Sunday, December 11, 2011

Spencer Hughes and an off day

Taking the day off because I'm exhausted and forced myself to listen to Spencer Hughes on Saturday night.

Coast-to-Coast comes to the new KGO 810. Look out for ghosts and aliens.

More later.


  1. Blogging sure is hard..

  2. Thank you, Rich for all your reporting and I learned so much from the posts. Enjoy your time off; well-deserved. I check your site every day for updates on the KGO debaucle. Regarding 1080 where Dr. Bill has a gig; unfortunately it is a weak signal, so am still looking for the new home(s) of where the former great KGO hosts have migrated to.

    Folks out there: if anyone finds out, please let us former listeners know, ok? I will keep checking for updates. Thanks again, Rich. Enjoy your time off.

  3. You know we're in trouble when a nuclear physicist is replaced by a ghost hunter on a station whose signal emanates from the technology capital of the world.

  4. Dear God, I listened to the last 5 minutes of Karel's show last night and nearly set my hair on fire! He was singing "break up" songs, I kid you not.
    This type of imbecilic programming is a true insult to the mind, not to mention the ears.

    Fact is, I didn't like Karel much before, but find him utterly intolerable in light of the recent firings of nearly everyone else.

  5. I really enjoyed listening to the old KGO. This new thing? Way too easy to turn off.
    It really is true - it isn't the call letters I'll miss, but the personalities.

  6. Sunday afternoon in the car around 1:30, I flip on the car radio which is still reset to KGO. Someone named Titus (I think) is yucking it up about having said that if Sarah Palin is elected, he is reserving a spot on the grassy knoll. Ha-ha-ha! Assassination is soooooooo funny, guys! In the background you could hear Brian Copeland shrieking with laughter along without another guest who tittered hysterically. Such fun!

    Between Karel and Brian Copeland, KGO has set a new standard for toxic sludge.

  7. I like ghosts. Aliens, not so much.

  8. Unbelievable! No, not really. It is Cumulus, after all.

    I watched Karel(via his webstream) on KGO last nite and am glad I took a shower after. His schtick has gotten soooo old. Can't afford to pay his mortgage this month because KGO listeners "forced" Pat Vatucci to cancel their forum for the gay audience over a percieved "disruption by KGO listeners that cost me money" he said ($1000 in appearance fees and $20 a heat in attendance,) but he, Karel -- Mr. Occupy -- got to flaunt his new iPhone 4S in a (yes, it's true) pink case, and played with "Siri" for 20 minutes straight on air in an unamusing "bit". That's showbiz.

    He blamed Reagan for all the trouble with deregulation in 1986, which he did with the Fairness Doctrine by eliminating it (which Karel never mentioned.) He also never mentioned that it was Bill Clinton who approved passage of the new Telecommunications Act of 1996 which lead immediately to consolidation of broadcasters. Never a mention. Kinda like Newt Gingrich having an affair for six years while also blasting Clinton for impeachment while Clinton was having his Oval Office dalliance with Monica Lewinsky.

    Talking about calling the pot calling the kettle black. Karel did the same thing ... just forgot the little fact about the Democrat who brought this consolidation on in the first place.

    Then, through a slash and burn of cutting listeners off as soon as they called and disagreed with him, he claims that "there IS NO LIBERAL MEDIA!" Yeah. The Chron? LA Times?, NY Times? are you kidding me? "No they aren't liberal."

    But then, he blasts right wing media from Fox and others, that he refused to name, as "an equal amount of only one way conservative media who ruled the country." OK, Fox News, we get it. And MSNBC isn't liberal? ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN? You must be joking me, you moron.

    Then it was his "how much do you have to save to retire?" A schtick he did ... as well as the KGO debacle ad nauseum on his dinky little syndicated show. Boooooooring.

    "Break up songs" ... because of his breakup last Sunday with his latest boyfriend flame. However ... he DID keep the diamond ring, apparently, second finger right hand.

    He's carrying a torch for his lost lover ... on the air. On KGO's air.

    Rumor has it that along with "Coast to Coast" coming to KGO (oh, dear) that a new permanent program director is in the works. Paul Hosely, who needs to hear from readers, assumed titles for both News and Programming over both KGO and KSFO ... and that Cumulus is actively looking for a replacement.

    Dr. Bill now doing a Saturday show for TRN (Talk Radio Network) nationally noon to one. Also doing mornings this coming week on KSCO in Santa Cruz. They stream.

    Occupy KGO rally when Ronn Owens returns on the 15th. Going to be a busy week. Maybe. It will change nothing. They (Cumulus) doesn't care. You are irrelevant.

    Please, get rid of Karel. He's a menace of total misinformation and professionalism on a 50kw signal.

    Plus, he needs time to find another voice in his life. He now listens to Stephanie Miller and Randi Rhodes. He needs, as he said, a man in his life to fill the house with a voice.

    Good God.

    Tonight should be fun.

  9. Spencer Hughes sounds like such a think skinned baby. He keeps whinning about people who criticize him via Twitter or Facebook. He keeps asking people to give him a chance. Dude, how about putting on a good show? If we wanted to hear about the supernatural we'd tune in to the show on your sister station. Your cocky whiney radio persona is very annoying.

  10. I give up who the heck is Spencer Hughes?

  11. Karel and Copeland, who is a angry gay man, and Copeland is real bore

  12. This link will tell you a bit about Spencer Hughes who formerly worked at KSRO. Scroll about halfway down the page to see the comments about KGO hosts.

  13. Karel sucks, but he works for peanuts.

  14. For those you who have taken delight in seeing Gene Burns & Co. lose their jobs, I can tell you this: If you think the former KGO talking heads were bad, just give a listen to Coast-to-Coast.

  15. Exhausted? -or- Out of Material?

    Come on,Rich. Suck it up.

  16. 415.954.8157 gets you to the studio private line
    at kgo

  17. Spencer Hughes has to be the WORST Radio host ever! Nothing even interesting
    Let alone newsworthy. Just annoying and boring. He brings
    Nothing to the table, just reflects the low quality of the "New KGO!

  18. I posted on Spencer Hughes' FB page how I don't care for his show, that it's boring, and Dr. Bill was much better (even though that blowhaed gets to me at times). Well, Spencer deleted it real quick.

  19. The only ghost here is KGO.

  20. Anon @ 3:52 pm, you are correct. I have often found Copeland to be a boring talk show host. Ronnnnn sure likes him though, for reasons I cannot understand.

  21. the constant sniping over specific hosts on these pages is absurd as the claim that there is actually a liberal media bias

    for if there was one, the consolodation we have seen destroy the media, would never have happened

    what im learning after reading this blog and all the facebook pages (which contain the same idiotic comment, and miss the overall picture) is that you people deserve what has happened to america

    so to all the teapartiers, the ows idiots, and the rest of all you whiny bastards...piss off

    goodbye had a nice run...but all good things must come to an end

  22. Spencer Hughes, like the E channel, the Kardashions and Paulie Shore are part of the dumbing down of America. Sadly there is a market for them.

  23. Why is Ronn "in love" with Copeland? Several years back, a caller asked Ronn about the complete lack of diversity at KGO radio. I think that was also the call where Ronn had no real reply (he is usually quite glib), and he later let out that his screener, wife, and others, knew something was wrong, so they took him to the hospital, where they diagnosed the medical problem.

    Anyway, he was confronted with the complete lack of diversity and the succession of white men in their 50s or 60s who were hired - Gross, Rothman, etc.. Next time Ronn was out, guess who subbed for him? Copey.

    Yes, yes, the "mainstream media" is overwhelming liberal. The NY Times, LA Times, AP, ABC, NBC, CBS, as well as PBS, etc. Fox is the alternate viewpoint. And now local radio is dying a slow death. Ugh.

  24. So,bacci40- America's done, and everybody's an idiot. What's next, then?

    Rich, you can write. What you need is an editor. Every writer does.

  25. Rich, love your posts and updates.

    One, just one, editorial tip! No comma or punctuation before a parathesis ( ... ).


  26. As long as you're giving out tips, check your own spelling: parenthesis (singular), parentheses (plural)

  27. Coast to Coast. really? Pete Wilson is rolling over in his grave. Again!

  28. You and the majority of left wing listeners in the Bay Area only prove that as long as one agrees with your wacked out politics there is no room for the voice of Spencer Hughes who has more people enjoying his National Radio Show than all of you put together. i know after living in San Francisco for nearly 75 years that there is little room for a dose of reality in the City by the Bay.
