Thursday, May 17, 2012

Why Uninteresting Cumulus Air Talent Try To make Uninteresting Cumulus Air Talent Interesting; Sinkovitz to KTVU MO2?; Lowell Cohn's Blogger Son; Thursday Darts

There's a reason why uninteresting people who babble on the Cumulus SF airwaves try to make the other uninteresting dweebleheads sound interesting. To. Get. Paid.

--Hey KGO Radio? Cume: 409,000? There was a time three times that number used to listen to Paul Harvey subs. I mean, 409K? Where's Bungleroth? Having another meeting with Lee Hammer and Paul Hosely to tell the troops that Lew Dickey is having an orgasm over his SF treasure--don't worry about the numbers. And for good measure, here's a $25 gift certificate from SweetJack, go out and buy your girlfriends some frying pans.

--Hey Ronnnnnnnnnn: did you see your numbers? Better fry-up the mattress account. Better yet, maybe you and Jan Wahl can go dutch at Le Central. She's gotta hat for every occasion.

--Tom Sinkovitz would make a great anchor for KTVU's "Mornings on 2". And KTVU agrees. Just a rumor, but one that has teeth.

--Lowell Cohn's son, Grant, managed to piss off a SF 49ers lineman. Good. Next story.

--Why did Dave Morey write to this site to give his take on KFOG?, circa 2012. Because he knows people read this site. For better or worse.

--"Blogger blather", really Ben Fong-Torres? BFT, while you continue to write coffee-table press releases in the Pinkie, I'll stick to the facts. The morning alleged sports host and the betting fools "signed contracts?" See, BFT, those "contracts" are about as valuable as green stamps to a Safeway clerk. Had you managed to call any industry wag, the only contract that counts is a personal-services contract much like Ronnnnnnnnn's.  They are guaranteed and even Ronnnnn has a buyout clause until Jan, 2013. The Radman contract has no guarantee other than his employee has him on a three-year deal with ZERO buyout, ditto the ex-scout who thinks he's Jesus Christ with a microphone.

--Mr. T and "Byrnes": Today on the show, Tommy and Mr. B will give an expose on Metallica; Brynesie will offer a new feature: "How not to touch home plate." and "How I stole $30M from the Ariz. D-Backs and got a job with the SweetJack Sports Giants Network."

--So, Tommie, no leftover Ameci's coupons?

--How's this for an anchor team: Sinkovitz, Dana King, Larry Karnow and Joe Fonzi at 5?

--Kate Scott: Nobody on the western hemisphere can figure it out either other than the fact that she's a woman, shows up on time and is willing to sell SweetJack. We have begun to investigate if she, too, has pictures.

--Mark Dannon and Darya Folsom: God's gift to mankind. Maybe they can both become ball dudes one day.

--KRON managers: People behaving Badly. Still.

--Radnich' new three-year deal with KRON: The same company he refers to as his "Buster Brown" account. Yeah, that'll pay your overhead.

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  1. Although I do miss seeing Tom Sinkovitz on the air,I like the Morning anchors on KTVU just as they are. Oh and since my posts get ignored unless I say something bad about Cumilus... KGO sucks

  2. How sad for Ronnnnn that he'll probably be let go "due to declining ratings."

  3. Radnich is the ultimate cockroach..his reason to exist in life is to get a contract and no matter anybody or anything else. His love of money means co hosts better learn to always agree and laugh at crazy Gary or out they go...
    Kate Scott? the more she talks..the less you like her. KNBR found a girl who is just like one of the boys. The good old boys.

    1. Seriously Stan,
      Your biggest complaint is that Radnich works for money? That makes him a cockroach? Huh?

    2. If you listen..he's all about the money. Who has the most is right according to Gary's World. Simple. When even Bob Fitzgerald says on air TO Radnich "We all know your about the money '..tells me what I thought. Ask his daughters 80year old piano teacher he frightened by yelling at her about how much money he has and spends for schooling.
      She had to file a complaint. Good thing the old lady and Raddy weren't on the Titanic-he would push her out the way to get to the lifeboats..
      not Me.

    3. @12:30 I do listen and totally disagree with you.

      If you don't like his show, that's fine but these fantasies about pushing old ladies out of lifeboats on the Titanic are your own delusions.

      You've got a screw loose when it comes to Radnich.

    4. 116- It wasn't my delusion he scared a old woman..who had to get him banned from the in the incident Radnich frightened her IN FRONT A CLASS OF KIDS. I mean your friend Uncle Gary bragged about it.
      Now- tell me whats a fantasy? Uncle Gary is your buddy or he's a jerk?

    5. @5:07

      Hey Stan,
      Radnich is neither my buddy nor a jerk. He's a guy on the radio to whom you attach your nutty associations.

      Although you and Rich hate Raddy, the rational world disagrees. He just got a 3-year contract extension!

  4. I kind of like Kate Scott. More than the two idiots, I mean hosts. I like P-Conn, too.

  5. If everyone knows Owens is going to be let go, why keep up the critical comments.....seems like poking a stick at a caged animal....disapointed about his silence last December..that is a valid point - months ago....many of us have had to do things at work for a paycheck we disagree with to keep the money coming other news, most of the comments on Bauers blurb in sfgate are saying they no longer listen to KGO

  6. Behold "Twitch", the new KFOG morning man:

  7. I am not sure why the criticism towards Kate Scott. Did you guys listen to her on the Cal football postgame shows? I think she is fine in that role. Playing 3rd or 4th fiddle to Captain Hookdnich and the other neandarthals is not a good fit. I like her voice and find her sexy and easy on the eyes.

  8. I agree that Tom Sinkovitz is a good addition to any newscast team. But, Jeez, if anyone at KTVU needs replacing it's the pompous Mr. Somerville.

    11:35 is right about the pointless attacks on Ronn Owens. As pointed out in Rich's post, his numbers are in serious decline. Where's the apparent delight in tearing down something that's on it's way out, anyway? (Adding endless "N's" to his name, probably doesn't faze him. He's long admitted that it was an affectation that he chose in his early career. If anything "Ron," would probably annoy him more ... although, now, he'd likely take that in his stride, too.)

  9. If you are disturbed about the corporatization of broadcasting, I urge you to read Rather Outspoken (by Dan Rather). When Viacom bought CBS, the independence of CBS News as practiced in the William Paley glory days was evicerated by Corporate CBS. Thus, the Bush/National Guard story by 60 Minutes II detailing the desertion of Bush was retracted by the spineless profiteers at CBS all in the interest of securing FCC approval of expanded television station ownership. Walter Cronkite weeps in his grave.

  10. I would rather watch Dave Clark than Tom Sinkovitz. TS' gravely, cigarette-tarnished voice does nothing for this viewer. And watching Darya and Mark in the morning makes my head spin, between her obviously desperate attempt to stay relevant (young) and his becoming Mark Curtis, Jr (neck popping out of the collar! helloooo... lay off the alcohol and mix in a a salad.) God's gift, Rich? I hope that's sarcasm.

    1. As a person who listens/watches the morning news from 6-7 AM while getting ready for a heavy work day, I must say that Dave Clark is soothing and helps me feel hopeful about my day!

  11. I don't get the interest in Dana King.

    I do see replacing Dave Clark with just about anyone but the newer caffinated set.

  12. Insulting Kate Scott is rather ridiculous. In fact, totally ridiculous. She does a nice job on post-game for Cal football on KGO, so with the Cumulus connection, she got a small gig on KNBR. She clearly serves with barely hidden disdain of Radnich and buddies, if you listen at all to her. Surely, there are others far more worthy of ridicule that smacks of misogyny...

  13. I love that you can tell it's "Stan" just by reading the comment. He doesn't even have to leave his name anymore. "The Infamous Blog Commenter Stan". What a psycho.

    1. A total psycho troll, but he can create the proverbial trainwreck of morbid interest.

    2. BA-Rich,the republican who I have to on various blogs give a brush off to. He does the old "Stan is right,so I will ignore that and still insult the guy". Its classic KNBR intern/FOX news viewer spin. It never gets old to them.

      Sheesh,now I now what Rich L. and Lowell put up with...

    3. Stan, If all the people who share different opinions than yours were Republicans, Romney would be the next POTUS.

      People disagree with you because you're disagreeable and not because of political orientation.

      I think you're an idiot and I'm a liberal who hates Fox News!

    4. 808-Yeah,the "claim to be a liberal who hates a liberals posts" is another old act. Tell me your facebook name.
      You want to keep your head in the sand?..don't read my posts.
      But you will-lol.

    5. Stan, your so wrong on so many things. You just don't get it. You think I'm a repub just from a few disagreeable sentences, man? Come on. Get a grip. I don't get into all that repub vs. demo bs. I do my own thing and I think my own way and I think your way off your rocker. What's your deal?

    6. Ok BARich-tell us where I was wrong? The reason people read my posts is because they are truth. Brutal true if its your hero..

    7. Actually you mean BARich,I'm so right so often,all you KNBR types only can namecall or claim "I'm wrong"..and never give any proof.
      So Radnich you say never frieghtened the old woman? She loved it?

    8. Ok Stan, I really don't feel like putting all the effort into picking out everything you've been wrong, so I'll just go over a few. 1st, I'm not a republican. 2nd, people don't read your post because they're true, they read them so they can 'thumbs down' you. 3rd, you don't 'post', you 'comment'; your not even a blogger, why the hell would you think people 'read' you? 4th, I'm no KNBR 'type', whatever the hell that is. 5th, I remember that lil Radnich story you love to yap about with the old lady but you are telling it way wrong. From what he said the lady kept 'shhhing' him and some guy he was talking to. She did it about 3 times then he finally told her something to the effect that she shouldn't be 'shhing' them for how much the piano lessons are. I don't remember him ever saying "do you know who I am?!" Stan, your so full of shit.

    9. Yeah BARich -your version shows what a jerk that teacher was to cause your Uncle Gary to go off on her-lol..ha-You don't refute the school stood behind her and banned him from events,or that he ADMITTED his wife was embarrass-mortified at his behavior.
      And that Radnich towered over the elderley woman IN A CLASSROOM full of kids after two polite request to not talk so loud..that was her fault too Rich.
      Hey,BARich ..keep digging that hole deeper! I'M not the one full of it!

    10. Funny too BARich,your an angry man..and yet you cant name when Ive been wrong? all the rest,your angry because I am right..and right about you too!

    11. You read Monte Pooles article of a life coach fo rthe Raiders? That was my suggestion to the team two years ago for Russell..and since then they have had one. It was my idea.
      And who was the first person in the country to post that ESPN had made racist slurs about Jeremy Lin? Me. On BASG blog. Look it up. A full week before the rest of the country heard them do it a second time.
      I can go on..I was first to post of Huffs "problem"..a year later the rest of the bay area media caught up.
      Lincecum..and the Warriors,more,more,more..Thats a whole lot of "lucky" guesses I guess you would call it-lol.

    12. One last- I have posted of the racist KNBR practices and discrimination..even Ralph two years ago blasted me on KNBR for "scurrilous" writings about the station. Ironic that you flash forward two years and RALPH IS SUING KNBR FOR DISCRIMINATION!.
      Full of it huh BARich?..I should get a Pulitzer!

    13. Stan the reason people read your posts is as I noted in my original reply here; morbid curiosity and the entertainment value you bring. You're living satire, and you don't even know it, which makes it even more entertaining (if a bit frightening, if one thinks that you're living breathing flesh spewing your nonsense...)

      Enjoy responding to that. Don't forget to wipe the froth off your mouth every now and then though...

    14. Hey Stan, how often do the black helicopters fly over your house?

  14. Ben Fong Torres is out of his element when he writes about sports.
    Ben stick to Rock music. Besides who wants to read a column "Radio Waves" that is two weeks old?
    Ben join the 21st Century.

  15. Kate Scott is one of the bright spots of the morning show. Always room for an informed radio personality--especially amongst the likes of Paulie Mac, Radnich, Brooks and the already departed Barbieri.

  16. I would rather listen to cats f*cking during a train derailment than Radnich. OTOH, I'd like to make Kate Scott breakfast.

  17. Leave KTVU news just as it is. No changes need to be made. I will admit that it would be nice to see more of Claudine Wong.

  18. Dave Clark is a doofus "look at these pictures, look at me" clown. Poor Tori Campbell must think she's living in a different world with Clark sitting next to her. Dump that clown and hire Howdy Doody, the ratings will increase in no time..

    KTVU, once a great morning show now just a shell of its former self
