Breitbart passed away early Thursday. He was 43.
Melanie Morgan, part of the KSFO "Morning Show", and a close friend of Breitbart, was noticeably stunned by the news of his death.
"There was never enough time for (Breitbart) to do what he believed he had to do.,espousing conservative principles and fighting the liberal left. His genius was that he understood the media (new and old )better than anyone else...
I will desperately miss my friend. God took him too soon, " Morgan told me during her Thursday show. Breitbart appeared on the show just two weeks ago.
*KNBR's board ops are not the only behind-the-scenes folks mad as hell at their meager pay. One long-time producer for a popular show hasn't had a raise in five years and is less than happy. It's the Cumulus business model in play here. Take care of the "big guys" and screw with your bread and butter warriors who mind the ship.
I'm a frequent critic of Knibber, but I have a ton of respect for the grunt men behind the window who make the engine run and captain the ship. Even a ship as tenuous as Knibber's. Therefore it's no surprise that their grunt men are now complaining, (to me), how "royally screwed" they're being treated. Welcome to the world of modern radio.
*Follow me on Twitter
*ADVERTISE ON 415 MEDIA: Rich.Lieberman@Gmail.com
So you can make more money at grocery store than working as a producer at 55 Hawthorne? And these are the guys ensuring that Tricky Dicky's advertising $$$ properly airs correctly in the #4 market? Amazing.
ReplyDeleteWhat right-winger is going to hire fake pimps to entrap liberals now that he's gone?
ReplyDeleteHate is hard on the body, beware Sussman and Morgan.
Don't you mean entrap criminals. Why be so blind? He did the country a favour exposing that group of crooks. Why did they disband, if not for the reallity of that exposure. ACORN ........entrapped!
DeleteI have to agree with blewis on this one. While a person might not agree with some (or most) of what Breitbart did (not saying I'm one of those, not saying I'm not), blewis is 100% correct on this one. If ACORN was truly above board, why did they disband?
DeleteAndrew Breitbart was a good man. Keep writing when you get upstairs young man.
ReplyDeleteReally? A man who has ruined careers by fabricating stories/editing together video to make it appear someone said something they never ever said. Yeah, a good man. Hopefully Shirley Sherrod can collect from his estate.
Deleteand if they find that the cause of death involved illegal substances..you will claim it couldn't be true? The drudge obituary reads like a belated homoerotic love letter. Drudge describes how he first saw Andrew on the beach in his twenties..like some young god/bod who "had it all", how they were always flashing each other. You don't suppose, do you?
DeleteSounds like your lips are moist and jealous.
DeleteShirly Sherrod is doing just fine. Wasn't she just announced as the latest Dancing With The Stars contestant?
DeleteDon't worry, another venom packed moron will step up and fill the void. Victoria Jackson anyone?
DeleteSo these guys are complaining about no raises for five years? In these times, they should be glad they HAVE a job; they could be standing at a freeway off-ramp, holding a sign, asking for cash. OR, if they aren't happy where they are, they could always apply elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteIn the new broadcasting there is no "elsewhere."
DeleteSo two dollars an hour would be better than standing at a freeway off-ramp?
DeleteI have to agree. I was laid off in 2009 when my company closed due to the economy. Before that, our salaries were cut by 20%. Before that, we'd had no raises for 2 - 3 years. I feel for them (and their current environment) but the big picture would say, "be glad you have (any) job".
DeleteYou mean Mike Holer? of the raddy and f&b shows?. Yeah,he hasnt dropped "The great Lee Hammer" like kiss ass pecon, in months. But it got pecon a show.
ReplyDeleteWhat a happy show the Raddy program is,Holer the producer,Aamon the board op...even Kate Scott isnt paid enough to afford a new refigerator or any of the MLB,NFL,cable channels. Gee,you would think KNBR would pay for that as work related,wouldnt you?
The world has become a cruel place to make a living. There's a one percent in the entertainment world -- including sports. Teams are hiring cheap. The Sharks laid off 19 people in mid-August who were making too much. They'll call it a change of direction or whatever to avoid getting slammed with a lawsuit. But come on, we know. Most of the people who got shown the door were valuable contributors to the team. But that doesn't matter anymore. Keep paying the athletes, even if they don't perform to par, and make everyone else suffer. Yes, there's a one percent EVERYWHERE.
ReplyDeleteFunny how Breitbart died just days after saying he has video of Obama that will destroy him (Obama). I hope he made several copies.
ReplyDeleteInteresting. I bet Obummer is still pissed about the ACORN thing.
DeleteNever heard of Breibhart, but if he was a regular on KSFO then no big loss. Cnn just showed video of this idiot yelling at some in the Occupy movement. He looks like a fit Limbaugh type.
ReplyDeleteIf you have never heard of him why are you commenting? Or are you a closet fan and afraid to tell your friends?
DeleteAre you a dumb ass? I never heard of the guy until Rich mentioned him on his blog and Cnn ran stories on the guy all day today. Is that hard to comprehend? Too bad he died suddenly, if he had a terminal illness I am sure he would've apoligized to those he injured alas Lee Atwater's mea culpas years ago.
DeleteOne must be a dumb imbecil to get paid $11 an hour at a multimillion dollar enterprise, not only that but then to work for five years making that amount with no raise? No wonder "people" like Patrick Connor walk around wearing ragged clothes, poor guys can't afford jack at their pay scale.
ReplyDeleteYou're not meant to make a "career" out of what is essentially an entry level job.
ReplyDelete$11 an hour is the kind of pay you would get in the 1980s if you were starting a job in radio someplace like Bakersfield or Red Bluff. But nowadays, there are lots of young kids in local radio who just want to hang out at the station and will do anything to stay affiliated with sports.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who would take an $11 an hour salary for five years without any mind of a raise has to either
1.) Have money put away that helps pay their bills
or 2.) Have a wife that has a good job. Hey, whatever floats your boat...it's a different (but certainly not better) world that we live in 2012!
Eric Davis had ANOTHER car wreck? He was just telling stories of his death near misses driving accidents a few weeks ago-all the way back to his college days.
ReplyDeleteI think the sleepy eyes that Davis has, and being a ex athlete might be signs of a chemical addiction problem. It sure makes his driving a risk.
That's right...you should be glad these companies give you any kind of a job nowadays! They can and will pay you what they want to pay you and that's their right. It's called the free enterprise system buddy! No free rides here! If you want to make it in this world, you've got to be your own boss or suck up your pride and work for a company. And believe me, companies are going to try and extract your services by spending the least amount of money. Their higher ups are much more concerned (as they should be!) with making that big bonus at the end of each quarter and keeping the shareholders happy! If you don't like it, go live in Vietnam or Red China and see what it's like there you lefty softie!!
ReplyDeleteActually, a really GOOD capitalist takes care of his people, in order to get the most productivity out of them, and long term sustainability. Long term, like handing the business down to the great grandchildren, while keeping a consumer base wealthy enough that they can afford the products and services they're making. Even a hard ass like Henry Ford knew that a long time ago.
DeleteEnjoy the ski run on the downhill wage slope.
DeleteI suspect the comment was sarcasm. Nevertheless, people forget that Adam Smith said there were three virtues vital to a successful marketplace: trust, fairness, and reciprocity. I think everyone can agree we have none of these in today's economic system.
DeleteHey Lieberman...you've only exposed the tip of the iceberg. Ask your board op mole to tell you about KNBR Management promising performance bonuses to Board Op/Producers, then squelching the incentive based plan. Subsequently, management gave an SF Giants giftcard as a bonus to 3 employees...behind other employees back. Or how the Asst Program Director routinely works another job while on KNBR clock. Alot more dirt under this rug. Bill Bungeroth, Lee Hammer and Jenn Violet are evil scum.
ReplyDeleteI always knew the real problem was Jenn Violet! Bitch!
DeleteJenn Violet...??? isn't that a porn star name?
DeleteRegarding KGone, Knibber, and the empty suits in Cumulus management, it would be interesting to have some psychological tests run on the empty suits. I'm pretty confident that proper testing would confirm that the majority of them are psychopaths and sociopaths. Statistically, about one-percent of the population is psychopathic and about another 3-4% is sociopathic.
ReplyDeleteThis doesn't mean that they go around axe-murdering people, it means that they don't possess one iota of empathy or sympathy or understanding in their miserable bodies. They're programmed as psychopaths or sociopaths at birth, by their personal genetics and can never be "fixed." When these sorts of personalities work their way into positions of power, wealth, and influence, it is always to the detriment of the normal mentally and emotionally healthy individuals who compose the other roughly 96% of the human global population.
Check out both "psychopath" and "sociopath" on Wikipedia and you'll begin to understand how these self-centered jerks do the things they do. And how the actions of less than 5% of the human population cause 95% of the problems that the rest of us have to deal with.
Good insight on the Cumulus scum!
DeleteThat 2:37pm commentary on the Giants gift card is great. Was probably a leftover prize unclaimed for in a KNBR contest. Doubt any money came out of the Cumulitus morale budget.