Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Barnett, Roye and Fitz Ignore Lacob BooFest on KNBR after Game; Tuesday Topper

Lost amid the Joe Lacob boo festival in Oakland was what took place on the KNBR airwaves after the game. Or in this case, that did not take place.

Neither Warriors' radio PBP broadcaster, Tim Roye, nor CSNBA color analyst, Jim Barnett mentioned the halftime booing. Nothing. Not.a. single. word.

And nothing from designated W's and KNBR noon shill, Robert, "Giggles", Fitzgerald. But that's to be expected. Fitz is Fitz and Fitz hasn't met any brown toilet paper he didn't love. We've grown to expect Fitz to be Fitz.

Roye and Barnett should know better. True, both are paid by the Warriors, but not even acknowledging such a blatant and obvious action of dismay, however unsavory, reeks of credibility issues and massive conflicto-of-interest supremo.

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  1. I heard the boo fest this morning. WOW! The most entertaining moment came when Rick Barry scolded the crowd and demanded that they SHOW respect. I am not shocked at all Fitzgiggles ignored the booing. Has Turdnich brought it up on his show today? Or is he still citing Jet and Ebony articles to show he is down with the 'hood?
    Btw I caught a segment of the GREAAAT Sussman today. Hilarious! (in a bad kind of way). He and his sidechick played audio of a Chicago postman who claimed Barack Hussein Obama told him while in law school that he was going to be president some day. The GREAAAAT Melanie ended the segment by saying: we need to vet this president!
    What the hell are they smoking at KSFO?

  2. The sports radio stations are talking about it..but not a one or Comcast has replayed the sound. Reminds me off Lacobs email insult of fans last year..and Comcast never mentioned it.
    Today,Lacob is doing fence mending on KNBR...Krueger is all ass kissing. Not once has he repeated that Joe's son shouldnt be in the front office. Radnich? "playing" (is really) the unapologetic shill. As usual.

  3. But the Warriors station did nothing but talk about this morning, playing audio of it, Rick Barry phoned in, as did Ralph when he phone in with one of his rants. Right now listening to Radnich interview Lacob, they are also taking calls. Doing a good job covering it, anything beyond the Tolbert/Ralph show this afternoon will be overkill----then back to Alex Smith talk.

  4. The Warriors have the best fans. As an organization, they are the biggest f- ups and seldom do anything right. Even Joe Lacob going on with Gary and Larry didn't do much to help matters. I give Lacob credit for going LIVE and in studio for one hour. Gary is an a--hole and did his usual schtick. Until the Warriors can win an NBA title, which is about as likely as the Cubs winning a world series, nothing will change about the W's as a franchise, plain and simple!

  5. Yeah, Lacob going on KNBR this morning live was worthwhile, other than Ratso Radnich talking so much and stepping on both Lacob and the callers that it was a waste of time to even take calls...much like when he often asks callers where they live or what they do, Ratso trying to pal up with someone who has more dough than him was painful

  6. Does anyone expect Fitz to bring up the subject of last night?
    Not in a million years . . . .

  7. And did you catch Tim Kawakami on the pregame talking of the good old Mullin Warrior days..and leaned over and said to Papa "They even had a different announcer then"..ya know Rich,Papa's hatred for Fitz must be intense..he couldnt even make the smallest of joke or go along with the opening Kawakami- a FITZ HATER HIMSELF- gave him. And,come to think of it as Lund has teased Papa on his heritage,his voice,his Bently,...he never once has brought up Fitz..and thats interesting since Fitz is the competition. If not a chimp,Fitz is at least a KNBR/Warrior monkey.

  8. I was at the event last night and the crowd was great until Lacob took the floor. He should have probably sensed that the Warrior fans were not going to be in a forgiving mood after the team had traded away Monta Ellis for a 'pig in a poke,' but the fans really over reacted. I guess they were hoping that Chris Cohan would go out there ansd when he didn't show up, they decided that his 16 years of gross incompetence should be passed on to Lacob. Classless.

    I loved Rich Barry getting up there and shaming everyone. Right one Rick! Warrior fans are certainly entitled to their opinions, but booing Lacob and sullying an otherwise bright night for Mullin was not the way to make the evening memorable.

    However, it was great seeing ATTLES, BARRY, HARDAWAY, RICHMOND, SARUNAS, NATE, and NELLIE all there. They brought back some great memories. I go back to the days of the Cow Palace, Civic Auditorium, and Wilt vs Russell. Saw all of the storied 1975 post season playoff games at Oakland, and went to all of the key games from the 1980s through the late 1990s.
    These guys all brought back some good memories! Unfortunately, the current Warriors then took the floor and scored a measly 35 points in the first half.

    1. The W's played the 1975 NBA finals at the Cow Palace, not the Oakland Arena- busy hosting the Ice Capades.

  9. Fitz...the man of the "off the rack", Sears or JCP suit.

    I can actually say I've never heard him utter an interesting or profound thought.

    If the Warrior ownership shot someone, he'd claim the person shot jumped in front of the bullit.

  10. Don't understand why the owner needed to be out there at all. He was just asking for it, and he got it from the fans. He didn't have enough to do with the retirement to be out on the floor.

  11. It's too bad so much of the talk this morning has to do with the booing of Lacob, although everyone who was at the game last night was absolutely surprised that he decided to get up in front of the
    crowd and make some remarks. He should have left this one to the players. It's always uncomfortable for the fans when an owner gets up there to talk unless he's one of those rare, popular owners.

    The memories of those playoff wins of the late 1980s over Utah and the 1991 win over David Robinson and San Antonio were fresh in the minds of many of the fans who attended when they saw Hardaway, Sarunas, Nellie and Mitch. Those teams were so exciting and unpredictable. The years that Dan Finanne and Jim Fitzgerald owned the team (1986-1995) were memorable and fun. I knew, from what I had heard about Chris Cohan, that the franchise was going to be
    in dire straights once he took over...and he immediately fell into a bad situation when he inherited the team that had Webber and Nellie feuding. You might remember that Latrell Sprewell, Billy Owens and Webber's agent all conspired to make a bad situation worse, but Nellie also didn't help the situation either by not coming to some sort of resolution with the young man.

    The shame of it was that that Warriors team was on the verge of greatness, as they had a young Webber, Mullin, Owens, Hardaway, Sprewell, and several other very talented players.
    But the whole thing imploded and then Cohan hired and fired a ghastly succession of lousy coaches such as PJ Carlesimo, Dave Cowens, and Brian Winters, while bringing in one of the most inept GMs in NBA history (Dave Twardzik), who engineered some truly awful trades and draft picks.

    The endless carousel of players who came through the bay area was also ridiculous, as there was no chance of continuity. Fans were asked to be patient and they kept their patience for better than a decade and a half. Chris Cohan will certainly go down as the worst owner of a bay area major league sports franchise, as his teams were in the playoffs just one time over his 16 years of stewardship. Of course, his buffoonish legal aide Robin Baggett also made one of the all-time worse moves in local broadcasting history when they fired the stylish and popular Greg Papa for that weasel Bob Fitzgerald, who stabbed his 'buddy' Papa in the back to get his job. It's amazing that karma hasn't come back to bite
    Fitz yet, but I'm sure he'll get his eventually and be sent packing. Let's hope so as it's a shame to have to listen to Jim Barnett, a very capable and solid analyst work alongside this
    apologist who has spent his career ass-kissing and sucking up to management to keep his job.

  12. I understand fan frustration, but it isn't Lacob's fault. Monta Ellis wasn't going to lead the team to a title and they weren't going to get there only through the draft.
    It is sad though when you think about the Warriors when Jim Fitzgerald owned the team and how quickly and completely it went to hell once Cohan took over.

  13. I agree with @7:52pm. Lacob had no business being out there, he was not the owner during the Run TMC era. He was just trying to be a prima dona and got what he deserved. Just because this 1%'er is a billionaire doesn't mean we should all kiss his ass. Let Rudy Gigglegerald and Dick Barry kiss his ring at the Mandalay Bay. Not us! Many fans are still pissed about the Ellis trade, had this hack been in charge back in the day he would've traded Richmond and/or Hardaway for Sam Bowie

  14. Every year during the order selection of the Lottery Picks, I can't help but think back to the year when Al Attles was there in NYC...and when Stern drew the first ping-pong ball...and it was the Warriors' ball--meaning they, even though they had the worst record, would be picking 8th! The look on Attles' face was priceless--a combination of a heart attack/seeing a ghost/severe constipation.

  15. Hwy 9:21pm...Do you remember who the Warriors got for that draft pick?
    None other than Chris Mullin..one of the franchises all-time great players. So that deal didn't turn out so bad. Of course, then there were future drafts with idiots like GM Dave Twardzik choosing stiffs such as Todd Fuller in the first round ahead of Kobe Bryant.
    Priceless stuff from a franchise that was completely clueless under the inept ownership of the Chris Cohan regime.

  16. What other way do fans have of communicating and venting? Can't hold up signs, shouldn't F-bomb, etc. Reaction to the boo in Bay Area as if hurling urine bombs. These are grown men, professionals. When you put a bad product on the floor year after year, night in and night out, you are going to hear something back. (Chris Mullin apparently the only one with the ability to think on his feet.) Owner walked right into it. I went to a Warriors game 15 years ago and they were down by 20 in second quarter--I stood up and booed. People looked at me like I had a third eye. Tolbert's over-reaction yesterday was also a classic. So fans en masse should never boo at a professional event? Jocks have been on pedestals for too long. Boos are cathartic.
