Wednesday, February 1, 2012

LA's Hottest Weather Chicks

Remember Evelyn Taft? You should. She was the ONLY watchable thing on KRON.

Today? She's one of the top LA Weather hotties!

Dear Evelyn, we miss you.

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  1. As a part-time Southern Californian, I can also say that Evelyn is eminently enjoyabla to watch-- unlike most of her brethren (sisthren?), she has a sense of humor and actually avoids the pretty-but-ditzy-blonde persona. I much prefer her to the likes of LA weather babes Jackie Johnson (KCBS), Elita Loresca (KNBC), Vera Jimenez (KTLA) et al. Actually a few of the weather men in So Cal strut and preen more than the gals.

  2. So, what channel is she on now in So. California?

  3. Hey big vinny,what is the guy smoking to the right of the screen?He be smoking a linny.

  4. She is cute in the face, but it is buried under a ton of make up. On side shots at KRON she lacked an ass. Some of us like our women with some junk in the trunk. I pass on this one.

    1. That's funny! Thanks for playing.

  5. Evelyn is a genuinely very nice person. Believe it or not she actually wanted to stay at KRON because her family lives here. It just shows what idiots run the station. She may not of much in the trunk, but I'll watch someone I know is a good person over inflated boobs any day.

  6. Hey Rich: Karel's Day job?

  7. She was my favorite! Loved waking up with her every morn
    ing. Someone posts her weather rep
    orts on youtube all the time.

    1. Evelyn was a pleasure to watch, but she didn't do anything for the ratings at 4. They've gone up since her departure.

  8. Can anyone remember when the lovely Karna Small graced the screen? I think she was the first, um, adult woman forecaster. Prior to Karna there was another woman, but that station (KRON) stuck to the "wholesome, girl next door" type. Karna was smart and, oh yes, she was a hottie!

    1. Agreed. Karna worked at KRON in the early 70s and maybe late 60s--not sure. This was the Jerry Jensen-Dave Valentine-Bob Marsden era at 4. She went to KGO as an anchor, briefly, and then somehow, eventually, joined the Reagan White House as James Brady's deputy press secretary. A quick Google search turns up her Web site--as Karna Small Bodman, she is a novelist specializing in Beltway mysteries. What I remember best is her standing in front of a glass weather screen with a bare-bones map writing in the temperatures with a grease pencil.

  9. Very cute! I am stuck in southern California for a while, so will have to look for her. The other newscasters and weather people down here that I've seen are not attractive. This lady seems attractive, especially for men who don't have a weird fetish with overly large posteriors...

    Speaking of weather women, I have positive memories of Janice Huff.

    1. Janice Huff I liked too; she is still at WNBC. You might also watch for Louisa Hodge, who followed Evelyn to the KCBS/KCAL duopoly. Come to think of it, KRON has a more fashionable list of weather alumni than, say, KPIX's..."Professor" Leon Hunsaker, Bob Lobertini, Joel Bartlett and the B-S-Mann. (Though it should be noted that Christine Craft worked at 5 for a while.)

  10. I'm down in LA we still miss Indra Peterson.

  11. Hey, she got my vote, especially early in the morning when I just woke up! Plus she is a pretty good forecaster!

  12. Karna Small! Now that's a name I haven't thought of in a LOOONG time. Great memory jogger there @6:48am. Takes me back:

    Now, all I have to do to finish the day is figure out whatever became of my first crush, Helen Bentley...

  13. Is the the long-awaited "major announcement"?

  14. Evelyn,Jaqueline,Louiselynn,what difference does it make? Whatever pretty blond is next in line will do. Toss the old ones at the city dump...

  15. 04:24--the type of comments that come from the mouth of a sexist sad

    1. Your not keen on sarcasm of gender and the female role models in the media I take it?

  16. Gary Radnich really used to give Evelyn crap when they were both on the air. . . Gary usually does that to everyone he works with (and I think 99% of the time he is just kidding around) but he was always talking smack about Evelyn's boyfriend and it got to the point where he was really overdoing it. She seemed to be a good sport about it, but I wonder if that (along with the state of KRON) was why she left.

  17. Gary likes to tease people because he is one of the most insecure individuals on the air in the bay area. The guy should be thankful he's made as much money and had as long a run as he has at one station.

    No doubt, he's a unique talent, but he's also one of the laziest
    people when it comes to actually covering sports and going to the games. \He rarely goes to games unless he's doing a pre game 'hit' or some post game show.

    The thing that drives a lot of people crazy about Gary is that he talks more about cross-culture nonsense and hip hop news than he does about sports, and when someone asks him to talk about seriously about sports, his response is something like:
    "That's boring! After all, how many people
    really cares what Felipe Alou hit back in 1962?"

    I wonder whether Gary even enjoys sports anymore or just likes being a celebrity. However his wise-guy act with the snappy patter has gotten very threadbare and predictable. I can't listen to him anymore, especially now that he's paired off with Krueger.
    They should both be on at separate times, but I guess Gary's numbers have dropped in recent years, so the addition of Krueger is supposed to give the show a lift. It doesn't! Larry spends too much time being sucking up to Gary, and Gary spends too much time trying to be funny and cute withhis tired Las-Vegas show business act.

  18. Jackie Johnson is hotter...but that's just my personal opinion.

    1. +1 for sure...Here is a video of Jackie,way hotter then Evelyn...
