Saturday, December 31, 2011

I respond to Karel

Why did you do two out of three hours on your syndicated show Friday sounding like it was New Year's Eve, right down to saying KGO every five seconds?
Second, why on Wednesday did you announce on your own webcast that you were "PRE TAPING" the show on KGO and "I've never, ever done that before, but it's New Year's Eve and I'm takin' off, honey!"

Your words, Karel, not mine. 

My thoughts: The management dimbulbs over at the "new" 810, perhaps Hosely or "Jared" asked you to re-consider and do the show in person. Or maybe you yourself thought otherwise after getting wind of this posting.

As for you're chiding me that Len Tillem used to repeatedly air taped programs,  that had already been cleared  because ... Len has a day gig and a disclaimer was announced frequently, "THAT THIS IS A 'KGO REPEATED PROGRAM.  NO PHONE CALLS, PLEASE." 

Have a great NYE, Karel-- live, taped, in-person, on Pluto, Mars, Hollywood, Long Beach, wherever.

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. Now, Rich, that's what I'm talkin' about!

    NEWS ALERT to Karel:

    Rich didn't owe it to YOU to see what YOU were doing on KGO this weekend. What makes you think you're that important? You aren't THAT RELEVANT, chile!

    "Me and Ronn Owens were the only regulars that Cumulus kept." This makes, you what? You're not any good, you fool.

    You shouldn't have quit for not standing up for those friends who got fired,it's because you suck, period. You should listen to how bad a "broadcaster" you are. You are irrelevant.

    No wonder you are hated at 900 Front except Jared and Hoser.

    You have no place on KGO.

  2. From a real journalist to Karel: You ain't no journalist, honey, so stop calling yourself one. Billboard shill is not journalism. It's infoentertainment.

    By the way, if you are a worthy journalist, you would subscribe to a code of ethics, like broadcasting and print. Maybe SPJ or something. Are you familiar with the SPJ Code of Ethics, Karel? You call yourself a journalist, so don't defend your unethical behavior now by saying you aren't really a journalist (even though you are not. You are a COLUMNIST. Big difference, dude.)

    In that code, dumbass, is the caveat that an EHTICAL journalist will never LIE to the public.

    But, then, you also call yourself an entertainer. But what legitimate entertainer can LIE to the public and survive?

    Maybe your three listeners at KGOE like you.

    Many of us have already lost our homes and jobs or can't find one, so stop your bellyaching. You are still in your house, you still have a job, but this move is suicidal.

    Oh, another thing, while I'm on a disjointed rant, lying is something ethical journalists don't do, as I said, UNLESS they are Stephen Glass.

    Lying is something ethical entertainers don't do, unless they are Karel. If you wanted to pre-tape it, just tell your audience the truth, and there probably would not be this fuss.

    However, because you are PRETENDING to be live is where the problem comes in, sweetie. That's called LYING. It is repugnant. It is what you accuse us conservatives of doing, and I ain't no dumbass Republican or religious right conservative, and I like listening to you when your show does not devolve into your sex life or wondering which one of the two-headed girl will masturbate. That was totally perverted, Karel, and you should be dropped by KGOE, KGO and all your other stations. That was insensitive and gross. I have it on my iPod, in case you try denying it.

    By the wya: so what that you had a high school column. So did I, honey, and I made a real career out of it.

    You have a Huff Post column? So what? Doesn't make you a journalist.

    By the way, could you learn how to post to iTunes? I like listening to you when you are not making sexual innuendos that only you laugh at.

    And get rid of the gay theme, Karel. We're sick of it. We DON'T care. We don't want to hear about your sex life. Not having sex on New Year's Eve with your late husband. May he rest in peace, but so what, Karel? WHO CARES? You sycophants in the chat room? Maybe.

    That you've had three sex partners since your late husband passed on? So what? NO ONE CARES, Karel.

    That you think some hunk is cute and you would like to have a date with him but it wouldn't work out? No one cares, Karel.

    And if you think this is gay-bashing, think again, you pathetic unethical hack. I don't want a straight guy talking about sex partners, masturbating, how many times he getting it, if he had sex with his spouse on a New Year's Eve, etc.

    We're sick of the personal talk like that, Karel. If it keeps up, I'm done with you. It's pathetic. I managed a radio station. If I had your demos, I would say NO not because you are gay, but because you sound you a 13 year old with overactive hormones who has no sense of what is too personal to reveal, which has NOTHING to do with gender preference but with CLASS and MATURITY, both of which you lack.

  3. By the way, nice columns, Rich. Keep it up.

  4. Rich, Thanks for continuing to blog your opinions, observations and critiques (no matter how harsh) of the talk shows hosts and everyone else involved in the radio industry.

    Karel is the most unprofessional person I have heard in radio. And We The Listeners are the consumers and demand good quality on the radio. If Karel or other hosts don't get that, then they need to get out of the business.

  5. Here's what 8:40 am means, Karel. Read it and weep. This isn't you. Freebie columnist for HuffPo. Big whoop. Happy New Year.

  6. People have been bashing Karel for years now. And with good reason. And yet like a never ending tape loop, he just keeps coming back. Best thing to do with this POS is to IGNORE him. And let his advertisers know as long as they keep advertising on his shows, you will boycott them. He's ignoring you all, why not return the favor?

  7. Well said, post at 8:40 am! Doesn't matter what the sexual orientation is of the talk show host, I don't want to hear every detail of their sexual activities.

    Instead of taking the blogs and posts in as constructive criticism--something to help Karel help himself improve his image--I am sure he will take it as personal and continue his unprofessional behavior. Sad!!

  8. I can't add anything except my total agreement with all the posters. I grew weary of Karel a long time ago. He has become insufferable. He is so damn cocky and narcissistic. I'd rather listen to the Hispanic program next door even though I don't speak Spanish.

    At least I don't have to listen to ME and I for 3 hours.

    What an idiot. Buh-Buh, Karel.

  9. Thank you for exposing this narcissistic, self destructive buffoon. It has always baffled me why anyone would agree to be a guest on his show. Without fail the "interview" becomes a question and answer exercise between Karel and Karel with a few words in by the guest. He was at his worst when his guests were the former KGO hosts. I think that is what finally broke the camel's back for a lot of people. No wonder they guy can't find a mate. Can you imagine this fat ass on a date? Constantly interrupting to talk about himself all the while stuffing his big fat mouth doing his back and forth cobra sway.

  10. I'm uncomfortable with this bashing of Karel. It's one thing for a media critic like Rich to tune into his show and rip into it, but for everyone else – c'mon now, if you don't like someone, don't listen! I explain in detail what it was about Ronn Owens that I couldn't stomach (until now) – because I didn't listen.

    I happen to think Karel was heroic for putting Ray, Gene and John on his show. Someone posted here he should of been fired (the girl just can't win, can she?). Two separate opinions, thank goddess we're still allowed to express them!

    I miss the diversity of programming on KGO. I miss the diversity of opinion from callers. I miss Ray's little chuckle after going after it with a caller. I miss the way we pulled together for the KGO Leukemia Cure-A-Thon – 30-years of fund raising defined who we are as a community! What a disaster this is, and it just couldn't of come at a worst time with so many people struggling.

    One last time for 2011: Screw you Cumulus media, you heartless, selfish, fascist bastards! Screw you Lew Limp Dickey!

  11. Agree 11:46am.

    And as for the writer of this blog vs. Karel--pot meet kettle. You're calling Karel unprofessional? Get back to the important stuff.

  12. Like what? I bet Rich doesn't pay $810 for the best "newstip of the month" but I'm sure his hotline email can be rattled with "important stuff" while he gets "the important stuff" and draws his audience in to express THEIR opinions, and have.

    Thanks for yours. It is much appreciated 11:46 and 11:58.

    Oh, and it works both ways. No, we don't "have" to listen, your right. It's a depraved voyeurism in many of us, I guess.

    At the same time, you want to read this because, deep in that good heart of yours, you know Rich is right.

    Waiting fir that "important news" you can add to the fire. Rich may be " the editor's desk" right now, on New Year's Eve, live!

  13. 11:58
    An unprofessional blog? Are you freakin' kidding me? That's "calling the kettle black!" Opinions are like a$$holes. We all have one. Thanks for sharing yours for all to see.

  14. Lovely. Happy New Year's!

  15. Mad as Hell, to hell with you. We have every right to point out Karel's excesses. He's in the business of doing that. Develop a thick skin or don't read the comments. Karel has about the thinnest skin around.

    The way he talked over the former KGO hosts was an embarrassment.

    I like it when Karel talks about matters that affect us all.

    His comment about wondering which of the two-headed girl masturbates the other day was just tasteless and indecent.

    He said this in the same week that he said Media Matters should challenge shows like Rush Limbaugh for being indecent and violating community standards.

    Talk about a hypocrite. In what community would a comment about a two-headed girl masturbating be acceptable? He's violating community standards. No, I'm no Luddite, Karel.

    We're sick of it.

    Karel, if he has a brain, will read this criticism and change; but, I doubt he will. A narcissist of the highest order, that Karel.

  16. I will be listening to see if that blowhard Karel attacks my beloved Rich. Yes, I am one of those people who does not go crazy on New Year's eve. It is amateur night. Us professional drinkers and connossieours indulge the other 364 days of the year. Tonight the amateurs rule, thus I will listen to the amateur hour from 7 to 10. Oh crap, I just realized the paranormal guy will ring in the new year!? Damn you Dickieeeeeeeeeeeees!!!

  17. Not that it will do any good and frankly I'm not even sure why I care but I feel maybe you need an intervention.

    Rich, it has really gotten sad. You have a small platform that could be a interesting source of inside news and commentary on Bay Area media. You could be better than Ben Fong Torres and actually get linked to from the Chron again and build your audience.

    Instead it's devolved into this kind of sad hate fest blasting the people you so desperately wish you were. No one is going to give you a talk show at this rate. Even your promotion of the Santa Cruz station only ended up in the owner screaming to have you yanked from the air.

    Much of what you post here seems to me to be projection of your own fears, pain and hurt out on the rest of the world. As someone who's worked at two stations you've "reported on" I keep hearing from my coworkers "where did he come up with that?"

    What's actually a problem is that people who are sad and want to talk about how much they miss our dear friends and former KGO talk show hosts are instead fed angry, keep them pissed off conspiracy theories and made up stories to keep them reading your blog. This latest war with Karel is just pathetic.

    It smacks so much of Michael Savage's style that it is easy to understand why you like him so much. That is not a compliment. Whatever one thinks of Savage's politics he has been his own worst enemy, constantly destroying his career due to his psychological instability.

    To all those who are upset with the changes at KGO. I'm sorry you're in pain. We've changed formats. We are working to make the station new and unique with the same news staff that has always been there. We don't know what our new owners longterm plans are. They really aren't something we can speculate on. We simply don't know, anymore than you know what the CEO of your company plans in the long run. We can only do our jobs, one day at a time.

    If you don't want to listen, we understand. The new KGO may not be what you want to listen to. Hopefully you'll remain loyal to Gene and Len and listen to them on their new homes. We certainly wish them well and all success.

    Just remember, Rich is in this to draw an audience. He makes stuff up sometimes or bases his posts on a thin rumor he heard somewhere. That's not journalism. It probably isn't true. If you enjoy reading about conspiracy theories that's fine, but you may not wish to base your listening decisions on what your read here.

    Happy New Year to all, may you find the voices that inspire you and the ideas that enlighten you!

  18. Karel is the worst talk show host I've ever heard. There's is nothing interesting nor compelling about this program, at all. Let me get this right - Karel was recording his syndicated program for air on KGO and mentioning KGO "every 5 seconds?" If I'm reading this correctly, a daily show that goes out to nine radio stations had Karel id'ing the show as a "KGO" product? If that's true and I was one of Karel's 9 affiliates I'd have good legal reason to cancel the show immediately and with no penalty. Yeesh, what a putz.

  19. @ 11:43--ha ha! I agree! The final nail in the coffin for me was watching Karel's cobra dance....

    It IS kind of unfair to do so much Karel bashing, but on the other hand--I think a lot of folks are frustrated that after the blood bath, we are left with dreck like this!

  20. Mel..unfortunately your head is so far up...well you know..that you are using the royal"we".. I predict in will be "weeeeed" upon and won't feel so royal about it at all.

  21. @ 6:23, and a Happy New Year to you as well.

    Where did I say you didn't have a right to express yourself? Quite the contrary, actually. I simply pointed out the obvious to add a little texture to a one sided discussion.

    To use your own words, "Develop a thick skin or don't" listen to his show. See? We agree, so howza 'bout a group hug?

  22. Mel
    Just keep hiding behind that fantasy firewall of yours. You may just very well be next. In talk radio, the callers are never called on to state their names. In blogs, either. And in print -- which I've done for ten years as you have -- you don't know who's lyin' about their names and addresses. There is no "honor system" anymore. If I was Lew Dickey, I'd fire you for stating bullshit on a known, company level. Thanks for being here, Mel. Seek professional help. You're no Jared or Paul Hoser. You're a low level hack.

  23. I'm not sure who 1:01 p.m. is but I'm not sure I can take any professional advice about my mental health or career advice from this kind of random weirdness.

    "Fantasy firewall?" How exactly am I behind a fantasy firewall when I'm using my real name? I've been in broadcasting several decades. No job in this business lasts forever and yes I could be "next." However I've been "next" several times and when that comes about at some future date I'll deal with it.

    In talk radio the callers are never called on to state their names? Hello this is Bill from Napa. Okay, you're right they don't use their last names and they might just be making it up. However, their real voice is going out onto the public airwaves.

    I'm not sure what "bullshit on a known company level" means. What do you think I think I'm talking about? Honestly, what exactly does that mean?

    We should perhaps have stayed in the first person. However I felt it was acceptable for me to speak in defense of my coworkers. A good editor might have told me that was a poor choice, but honestly I'm not exactly spending all that much time on these quick comments.

    I've done P.R. in the past for nonprofits so I guess I have been a low level hack at one time or another. I can live with that, I've most certainly been called much worse! I grasp the existential reality that I am not Jared or Paul. That would be extremely difficult since I'm Mel.

    I stand by what I said. I feel Rich is doing the Michael Savage projection of his own stuff on his enemies. The commentary is so small. Really, really small nits to pick. This is after all the same guy who used to work his contacts and would occasionally get a nice scoop on the media biz. Which is why many of us in the business would read his blog. Not so much anymore. Now I'm mostly here to shout back and forth at the drunks at the bar. It can be fun on a weekend night.

  24. Melvin-

    It's quite simple. If you want to prove Rich different, instead of listening to people who "allegedly" say "where did he come up with that?" maybe, since you are trying so hard (and failing) in being KGO's "martyr" why not come out and just tell the "story" straight? That's simple. Why not tell people what the hell is going on that YOU are so close to? Friends of yours like John Rothman, who would, at this point, be happy to see the story come out, as he's been left behind, now.

    Mel, it's call "anonymous" for a reason. Like KGO and KSFO don't make listeners give their names, you're a fool, actually, for disclosing yours, like you are the self-appointed director for Cumulus/KGO-KSFO.

    In fact, Mel, I work in the same building you do. I type right across the desk not far from you. You're a nice guy, but you should be fired for doing this stuff. You know better. As a Cumulus employee, you have no persmission to speak for us and lesser people have gotted axed for doing so in many markets for Cumulus, CBS, Clear Channel and others. You don't speak for me because you don't have anything to say that's truthful. You deserve what's coming your way.

  25. Mel -

    Dr. Savage is now rated higher than dipshit Sean Hannity according to Talkers Magazine. That puts Savage at #2 behind Limpwrist.

    Just wondering, how popular are you, Mel, you big time KTVU news writer and KGO wannabe anchor? Where are you in the Talkers list?

    I must have missed your profile in there. Stick with Savage. At least he's #2. You're a ZERO!

  26. I think Rich may be getting more "hits" now than ever before. Honest.

  27. Mel - Why don't you contribute comment about fact instead of poetic rhetoric? Are you hiding under your desk.

    Why not stick to topic and come forth with the truth about how you feel about things like Karel, who makes you look like a schmuck for working part-time at KGO with his act.

    Why not, Mel? Because you know that he is as terrible as he is? It's not recent, either, he's been criticized for years. Where were you?

    So, tell us how you feel, Mel. What about Karel? I'm willing to take one at a time to keep it simple for you. Thanks.
