All along we knew the Boston Marathon bombings would unleash the crazy machine of radio station morning zoos, (here, one that starts with a K and ends with an O), that have broadcast a bevy of conspiracy "theories", (psst, the perps have 'dark-skin'!);
in addition to the fact, they know nothing, they love incidents like this to showcase their forte, never mind, why let facts get in the way of a good story.
While CNN stepped in a lot of it, the NY Post really stepped in a lot of it and they're wrong, (like above, the two guys lynched in the press and convicted already are actual runners and had nothing to do with the bombings).
What made the CNN booboo so unintentionally funny was the fact that just as soon as they'd realized they reported a complete inaccuracy, (like, a "suspect" has been "arrested" and is "in custody--NOT), they immediately went into CYA-mode and denial central. Their so-called "National Security Expert" was so off the chart and goofy, she looked as if she was playing Tina Fey in an old "Saturday Night Live" comedy skit. I'm not sure what here name is and I'm not going to look it up but she sort of resembles a younger-looking Gloria Borger. She was all over the map on Wednesday.
*I'm working on a tip that a local station's GM threatened his News Director's job over "too much coverage" on the Boston bombings. We're checking.
*April is, indeed, the cruelest month.
*Follow me on Twitter and listen to me Monday-Friday from 1-4 PM PT on KSCO/KOMY.
*E-Mail/Tips: Rich.Lieberman@Gmail.com
News people don't reveal their sources and in cases like this, it only makes things worse.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the quality of the investigation if inaccurate 411 is leaked? The press takes the story and runs with it, forming public opinion, and the law enforcement looses their objectivity in an effort to not look stupid. Will they ever get to the bottom of things or just frame a convenient spectator? Take the anthrax scare 10 or so years ago or Richard Jewell/Olympic bombing.
Senseless rants of anger to be "big" usually fall flat, Rich. You can criticize and that's fine. When you get it back in your face, deal with it. Calling people names in print and on air only makes you look bad.
DeleteLet's see you talk YOUR way out of this, Lieberman!
DeleteSo, you think CNN has done such a laughable job now?
The most rivetting television this night wasn't "stealing" live shots from other sources as if they were yours. They were from CNN, including the "analyst" woman you can't stand. Jake Tapper, great coverage.
ABC, ok coverage. Brian Ross, good job. NBC. Where's freaking NBC? Not there at all. CBS, fair job from New York with an all-night anchorette who looks lost. Good coverage, but way too many replays of hours before coverage from WBZ-TV Boston. FOX, where are they? Not there.
CNN, Live. HLN, Live with "Morning Express". A CNN repeat, but there, at least.(while their stars are still in slumber ready for another day of the Jodi Arias trial and that stupid coverage.)
FOX News, good "cable" coverage but nothing on the network outside of the news channel. Good video. Bill Hemmer doing great job for what seems like days on end, non-stop.
Even "Fox & Friends" seems subdued, but professional and lucid without their usual hype.
MSNBC - Lester Holt and Pete Williams on "Morning Joe" doing live coverage. Up-to-the-minute and concise. Guess the main network couldn't rouse Brian Williams on the main network.
Radio coverage, typical. "Headline coverage" but ABC and CBS Radio have been the exceptions, especially with continus coverage from the scene. It's a visual story, though, tought to do expaznded coverage that makes sense on radio outside of Boston. WBZ 1030 is excellent, in usual CBS Radio style.
So, Rich. You want to make fun of the media that sure didn't screw things like newspapers did - especially the New York Post?
You need to quit. You provide a horrible service to 10 people in Watsonville and Santa Cruz on a non-rated daytimer. Get a life, Rich. Stomp that fathead ego of yours into the ground outside. You're no reporter? Then stop trying to be one you tool.
I'm seeing OUTSTANDING "door to door" coverage from Boston, Cambridge and Watertown. If you're so hot, where the hell are you?
Working for free in Watsonville, CA and making "no traction" and not "moving the needle."
NBC News is reporting that the two alleged bombers are brothers, 19 years old (one), Mass. driver's license, some military experience, some possible international ties and living in Cambridge, Mass. Watertown locked down in and out. There's your report in one freaking paragraph. Going to be an interesting and long day.
Why are you so giddy over the CNN mistake? On another note, you constantly complain about conspiracy theorists yet you bring attention to them on this post. Next time you misreport an item, I'm gonna hammer your ass, which you'll likely censor you coward.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mickey, now time to go back to 7-11, the milk is getting sour.
DeleteFrankly Rich, your lame responses to critical comments only make matters worse.
DeleteHuh? What a silly, stupid reply, Rich. You said "I don't care" last night when told about attitudes toward your audience. You still don't get it, nor do you "care". At least you're being "honest to a fault" for saying that.
ReplyDelete"Go back to 7-11, the milk is getting sour?" WTF? Makes no sense. Sounds like the "grapes are getting sour" with your insecurity and bulliness. Looks like you have a lot of detractors, and your few syncophants aren't all that strong or comprehensive for a real debate about your value as a commentator.
The bars are just opening. The beer is cold. Enjoy.
I will. But I'm not a beer drinker.
DeleteHow come YOU keep reading me? Why would you subject yourself to something so toxic? Please, I don't want this to cause you more misery. Take a sabbatical and veer away. Then if you want to come back, do so at your own risk.
There isn't one radio talk show host that's in the same league as Rich.
DeleteCan you boys lighten up? Some of us are getting more and more shocked at the inananities being thrown around here. Let Rich do his blog and inform us as he wants to and if you don't like it, go somewhere else. Jeez.
ReplyDeleteRich: The "I don't know who she is" CNN source you referenced is Fran Townsend. She has pretty good credentials -- she served for three years as National Security Adviser to President Bush (that's George W, not George H.W.). She's a CNN contributor on national security issues. She was trying to use her federal contacts to verify yesterday's reports about a Boston Marathon bombing suspect being identified/arrested. Obviously she needs better sources.
ReplyDeleteGood post, Only she wasn't the one I was referring to: it was the one with the brown hair along side Cooper and Cuomo.
DeleteI know Townsend and she IS good, but she wasn't the one.
Rich, if you're going to turn your radio program into an audio play-by-play of watching a televised press conference you have no right to complain about nothing happening.
ReplyDeleteThanks God.
DeleteIn the day and age of Twitter some "reporters" choose to get the story out first rather than correct. How often do we here "my sources can confirm....." rather than someone working the story on their own. I am tired of both sides extreme right and left each coming up and saying it was the tea party that did it, it was (fill in the blank).
ReplyDeleteI am sorry but part of the story is the complexion of the person being looked for just as much if they are male or female. Get over trying to be "politically correct" and instead focus on getting the responsible people/party brought to justice. Stop making it a political issue and instead make it an issue of the USA to get solved who did harm to citizens (of the US and China). If you have nothing better to do than blame one part or the other......move on and go hide back in your hole and stop trying to divide people.
I think John King's got some 'splainin to do, now that a kid has to worry about his life... - DW
ReplyDeleteAccording to The Drudge Report, one suspect has been caught near the MIT campus.
ReplyDeleteThe other is on the loose.
Hard & sad to believe what CNN has become particularly Wolf Blitzer.
ReplyDeleteThanks for noting the wanna-be pundits on KSFO. The show often borders on racism and Islamophobia. In fact, I think it has crossed the line on both.
ReplyDeleteRead this about what the New York Post editor says about journalists making mistakes. He said journalists don't have time to get all the facts straight. Really. He actually doesn't believe in factual stories.