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Ama Daetz |
Props to Tim Kawakami of the SJ Merc for being named California Sportswriter of the Year by the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association. We here at 415 Media always appreciate the passionate offerings of Kawakami, who tells it like it is, good, bad or indifferent...Greg Papa received the Sportscaster of the Year Award...Between Kawakami and Lowell Cohn of the Santa Rosa Press-Democrat, we have some of the best sports scribes here in the Bay Area. And don't forget Mark Purdy too....Speaking of sports, sort of, leave it to the reliable Deadspin to give the most genuine take on Lance Armstrong's impending mea-culpa to Oprah...Still weird to see Newsweek in digitial-only form. No printed edition and that's damn sad...The amazing and versatile weekend anchor Ama Daetz from KGO-TV, (ABC7), will guest on my KOMY radio Monday at 3 PM PT and I will do my best to grill lightly...Charlie the pit bull story easily the most over-covered "story" of the last week and a half. Why? Don't ask, don't tell. I know. If Time could put a cat on its cover, animals get special treatment...Don't bet the house on it dept, but what the hell: 49ers: 34 Packers: 32. Really a coinflip game but I'm taking the home team and what a genius I am.
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Tim Kawakami |
those who called for Charlie's death..must be so disappointed today. Three cheers to a top drawer lawyer and animal advocate, John Mounier for taking the due process issues into federal court and saving Charlie's life. Rich, there are more doggies than kids in San Francisco.
ReplyDeleteThere are more cockroaches than kids in San Francisco too!
DeleteChristine, do you think their rights need to be protected as well? Let me guess, Christine knows lots of cockroaches that are suffering from autism and Asperger’s syndrome.
Neither dogs nor cockroaches have either autism or "rights". Aspergers is part of the Autism continuum.
DeleteRights, particulary the enumerated rights like due process, attach to human beings. In this case, the due process rights which brought the case from state court into federal court had to do with the lack of procedural and actual notice to the dog owner, at several levels. The court decided not to dismiss the case, because there were genuine triable issues re: due process. I've read the pleadings. They are lengthy and it would take some effort on the part of some media types to actually read them. It's sort of late for that now, however.
San Francisco is named after the patron saint of the animals. Perhaps you were not aware.
Christine, You are so knowledgeable!
DeleteCould you please clarify the significance of your comment that there are more doggies than kids in San Francisco. How would it make a difference if there were more kids than dogs in San Francisco?
How'd you trick Ama into coming on your show? You know she's just going to hang up when you start hitting on her non-stop, Rich! This will turn into Kristy Siefkin part 2!
ReplyDeleteProps to Pops! Greg Papa is both knowledgeable and entertaining.
ReplyDeleteIt is not some kind of secret that San Francisco has both the name and the reputation of being particularly animal friendly. It takes no great knowledge to figure this out. Your hypothesis makes no sense. The point in the Charlie case was that the dog's owner was able to generate immense interest and concern about a dog story.That's a good thing, that San Francisco, more than many places, has such a heart, still. Even the federal judge took note of that issue.
ReplyDeleteSure, but what difference does it make that "there are more doggies than kids in San Francisco?"
DeleteSimple really...just means that there are lots of dog lovers. If you said, for example that there were a lot of gay people in San Francisco,and that San Francisco was more gay friendly than most places on earth, that would mean deductively,that people in San Francisco were more likely to care about wanting fair treatment for gay people , than other,less tolerant places. I'm sure you can think of many such examples.
ReplyDeleteWell, if you were trying to show there are a lot of dog lovers in San Francisco (assuming that more dogs mean more dog lovers), wouldn't you want to compare the number of dogs to the size of the overall population?
DeleteComparing the number of dogs to the number of kids in the city doesn't really say anything about the size of the dog population and creates the peculiar suggestion that you are comparing the significance of dogs to that of human children.
The stat is based on dog licenses. I believe that lots of families..SHOCK.... get dogs for their families, for their children to play with, to teach their children responsibility and unconditional love, and yes to protect their households. A lot of older folk, once they've released their children into the great unknown, still want dogs because dogs are great, help lower your blood pressure,and unlike your children, are always utterly without artifice.That's a good thing for a deserving person of any age. Go visit a nursing home someday and take a service dog with you, like Hector, the Michael vick pit bull. Watch the faces of the dying, decrepit people come out of their stupor and enjoy the sweet love of that animal, even if just for a half hour. Then tell me how unimportant dogs are. When that police dog saves your sorry ass from the bad guy, tell me how unimportant they are. When the explosives sniffing dog saves the life of the US soldier, tell me how unimportant, and how like cockroaches they are.
ReplyDeleteThat's all heart warming. I'll go visit a nursing home as soon as I can, but again, could you please explain how that has anything to do with your initial comment that there are more doggies than kids in San Francisco?
DeleteIf anything, your 4:44 comment says that the number of dogs is related to the number of children. Do you have any facts about the number of dogs in San Francisco vs. the number of dogs in other cities?
"When that police dog saves your sorry ass from the bad guy, tell me how unimportant they are."
DeleteChristine, I understand your affiliation with dogs, you are one very sick puppy!
6:56.and 9:15.The discussion at hand began when I was accused of believing that cockroaches have aspergers and rights. In any event, if you don't understand that people in large numbers care very much about the treatment of man's best friend, that is your dysfunction, not mine. The story arose out of San Francisco,not other cities. Perhaps you could ponder why television newscasts often end with the cute puppy story that touches people's hearts. This is true, all over the country, at least it was when I was anchoring t.v. news.I don't think that has changed.I once had a co-anchor who was dismissive of dogs(they rumpled his perfect demeanor), who realized that his personal distaste did not endear him to the audience, and so he pretended differently. I saw that happen in the instant case with Charlie, who despite the ill wishes of a few, lives today. That makes me very, very happy, not sick.
ReplyDeleteActually, I thought the discussion at hand had to do with how your weird claim about more dogs than children in San Franciso has much to do with the other tangents you've gone off on:
Delete1) There are a lot of dogs in San Francisco.
2) There are a lot of dog lovers in San Francisco.
3) People buy dogs for their children - (wouldn't that mean fewer dogs in SF?)
4) Old people use dogs to lower their blood pressure.
5) I should go visit a nursing home someday and take a service dog with me, like Hector, the Michael vick pit bull to watch the faces of the dying, decrepit people.
6) I'll regret saying dogs are unimportant (something I never said) when police dog saves your sorry ass from the bad guy.
7) I'm not sufficiently great-full that explosives sniffing dog saves the life of the US soldiers.
8) You once had a co-anchor who didn't like dogs.
Christine, you seem to have a hard time staying on topic or presenting logical ideas. Can't imagine that you scored too well on that part of the LSATs.
"great-full"? seriously?and you question her logic? Did one of those really serious people, offended by the ill-informed comments about pit bulls, get your bra in a bunch,get your fleshy manboobs trembling? Have you considered liposuction?
DeleteAs far as your disdain for the pleasure dying people get from therapy dogs(very different from service dogs),you might be very surprised to discover that these same people rarely if ever have visits from their supposedly loving children.
Sorry my spell checker did something weird to grateful and yes, I am questioning Christine's logic, not her spelling.
DeleteI'm still not understanding the torrent of self-righteous drivel - explosive sniffing dogs saving soldier's lives, dying people in nursing homes, insincere TV co-anchors - beloved Hector, Michael Vick's pit bull, that spew forth from the holier-than-thou dog lovers, or in the case of Christine, combination dog and gun lovers.
BTW @5:15, maybe the dying people in nursing homes who don't get visits from children are San Franciscans who opted for dogs instead of kids. Why don't their dogs come to visit?
It's your spelling,not mine. Spell check, my ass. As for the fading geezers plopped by their adoring offspring in the charnel houses called nursing homes,their dogs don't visit, most likely because the kids had them destroyed after pops and mom were institutionalized . They are typically older, companion animals and way too much trouble for the charming adult kids. We do have the marvelous MUTTVILLE in SF which tries to bridge that gap, beautifully.
DeleteI am not now, nor have I ever claimed to be "holy". I love dogs, and horses and cats, all of which keep me humble in the sense of money. I have other, similarly situated friends, of varying ages,income levels, and widely varying political points of view. We find common ground because of the animals. That's a good thing.
I'm also a gun owner and I'm willing to bet that millions of Americans are also.....both gun owners and dog owners. "loving" is an emotion not applied to inanimate objects, typically.
More tomorrow on "Good Morning L.A.' with veteran host, Steve Edwards.
As for the fading geezers plopped by their adoring offspring in the charnel houses called nursing homes,their dogs don't visit, most likely because the kids had them destroyed after pops and mom were institutionalized.
DeleteChristine, seem like a very angry, self-righteous, humorless, entity pin-balling from one crazy rant to another: Asperger's, pit-bulls, assault weapons, nursing homes, etc.
You're seething, tightly-wound rants are reminiscent of Dan Aykroyd's hysterical Jack Webb imitation in the movie Dragnet. Also similar to library cop Bookman in Sienfeld.
I've never watched"sienfeld" or seen any ersatz Jack Webbs, just the real one.
DeleteThe topics of the day, not just in your burgh, but all over the country include Aspergers(and general mental health ) as they relate to guns and particularly "assault" weapons. Perhaps you hadn't noticed. Today should be particularly intense on both issues.
The pit bull topic was unique recently in San Francisco. The question raised in this thread, originally, was about why it was an issue, at all.
I'm not in the least intimidated by being called an uppity woman. I wrote a book about it, a funny one.
If you don't think all nursing homes are charnel houses, I won't try to convince you.Do you even know what "charnel house" means?
In summary, I guess your "spell-check" didn't teach you the difference between "your" and "you're". That's pretty funny, when you are the one attempting to school someone about how you wish they would write. Perhaps you could sign up for a junior college or adult education course in remedial grammar?
Another hilarious rant from Christine....
DeleteThe essence of Christine in two sentences: If you don't think all nursing homes are charnel houses, I won't try to convince you.Do you even know what "charnel house" means?
First of all, a vicious attack on nursing homes. [Where does all this bitterness and anger come from? Maybe has something to do with losing her legal battles...]
But better yet, "charnel house." "Do you even know what "charnel house means?" YES, it means Christine Craft is boasting to the world that she knows something that others may not and desperately wants credit for something, anything. [BTW, hate to disappoint Christine but I do know the word, have visited ossuaries overseas and they are a lot different than nursing homes.]
Not surprised that you are unfamiliar with TV, movies, and other cultural references. Must be all the time you're spending with your guns, dogs, and Asperger's research.
Tis true..I watch very little television. I did a lot of television,don't watch much and never have. I have visited, in a professional capacity, many nursing homes, assisting clients with legal matters. Rarely do their children visit, in most instances, until there is an estate issue potentially involving them.
DeleteThere is a reason why advocates for the elderly and infirm advise "loved ones" to visit folks on an unannounced basis. Even the most expensive facilities leave their charges in urine soaked beds, give them incorrect medications, too many medications, and a myriad of other horrors. My boss runs the elder law clinics here in Sacramento, in addition to representing her other clients at the firm. We have often gone into court to get orders on an emergency basis to protect people in very expensive "charnel houses".
There was just no time or interest on my part to sit endlessly watching either episodic television or video games or the movies you find to be high "culture". We all chose to do different things. I have, however, seen plenty of nursing home patients, drugged out of their skulls, plopped in front of large t.v. sets, watching, or appearing to watch just your kind of "cultural" stimuli.None of them were ever laughing.
It seems the locals love their pets more than each other.
ReplyDeleteLumping Lowell Cohn in with quality bay area sportscasters/writers is a joke. This senile clown's latest "Harbaugh is overrated" column says it all. Two NFC championship games after years of nothingness, and Coach is "overrated". And Cohn is a fool.
ReplyDeletesee sfgate story...Meredith May...SF has more dogs than children.