Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays to...

 Frank Somerville. Mark Ibanez. Ken Wayne. Rita Williams. Bill Martin. Sal Castaneda. Julie Haener. Stanley Roberts. Vern Glenn. Pam Moore. Vicki Liviakis. Catherine Heenan. Ann Abrams. Harry Denton. Johnny Methany. Vlae Kershner. Phil Bronstein. Michael Krasny. Dana King. Ken Bastida. Hank Plante. Wayne Freedman. Spencer Christian. George Devine. Bruce Macgowan. Bob Sargent. Ted Robinson. Ted Griggs. Scott Ostler. Bill Mann. Ginny Prior. Larry King. Bob Rose. Herb Beneson. Raymond Ridder. Amy Trask. Mike Taylor. John Herrera. Mark Purdy. Dave Newhouse. Chuck Barney. Duffy Jennings. Sam Singer. Christine Craft. Pat Thurston. Lynn Sloan. Bob Melrose. Stan Bunger. Rich Walcoff. Phil Matier. Andy Ross. Michael Bauer. Sam Whiting. Lowell Cohn. John Rothmann. Gil Gross. Len Tillem. Melanie Morgan. Tom Benner. Mickey Luckoff. Gene Burns. Bill Wattenburg. Alan Colmes. Michael Savage. Kevin Keeshan. John Evans. Joe Salvatore. Ryan Leong. Damon Bruce. Ralph Barbieri.Mike Pechner. Peter Cleveland. Dave Price...and finally....YOU ALL, MY READERS.



  1. Happy Holidays to you, as well, Rich! And thanks for all the help in keeping us informed and to all those on your list who played a part in an exciting, often sad media year in the Bay Area.

    Here's to a successful and productive 2012 for you and the media watchers of the Bay Area who at Rich Lieberman's Media 415 gave so much of their time to read the blog and participate! As readers ... thanks to each and everyone!

    Joe Benson
    San Luis Obispo

  2. Right back at you Rich! BTW you forgot to add Ann Notorangelo!

  3. Happy Holidays to you Rich. Thank you for everything!!!

  4. And a Happy Holiday to you, Rich.
    I love this blog. I'm a life long San Franciscan, was on Captain Fortune and Dance Party, remember KMPX and Larry Miller, endured my dad listening to Doug Pledger in the morning on the way to school and never have I seen San Francisco media covered as well.
    Phil Brown

  5. I would scratch Ted Robinson off that list..he on the surface seems your scholarly type..but,I've listened to him as a sports host. And Rich,he's steeped in KNBR the Raiders and the city of Oakland. Ted knows who butters his bread and no pretense to high brow changes that.
    Damon? For somebody who asks so often "DO I have stupid written on my forehead?" the answer would be..could be. He's a front runner-his own front. Whats best for Damon is how he looks at the world. Just so culturally naive(to be nice on Xmas eve)..he giggles at how Latino's pronounce their own names. It's San Joezee to Damon.

  6. you forgot Brandon Tierney

  7. 12:32 is spot on. Agree totally, peace to you Stan

  8. What about Ray Tailaferro?

  9. 12:32 is an idiot. You're going to rip Ted Robinson because he's too smart?? Please go back and watch your reality shows. Weak.

  10. Rich - Can I get an interview with you on KRXA 540? Please email me at

  11. Rich- I expect to hear your on Ronn's show in 2012.

  12. Thanks 340-the other guy didnt understand for the day I will leave it at that as the great writer J.Waldman once said-lol.
    And Merry Christmas -Feliz Navidad- to Isabel and Marty,Sylvia Chacon,Paul that is one short list of Latino local celebritys considering I always hear "I would have been hired if I had a latino sounding name" from the majoritys..

  13. 12:32 - your opinions are like Mark Sanchez yesterday, lots of attempts often missing the target and much ado about over-hyped bluster. Anyway Feliz Navidad (:!

  14. Pretty funny, you probably bashed a 1/3 of the people on your greetings post.

  15. What?! You couldn't wish John Kessler a Merry Xmas? ...a man whose career you altered with your goofy gossip?

  16. The insufferable Ralph Barbieri ,who you justifiably excoriate on a consistent basis???

  17. Ay-yi,yi. And a happy New Year to Marla Tellez and Jessica Aguirre and the latin guy about the only employer for bay area Latins now(oops ch5's weather latina,Roberta too). But,them blonds always say "If I had dark hair and a latin name -I would have gotten the job"...the job she still got on KNBR!.YOU explain it. And like I said-she ain't the first to put out that crazy ridiculous talk...
    Yep,that really added to the list's length!

  18. Thanks, Rich. Have a great New Year. Give 'em hell! John Evans KCBS

  19. I has to mention that I saw Leslie Sbrocco on The Today Show...yep,she's wild and crazy and ..uh,well filled in the right places. She's like the girl in HS who was too hot for you-but at least she wasnt stuck up. A heart of gold type.
    ch 5 or 7 should have paired her with a Tuy Vi or Whats his name on 7, Brian?. Leslie would make a great talk show host.
    I bet-if you met her Rich,she moves into the same sphere as Roberta and Vicki with you. Sure of it.

  20. Being listening to KGO on the radio..why is CW Nevius doing segments? Also, there have been a lot more Christian (I assume) ads with kids whining about their parents paying attention to them.And commercials. WTF
