Friday, January 13, 2012

Flash: KGO All-Stars continue next week on 'NewsTalk 910'; Gene Burns still recovering

Gene Burns is doing much better, (he's scheduled to be released from the hospital soon); in the meantime, NewsTalk 910 AM has re-scheduled the old KGO all-stars to fill in next week, learned exclusively from your trusty media blogger.

Here's next week's line-up: 4-7PM

Monday: Bill Wattenburg
Tuesday: John Rothmann
Wednesday: Gil Gross
Thursday: Jim Gabbert
Friday: Rosie Allen

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  1. How much is NewsTalk910 paying you to do P.R.? Mix up your topics!

    1. Yup, one of the Dickey Boys trolls! For the readers of this board and most of the Bay Area and beyond, your station is no longer relevant. Buh-buh. Now go back to your (un)paid internship. We don't give a rat's ass about you and your ilk.

    2. Go 910!!!! The only NEWSTALK station in the Bay Area!!! If you want news, then go to KCBS, far and above any of the other "news" stations.

    3. Are you jealous that at your station (KGO) the ratings have gone down drastically and plausibly you may be shown the door soon? Did Jared Hart or one of his cronies ask you to do this job of posting on this site and thus exposing your idiocy. It is said in English that, "Never underestimate the power of idiots, because they will always do stupid things!"

  2. I'm sad to hear that Gene is still in the hospital. I wish him a speedy recovery. Great to have this fill-in line-up next week.

  3. How about trading Wattenburg for Ed Baxter?
    Also, I think you mix your topics well and I don't think it's our business to see who is getting paid what. I'm just glad they are putting these people on and that you let us know.

  4. Hey 1:59, how much are the "dickhead" brothers paying you to troll...oh I forgot, this is Cumulus, you're getting paid nothing!!

  5. Rich, I love your updates on KGO and ex-KGO stars. Keep it up! I love hearing all of these voices on the radio (together) again. I wish it was a permanent arrangement, although I definitely hope Gene bounces back from this illness soon.

  6. Thank You for your updates!!!! I just wish the KKSF people would replace Tom Sullivan with any one of the fired hosts or just ANYONE in general.HOPE GENE GETS WELL SOON.

  7. I enjoy all the KKSF news, thanks! I wish they would put John Rothman on air full time. Hopefully Gene will be better soon.

  8. I think a good, well-known, talented female would be better than Tom Sullivan, even though Clear Channel / Premiere owns him. Lots less expensive for KKSF, since they own the show.

    Wish they'd bring in Cristine Craft, frankly. Anyone agree?

    Any other left-leaning females you can think of?


  9. Here's to wishing Gene a swift and complete recovery. In the mean time, really enjoying Ed and Rosie filling in. Ed's rolling "Ed and Rosie" off the tongue like its an every day thing!

  10. I hope Gene gets out of the hospital soon. I miss his voice. Thank you Rich for keeping us to date. Get well Gene we miss you.

  11. Rich, you are doing great. I for one really appreciate the updates on KGOne. You have done posts on other items, guess that 1:59 is too busy working for "mim. wage" at Cumulus to actually read this blog each day

  12. Do any of the syndicated guys on KKSF (or any station for that matter) talk anything but politics or politics-related stuff? No matter who they are, for me it's boring listening to national partisan politics all the time, all day, every day.

    1. I'm loving the political talk on KKSF. Tom Sullivan's interviews with Karl Rove and Rick Perry were quite good, and his Friday program about Stephen Colbert was spot on. I'm not a Republican, but it's worth knowing what that party is focusing on, especially during an election season.

  13. More Ed n Rosie. More Ed n Rosie. I took for granted what a great pair they made 100kHz away...! Thank you Rich for the updates....

  14. I am loving Ed and Rosie together again. They even brought the Gossip File with them. Get well very soon Gene.

  15. Keep up your reporting - especially abut our KGO heros -- and, bty -- what has happened to Joannie Greggins? _ many of us miss her A LOT.
    And, keep up any info on mattress man's conscience (lack of).

    Gene Burns, if you read this --- GET WELL -- we miss you very much.
    Thank you Rich for doing this blog. It is a community service and I for one really appreciate it.

  16. How many more times is Burns going to be hospitalized? Jesus H Christ the man needs to hang it up. Good talk show host, but the man is on the shelf 90% of the time.

    1. 9:05 - You are a douche. Hopefully, Gene's tough times in health at 71 come your way to show you why Mr. Burns is tougher than you. What a troll. Go back to your hole.

  17. Ditto (uh, oh, bad word) to Jan 13, 2:54 p.m.

  18. Hey 9:05 are an idiot!

  19. 9:05 is too unsophisticated to know that great talk radio does not depend on being young and physically strapping. You don't really know enough about how things work ...until you've grown up. For example a talk host who doesn't really understand yet how a myriad of things actually work such as the Constitution, the banking system, the political system etc. etc. does not make for intelligent,valuable, or even interesting radio. Gene's physical self is beat up..but his brain trumps just about all. What you need for good talk radio....brains..a mouth...If you have both and are young...good for you. I've yet to hear one, however...anybody?

  20. 9:05. How very tasteless of you! What on earth is wrong with you?

  21. 910 has a ton of open spots that they re-run programs and have horrible infomecials. Im sure those are "cost effective" and possibly make them money?" DOES ANYBODY REALLY LISTEN TO THOSE INFOMERCIAL PROGRAMS?

    But there are pleanty of spots they can place other hosts. Lets just hope they make good decisions and the hosts negotiate a fair deal. Id love to see variety on the program schedule, different hosts, nothing extreme, but variety,including some type of quality financial program. Thats what made KGO so goos in the PAST, the station was a lifestyle that covered a little of everything.

    THATS WHY KGO WAS THE ONLY STATION THAT PEOPLE NEVER CHANGED< it was on our radio 24/7. Quality and variety.

  22. It's hard to believe that the KGO crew would be so kind as to bring their presence to the sad and sorry KGONE! I will tune in for KGO and shut off when the KGONE canned crap returns.
