not much different there anymore. It's so easy to pull a prank like that I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often.
Tracey and Janice in the same building??? OMG pass the Kool-Aid!
DeletePass the Kool-Aid? THEY'RE the ones selling it.
DeleteRich, why criticize KPIX's glee when you yourself are absolutely giddy about all of this?
ReplyDeleteI'm not criticizing KPIX's glee. Just reporting it...and btw, I am giddy about it b/c I still can't believe it made on the air. It's just flat out amazing.
DeleteIndeed - simply amazing. You know you f-up'd big time when the RWNJs are making fun of you: http://weaselzippers.us/2013/07/13/unbelievable-news-station-gets-trolled-repeats-the-wrong-names-of-pilots-in-asiana-crash/
DeleteCant stop laughing. Feel like I am at chuckle the clowns funeral
ReplyDeleteALWAYS be careful when someone keeps telling you to "trust" them.
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking: KTVU got these names from somewhere, called the NTSB WITH those names, ran those names through multiple layers, built a graphic, wrote the copy, READ the copy and then try to pin it on an intern. That's absurd. It's on KTVU all the way.
ReplyDeleteI keep saying this and no one listens. There ARE no "multiple layers," especially on the noon news, which is in transition from morning to evening so one shift s largely going home and the other hasn't come in yet. No one read this except either the producer or EP. It was typed into a computer program that attaches whatever you type to the stencil for the crash, which has been made up and reused since Saturday. There is no "graphics crew" working on this. There was probably no script even. The anchor is just told in her earpiece a graphic is coming up, and she reads the words on the screen in front of her, which is the same screen viewers saw. She adlibs an opening line, "We've now learned the names of the crew..." and then just reads the words ONE person typed in. That's it. Done. There are no multiple layers of management. There is no SWAT team, no NASA technicians, no star chamber that looks at this stuff. You people have no idea how bare-bones TV news is, especially the noon, their smallest show (the crew is just some hangers-on from the morning show, swing-shifters) especially in this post-internet age where everything has been cut to the bone. Most of these newsrooms, even in places like NY and LA Times, have about a fifth the personel they had ten years ago.
DeleteEither way. From the EP, to the producer/writer, to Tori, to air (Multiple Layers). Someone should have caught it. Skeleton crew or not. KTVU and ONLY KTVU fucked up big time and they're trying to save their ass by blaming the intern.
DeleteCurious where you get the Tori Campbell isn't friendly info. I worked with her for several years and she was always a sweetheart to everyone around me, if a bit reserved. But reserved doesn't make one unfriendly, though Americans often perceive it as so. (I've heard so many Americans who traveled to Europe in general and France in particular say Europeans "don't like" ius and think they're "superior," when in fact they're just more reserved and formal than today's "Wazzup?" Yanks are used to.
ReplyDeleteCompared to the likes of Dana King, though, who in two years never spoke a word to me (if she wanted to communicate with me an intern or assistant delivered the message, and waited for the reply), or Pete Wilson, who was a smug jackass who only deigned to talk to you if he wanted a coffee or something, or Pam Moore, who's warm and friendly only with the African people in the newsroom, or Ysabel Duron, who had a separate, numbered parking space in the garage for her ego, Tori is a sweetheart. I won't even get started on Anna Chavez, Elaine Corral or Julie Haener.
I agree. Tori is not only a nice person to work with, she is not AT ALL the dumb anchor chick that she's being made out to be. She usually checks and approves all of her scripts, and is not afraid to ask questions if something doesn't seem right. This story had to have been a last-minute add. I'm really sad this happened to her of all people.
DeleteInteresting post at 10:45am.
DeleteWe need more information like yours.
Many of us have no idea about the egos involved or the prickly personalities who dominate TV news.
Good to hear the other side and not some vanity piece you might read in the Datebook at the Chronicle.
I agree, had the great pleasure of working at KGO when she did news. She wasn't the gushy sort, for which I am thankful. She was/is smart, serious and very professional.
Delete> We need more information like yours.
Delete> Many of us have no idea about the egos involved or the
> prickly personalities who dominate TV news.
Thanks, but seriously, when I do post and correct Rich's questionable interpretations or outright falsehoods he immediately tells me to eff off and stick my [miscellaneous part of anatomy] into a [miscellaneous object that is hard and often very cold].
(Although once he came back with a zinger that still makes me laugh! He's funny when he's not crude.)
I DO think, having since read Tori's Twitter apology, she could have done better. Mistakes were made @KTVU?? Ya think?? Frank did a class-A job last night on the Ten, saying everything Tori should have said herself on her tweet.
Speaking of curious, you slam "Yanks" for their "wazzup" attitude and not recognizing the Europeans "more reserved and formal" comportment. Then you harshly criticize certain American news anchors who were not outgoing around you. Wazzup with that?!
DeleteDana King was cool as fuck. And why have you worked in so many newsrooms? Put the hash away.
DeleteWhat's still inexcusable, is that CBS and ABC had the names of two of the pilots on Wednesday.
ReplyDeleteThose names, obviously, did not come close to resembling the names KTVU 'released' on Friday.
a) Did KTVU miss the release of the names originally?
b) Did KTVU really need to rush to get the names on in the first place? It wasn't a matter of public safety.
c) Why didn't the person who received the email, the person who shouted the email across the newsroom, the person who typed the names in phonetically for the anchor, or the producer of the show read the names?
d) After reading the first two, how could the anchor have NOT known something was wrong with the names.
It does not matter what an NTSB intern said. No one at KTVU paid any attention to what they were putting on the air.
This was not a racial thing, or an insensitive thing. This was just sheer stupidity on the part of too many people who pride themselves on accuracy, and asking the right questions.
It makes every single thing KTVU has or will put on the air suspect.
How do we know they checked any of it?
Since you say this was "inexcusable," what do you suggest KTVU should do? Would you like them to cease broadcasting?
Delete10:50 AM -- EXACTLY!
Delete2:44 PM -- Lee Rosenthal is that you?
Has KTVU said where they got the names in the first place?
ReplyDeleteagree. Who is the responsible party.
Deletethat's the interesting part! Who created the names and did they do it with malevolent purpose? or was it an accident that something private got into the supply chain, so to speak?
Delete> Has KTVU said where they got the names in the first place?
DeleteA kid named Bart Simpson called them in. He was also looking for Amanda Hugginkiss.
My take on the whole thing: WHO THE F...CARES? This is a classic example of a 'tempest in a teapot' where the politically correct school of thought takes over and runs rampant. Sure, KTVU has egg on its face and rightfully so. It's hard to believe that their producers and anchor Tori Campbell could have been so stupid as to let this obviously false set of names be read on the air, but in the long run, who is being hurt by this? Only KTVU and who gives a flying fig about them anyway? They're just another arm of some corporate entity that likes to suck America dry!
ReplyDeleteI agree. It's a PRANK... Electronic gate crasher...CNN was punk'd a bunch of times. Until the "Breaking News" mentality goes away which it ain't gonna do anytime soon this will happen over and over and over again. I bet three other local stations would have gone with the names too. The crash news feeding frenzy is a joke.. Just like these names..
DeleteMy list for worst broadcasters in the bay area, (and not necessarily in this order):
ReplyDeleteAmy G. Comcast. Insipid, breathless little girl excitement and puff pieces that constantly interrupt what is normally a worthwhile broadcast to watch. This woman is better suited with her little sing-songy teenagers voice for hosting Romper Room. I guess she's got the goodS on Ted Griggs however, because Comcast seems to love 'Amy G.' and insist she'll continue to do her thing. Yech!
P-Con- This dysfunctional, brainless twit sounds as if he's got a combo of attention deficit disorder and bipolar personality. He does not belong on the air..period!
Paulie Mack- one of the insufferable 'frat-boys' as Rich likes to call him...he's a waste of air time and he adds nothing to the KNBR morning show. Brian Murphy desperately needs a strong partner on the air who knows something about sports, and Paulie, a mediocre former FM DJ is not the guy. Lee Hammer must have needed someone cheap.
Fitz and Brooks- The noon gigglers are boring, full of themselves, and never show their faces at any sporting event. Why anyone takes the time to even listen to them or call their show is beyond me. Fitz got to his position by brown nosing and backstabbing his way (ask Greg Papa or John Shrader!) to the top.
Tim Nonte-Manure- The KGO screamer loves to tell you he knows everything. Guess what Tim...you know a lot less than you think! He's self-righteous, simplistic, and an embarrassment. But again, what can you expect from Cumullus, the media company that gives also gives you idiots like Karel.
Brian Suss-pool- This hate monger pushes his nonsensical agenda out there each day and an incredulous audience must find him terribly amusing, but he's mean-spirited and sounds like an acolyte of the John Birsh Society.
I could name a lot more frauds and misfits on our local airwaves , but that will do for now!
The first one you listed WAS in the right order!
DeleteI was with you until you got to the 'Fitz at the top' part.
DeleteHave you in the end sir no decency? Brad Belstock was NOT the producer of the Noon broadcast, but hey when has that ever stopped you from implying or smearing someone.
ReplyDeleteHe's the guy that tweeted, "Oh Shit"--fact. Read the post and go back to sanctimony school.
DeleteBlaming an NTSB intern is NO excuse. Even if it is true, how come KTVU was apparently the ONLY station in the country to put the “names” on the air? It indicates a level of incompetence at KTVU that is almost unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteOnce again the blame for destroying KTVU lies with Andy "S&M" Fisher, "Special Ed" Chapuis, and Tim "The Atlanta Puppet" McVay. They got rid of the managing editor, the copy editors, many of the senior reporters and anchors, and the quality executive producers. They gutted and decimated a once proud, quality newsroom. They should be sued for journalistic malpractice. All are now gone, but they left a disaster-in-waiting aftermath to their self-serving shananighans. This is what happens when you "let the inmates run the asylum" and all your decisions are made in Iowa by Frank Magid & Associates. The utter arrogance of KTVU is now drowning in its own self-made Karma. A once honorable newsroom, is now a pathetic internet joke gone viral. "Thank you for trusting us?" Give the public a break! You're done! Overdone!
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, we the American public do not have the Need To Know those South Korean pilot names anyway. What good would it do for us to know, other than to answer some future trivia questions? The likelihood that we would ever get one of the 'Fab Four' S. Korean pilots from this here plane crash is very very small. Do you recall the name of that drunken, adulterous Captain who sank that Italian cruise ship last year, the one they called "Captain Coward"? I didn't think you did, but wasn't it fun to throw stones for a couple of days? The only reason we want those names anyway is grist for more gossip.
ReplyDeleteGuess what's about to happen to KTVU's ratings? THEIR RATINGS WILL GO UP DRAMATICALLY, at least for a while. During this time people will tune in breathless anticipation, waiting, hoping for a repeat, for the second shoe to loudly drop. If KTVU is able to calm it's corporate self, they should use this bucket full of attention to attract and keep more viewers, more advertisers too. Put some more sugar in that lemonade. is how I see it!
ReplyDeleteWow! Talk about catching up with Rich's blog!
ReplyDeleteSad to hear about KTVU's bonehead mistake. Clearly, Campbell was caught in the middle; Cox/FOX/KTVU's EP, ND, & GM hires are total disasters. Is Raponi dividing the station all over the place? Clearly Cox/FOX/KTVU doesn't believe teamwork and high ratings go hand-in-hand. Right now, they have neither. A shame. BTW, I had no problem with Haener when she once led the Alameda County Fair parade when the Fair had it (budget cuts eliminated it years ago). She carried herself in a sweet manner. Haener may feel like most KTVU staffers in that the top is too stuffy & divisive.
Love 11:10AM's post. My cousin's best friend in San Jose is a Giants diehard. And he absolutely despises Amy G! Always calls her the worst yet! Even this mainstream Kuip-Kruk follower can't stomach the broadcasts any more! BTW, even the John Birch folks probably want nothing to do with Suss-pool - that's how bad it sounds, according to most Bay radio observers.
I am sick and tired of people criticizing anchors for not being nice. Many people have said absolutely horrible things about Terilyn Joe, but I got to tell you something, I worked with her, and she was one of the nicest, sweetest, angelic beings you could ever know...No, I'm just kidding--the woman was a real b**ch!
ReplyDeleteAs soon as this incident happened, I was talking with some people and the question of wonder what rich will say about this, came up. i said, I bet somehow he will still get a praise in for Somerville and Sal somehow. Well I was right about you getting you daily worship in on one of them. Wanting to give Somerville a medal for reading an apology. Wow. Do you think you can ever praise other anchors/reporters/traffic people, that say..I don't know, DON'T come on your radio show?
ReplyDeleteDan Ashley, Raj Mathai, Ken Wayne, (from KTVU), Ama Daetz, Carolyn Johnson...(and others) have ALL been on my radio show, schuck, so at least do your homework before you post such nonsense...ok, Mr. "DON'T"?
DeleteI thought Frank did a great job with that apology. Don't know if he wrote it, or just read someone else's words, or wrote some of it along with a many other people (most likely), but whatever, he did everything he could in a no-win situation. And how does Sal come into this? Rich hasn't mentioned him in connection with this and as far as I know he has no connection. Talk about cherry-picking the evidence...
DeleteI had a response to this but Rich only lets comments he approves on
DeleteYeah, he tweeted "oh shit," but that hardly makes him the responsible party. I assumed he was reacting to something publicly that happened in his workplace.
ReplyDeletePosting his picture and pointing the finger in this way is beyond inflammatory, but we know that's what you like.
Brad did not produce that show. You're a total dick for putting his picture up. There were Asian Americans in the newsroom, as well, pushing for this to go on the air, who didn't catch the joke, which makes it less than racist. It is funny. HILARIOUS on so many levels. Maybe the funniest thing that's ever happened on TV news. So go ahead and feign PC outrage, when what you're really doing is capitalizing on the comedy of this all. It's going to turn out just fine.
ReplyDeleteI TOO think it's FUNNY, sad too, in a way...and by the way, You're a DICK. Why don't you go stick your head in the toilet and flush it.
DeleteThere's your PC.
What's wrong with dicks? I happen to like them.
Delete"... and by the way, You're a DICK. Why don't you go stick your head in the toilet and flush it."
DeleteRich, instead of blogging, have you considered video? I think it might be your true medium. Call it "Sh*t Rich Says". Clever quips like this would go viral faster than Tori Campbell can say... well, you know. I know if I heard anyone over 14 actually say the quote above out loud, I'd die laughing.
Then do this: go laughing and YOU to stick your cranium into toilet and flush! Giddy up.
DeleteGeeze, Rich, you make Charlie Sheen seem mellow.
DeleteSo what if Tori was the one reading the names, it was bad information!!! You want to pick on her? There are some media people that Rich likes, and a lot more that he doesn't for certain reasons (Ronn and Gary for starters). Just move on. Does Rich think that Peter Jennings of ABC World News was a bad reporter when Captain Jenks from the Stern show called during the OJ chases with bad information on his NATIONAL broadcast? I bet if Tori had been a guest on his radio show he would have not even printed her name.
ReplyDeleteWe need to find out where they got the original list of pilot names. It did NOT come from the NTSB. Just the confirmation of the names was the NTSB's mistake. Where the heck did this originate from??
ReplyDeleteHaving run radio and print newsrooms, I understand gallows humor. Many of my former employees would say I have great gallows humor. However, even gallows humor has its limits.
ReplyDeleteI'm amazed the false "names" were even read by a veteran newscaster.
The NTSB's blaming it on an intern is more than lame. It is downright offensive on its own accord.
Plus, don't all interns have at least one person who reviews their work prior to it even being sent anywhere else ~ let alone media?
The NTSB's "admission" calls into question the NTSB's credibility and professionalism.
As for KTVU allowing it to get on-air: no excuse.
Because the public doesn't know who was working in the newsroom at the time of the mistake, it casts into doubt the entire KTVU news department.
That may not be fair, and I know it isn't, but that is the reality when you make such monumental mistakes as reading names that are not only fake, but utterly offensive.
This is waaaay more about the way News Media competes for coverage than who screwed up. The Electronic Media are on the air in a moment making a desperate grab for market share. With nothing new to say fairly quickly, they report the same news over and over then jump on any news tidbit that blows their way. CNN and CBS were reporting Adam Lanza's brother, Ryan Lanza, as the suspect in the "Newtown" shootings less than one hour after the massacre.. Unless the FCC starts fining news organizations for broadcasting false or injurious information this will go on and on..
ReplyDeleteThe FCC never has and never will fine news outlets for making mistakes. That would be unconstitutional. The industry must police itself.
Delete@6:03... Where did you go to journalism school? Your suggestion would be patently unconstitutional. (First Amendment.) We have civil remedies for defamation (libel, slander, etc.) In fact, Asiana announced--just today--that they are considering legal acton. Besides, the FCC has no regulatory power over non-broadcast media such as cable, satellite, internet, not to mention PRINT media. So your reasoning that the "FCC (should) start fining news organizations" is specious.
DeleteThe only thing scarier than a dummy is a dummy with an internet account.
Delete"Frank Somerville deserves a gold medal for valor; it was Somerville who read KTVU's apology and while it won't stop the rash, it was both emotionally resonant and convincing."
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Frank is a consummate professional and at least had the guts to read the apology instead of hiding in the background.
Isn't there a 7 second delay as in radio so a producer can catch these kinds of things? Just curious.
ReplyDeleteAsiana Airlines said Sunday its reputation was damaged by this hoax and is considering legal action. An Asiana statement said it's mulling legal measures against both KTVU-TV and the NTSB because the report "badly damaged" the reputation of the airline and its pilots.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with that one.
Two interesting points this brought up for me:
Delete1) Will Tori Campbell even be ON on Monday? And if she's not, is her leave temporary or permanent.
2) Asiana has a lot of nerve claiming the fake names, tasteless as they were, "damaged its reputation." I think having a pilot with 40 hours' experience in a 777 who's never flown to SFO before sitting next to a trainer who's never trained before slamming their plane into the sea wall at SFSO does a lot more to damage their "reputation" than naming a plot Wi Tu Lo.
She says she'll be back, chastened, but professional.
DeleteYou are utterly right about Asiana. Part of what made the ktvu gaffe both horrible and funny wasn't racism at all. It was that the four stooges on that plane were utterly out to lunch,most likely. Aren't airspeed indicators easily observed?
I am a pilot. Yes, they are.
DeleteThat's because Adam Lanza's was carrying Ryan Lanza drivers license and credit card. The the name police released.
ReplyDeleteThe Daily Mirror in the UK is now reporting that Brad was the producer of this show, when in fact, he was not. You're blog seems to have gone international, Rich.
ReplyDeleteOh, lawsuits on top of lawsuits. I saw a blog that said the same thing yesterday. I thought Brad was producer too first time I read the story.
DeleteBrad might not have to worry about whether he has a gig. Open up the checkbook folks. Let's see, Asiana sues KTVU. KTVU Producer wrongfully blamed sues everyone else.
DeleteKTVU again scoops the nation with transcript from cockpit recorder.
ReplyDeleteTower: "Asiana 214, you appear short on your approach."
Pilot Bang Ding Ow: "Confirm wi tu lo?"
Tower: "That's affirmative.
Unknown voice in cockpit: "Wi Tu Lo, pilot just say you name."
Wi Tu Lo (sipping coffee): "Why, sum ting wong?"
Sum Ting Wong: "What you want."
Wi Tu Lo: "I ask, sum ting wong?"
Sum Ting Wong: "Ask me what?"
Pilot (shouting): "Sum ting wong. Anyone know why wi tu lo?"
Sum Ting Wong: "Why Wi Tu Lo what?"
Pilot: "Why wi tu lo on approach?"
Sum Ting Wong: "Wi Tu Lo not on approach, he on coffee break."
Pilot (frustrated): "I repeat: sum ting wong. Why wi tu lo?"
Sum Ting Wong: "Ho lee fuk, I confused."
Ho Lee Fuk: "Me too."
Pilot: "Listen up. Sum ting wong is wi tu lo!"
Sum Ting Wong: "I not Wi Tu Lo!"
Pilot (shouting): "I know who you are... Ho lee fuk, look at the altimeter!"
Wi Tu Lo: "Not Ho Lee Fuk either, but Wi Tu Lo."
Pilot: "I know wi tu lo!"
Wi Tu Lo: "I know him tu, he is me."
Pilot (exasperated): "Ho lee fuk! Sum ting wong, wi tu lo, and I'm surrounded by incompetents!"
Wi Tu Lo whispering to Sum Ting Wong: "Well, he no Jackie Chan himself."
Pilot (shouting): "Ho lee fuk, we're about to crash. Notify the tower."
Ho Lee Fuk: "Will do. You save plane and our names become famous as Captain Sully's."
Belstock -not the noon news producer. He's a solid journalist and I hope this doesn't screw up his gig at KTVU - it is pretty much his dream job.
ReplyDeleteTori - nicest lady. Total pro. She clears scripts better than any EP I've ever worked with; she obviously didn't see the script or graphic ahead of time.
Janice Gin - terrible breath, terrible human. Drives a PT Loser. Constantly looking for ways to make people look stupid/throw them under the bus to make her uselessness seem relevant.
Noon News - under-staffed show that I'm surprised makes air. The regular producer is a solid PRO who gets thrown under the bus constantly by Janice and other staff too busy working on the pm shows. Constantly has to pull resources from the morning crews who have already been working for 8+ hours
I wouldn't call Brad Belstock a "total pro journalist", but he had absolutely nothing to do with this, other than a very stupid personal reaction tweet, which he has gotten away with many times up until now. Rich, I think it was very irresponsible of you to put his picture up. You should have enough sense to know the difference between some actually being responsible and a harmless idiot reacting like a human being. Pretty low, Rich, even for you.
ReplyDeleteI'm also very disturbed by all if the semi-racist Janice Gin bashing going on here. I too worked with her and bumped heads nearly every time we interacted, but to suggest she would ever dream of doing something like this is way of base. She was nothing if not always professional, and no matter how pissed she was at the company she would not jeopardize it's credibility she spent a decade stewarding. The problem is her responsibilities were to keep news people and budgets in line, often at odds with ego centric talent and others ambitions.
Now lets see if Rich can handle the criticism and let this comment on, or will he tell me to stick my head in a toilet like a third grader, or will he take the easy way out and dismiss this comment altogether.
Janice Gin was, is, and will always be out for #1. Her issues have nothing to do with ethnicity. She was probably promised and then stabbed in the back for ND after Special Ed was shown the door. Did she "dream up" Namegate??? Who knows. Is she vindictive enough to look the other way the morning tis happened? Her last day?? Absolutely. Just ask anyone who's worked for or with her. The good news (for KTVU) is she's gone. Hopefully, ABC will also wake-up and figure out KGO's Tracey W and Janice G are cut from the same cloth....doubt it though, they'll probably continue bottom feeding for the cheapest management bait.
DeleteThe new ND was known for his over the top self promotion and putting the emphasis on "first" over "right" in his last job. Looks like it finally caught up with him.