*Cumulus, in that festive, Lew Dickey, holiday spirit plans another round of layoffs at both KGO, KNBR, and KFOG. Most of the pink slips will involve inside people, but don't be surprised if a "big-name" air talent gets shown the door.
I just love the corporate culture at this broadcast behemoth: make people miserable. A great line I mentioned a few weeks back from a Lew Dickey disciple: "Cumulus makes Clear Channel look like Levi Strauss."
*Ralph Barbieri Update: The more people I talk to say they wouldn't be surprised if KNBR's Ralph Barbieri was gone at the beginning of the year. His contract expires Dec. 31 and while ratings for "Razor and Mr. T" are good, Barbieri's Q rating couldn't be any lower.
And Lew Dickey doesn't like to pay big money to those he perceives on the way down. Whatever the outcome, said a local broadcast exec, "it'll be ugly."
*KPIX, (CBS5) scored a coup, (however grisly the visual details), with exclusive OPD surveillance of the shooting rampage in West Oakland Monday night.
Speaking of PIX, I have grown to like reporter, Anne Macovec, and that's a surprise. Macovec, who joined the 855 Battery crew almost two years ago, is an adept reporter, smart, sensible and seems to have a grasp on the local scene. That's a commodity these days in local TV news.
*Still don't get it: "Armstrong and Getty" on KNEW. In Missouri, maybe.
*Yeah, after 22 years, K-101's Don Bleu is moving to another station. Call the authorities.
*I like Don Bleu, but he's no Dr. Donald B. Rose. Rose will forever be the king of Bay Area radio. He was corny, funny, so 70's and unforgettable. And those of you in SanRAQUEL! and SacraTOMATO! understand why. Rose died in 2005.
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*Tips-Inter-office memos-E-Mail: Rich.Lieberman@Gmail.com (All confidentiality assured)
Armstrong and Getty have the best AM show in this market, get used to it Rich.
ReplyDeletearmstrong and getty are perfect for podunk.many fans in fresno..
ReplyDeleteI caught the Ralph and Tom for about 15 minutes. The last time I heard them for that long was many months ago..and I could hear the weakness in Ralphs voice..I flashed to when I knew a close one who had Parkinsons..ok,it was a short listen..but..And Tom did most of the talking too..that was not the 50-50 I remembered.
ReplyDeleteDon Blueu? Like him,can't stand the Diva-girl music he's forced to play all morning. Its a San Ramon girls dream,non country, station.
I've watched Ann Machovic..its obvious she's learned a lot of local hoo-hah from Phil Matier. Put on a few pounds along the way..THAT could be lethal to her career. What blond gives to a TV career,too much weight taketh away sadly..
Funny that her and Kristy Seifkin have both -a few times too- worn the same red and black outfit on the Saturday morn show. The curves are not the same though...
Cumulus will fire even more at KGO/KNBR/KFOG and ensure the complete ruin of all three of these once great stations. I've noticed all the KFOG DJ's pretty much sound the same now. I guess KFOG Kaboom is gone forever too.
ReplyDeleteDon Bleu wishes he had half the ability Dr Don had. Not that it matters too much, I bet he has lots of money to console himself with.
Ralph voice is fine, what he says with the voice, is someone who checked out of sports a very long time ago, I am not a Tolbert fan, he can't ask a question under a 1000 words but the guy does know his sports and its embarassing for Ralph because he only know a shade of sports compared to Tolbert.Its similar to Larry wanna be Krueger and Radnich, Radnich does not follow his craft anymore and must rely on the good old times.
ReplyDeleteHello, My name is Rod Brooks, I must OVER ENUNCIATE every fucking word to make myself sound edumacated
ReplyDeleteDr. Don will never be forgotten. RIP Don. I still catch myself saying Sacratomato LOL!
ReplyDeleteHi, My name is Bob Fitzgerald, I constantly make black cultural references because I desperately want to seem cool and hip to people 20+ years younger than I
ReplyDeleteThe more people I talk to say they wouldn't be surprised if KNBR's Ralph Barbieri was gone at the beginning of the year. His contract expires Dec. 31 and while ratings for "Razor and Mr. T" are good, Barbieri's Q rating couldn't be any lower.
ReplyDelete..... let me just say I shall not miss him should this happen. Plenty of time in retirement to say...."enough about you lets talk about me for a while"!
Let Ralph Barbieri go. He wants to move to Europe anyway. No loss.
ReplyDeleteTom Tolbert can do his show solo.
What the Phuck is with Patrick Connors preoccupation with all things sexual.
ReplyDeleteGoing OFF the air to GLarry show. Murphy after fielding a call regarding Frank Nunley former 9er LB #57. Nickname Fudgehammer.
Connors can't leave it alone. Paule McGillacuddy almost peeing in his loose fit dockers...trying to muffle a chuckle...Connors trying to get Kate to by on the obvious Castro street reference of "how they like it"....PenisConn says that would be a great nickname for a program producer/director of KNBR...
What is wrong with him...what is his IQ.
Please, please, let the Barbieri rumors be true. If not, someone start a 'GetRalphOffTheAir' website. His ship sailed five years ago.
ReplyDeleteQ rating? you should start calling it "R" Rating, cause you reference it s a scale for how much Rich likes or dislikes said person. what a hack. again, no content, just drivel. get a real job before you throw this crap up. i wouldnt donate to you if you were dying
ReplyDelete"Hello, My name is Rod Brooks, I must OVER ENUNCIATE every fucking word to make myself sound edumacated"
ReplyDeleteHey, you left out the heavy 'sighs' to preface something he thinks is profound.
This is Ralph Barbieri, how dare you all try to fire me, I prepare for each show for over 2 seconds before I go on the air, I am the Father of the year a few years back, and I am such a great Father, I decided that my son Tate didnot need a Mother, and so what when he turns 20 years old, I will be old and in my seventies, life a biatch. Also don't forget, without my help Pac Bell would never be builted and the Giants would be in Tampa Bay. Angels fly because they take themselves lightly.
ReplyDeleteYea, he be reeel deep.
ReplyDeleteI also love the psuedo hip hop jive he throws out there to sound 'street'. An old freind of mine has been doing 49er sideline work since the 80's, told me that all this guy did was suck ass with any player who would give him the time, in his last few games they mostly just ignored him.
Speaking of KPIX, what a shocker to see Chester McGlockton pass away at age 42. He did some work for that station as a postgame football analyst. RIP.
ReplyDeleteRalph would be shown the door before Radnich? That POS bloated RATnich is so fucking over the hill we need to start excavating to make more room for his downward roll.
ReplyDeleteThat would be Dr. Donald "D." Rose. He was a true Bay Area classic.
ReplyDeleteThat would be Dr. Donald D. Rose to all of us, sir. Still miss Dr. Don. Nobody comes close. Sad about the ex-Raider-turned-PIX-analyst-turned-local-college coach. Never surprised by Tricky Dickey. Surprised that Bleu is moving to 103.7, even as 22 years of Star 101.3 and 22-months-that-seem-like-22-years of Ugly Gash (the first Rolling Stone cover in 2009 explains why regardless of talent and popularity that I can't bear to look at let alone hear this "Art of Fame" rotten egg) is more than enough.
ReplyDeleteArmstrong and Getty are the best show going, limited commericals, funny and knowlegable. You don't like them because they make sense.
ReplyDeleteIt would be uplifting if Ralph got fired.
ReplyDeleteAlthough it's hard to imagine, he continues to get worse. His voice in thin and grating AND he's just so out of touch. Doesn't seem to know anything current and yet constantly interrupts with some lame self aggrandizing drivel.
Bye Ralph, angels fly because they just got fired!
Is there anything we, the listening audience, can do to help get Ralph fired?
ReplyDeleteI just moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico two months ago from San Francisco. There is a Cumulus station down in Albuquerque (the center of the New Mexico Universe in terms of population and media) that, while nowhere even close to KCBS or even KGO 810 in news scope, nevertheless is the "news leader" here in town. Cumulus is also cleaning house at this station and at the six other stations it owns in town. Though the names being let go don't mean much to me since I'm a newcomer, those that are being let go or who have been announcing their "retirements" or are "moving on to other things in life" I'm told are big names/long-time DJ's/hosts/reporters (read: big-buck talent).
ReplyDeleteWord is that they will be replace by syndicated shows...or cheap part-timers.
Cumulus strikes, here in the Land of Enchantment.
Please show Ralph the door and let it hit him on the ass!!!
ReplyDeleteWould Pete Franklin have survived the Cumulus housecleaning?
Pete Franklin is dead, and he was also horrible,with the dumb ass toilet flush, but back thenI think he was only making maybe $80,000 grand so I think he might of made it, not sure what his rating were. But I thought he was horrible.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a fan of Ralph, but be wary of what you ask for........Local radio has been declining nation wide for years.......You may be stuck with a syndicated show out of LA......
ReplyDeleteGee, Ralphie...
ReplyDeleteI imagine that your 120 days in a residential home for your then DUI did nothing to put your brain cells back in one piece. I almost wretched when I heard you asking Adam Heitman about Alex Smith and how you were ALWAYS A BIG PROPONENT OF alex and how you were always in his corner....god you are sooooooooooo pathetic....yea, stick a fork in that cabbage you're eating and leave the catholic church out of your Age of Reason remark, ah, well, ah = i am not a big proponent of the catholic church - but they say the age of reason is 7 yrs of age.
You knock USF/Father Loshavio....Coach Barry (at the time) the African American community by referring to them as Articulate - as if your surprised...........you have a kid Invitro because ...ah...some gal you knock up - wants to have (as is her right) an abortion; That my friend is about as logical as the rest of your decisions, whether working for SPORT and sucking down all those umbrella drinks in Hawaii, disrespecting -of all people- Bill Russell, because , ah...he would not talk to you or acknowledge you at the park....wow....maybe he just KNOWS about you and what a J-off /blow hard you are; Now you can just bring Tate or peter to the parties that you used to bring those F-me pumped bimbos too....because NO ONE would be caught dead in your company....yes including the Hall of Famer = who your on the air melt down with was reprehensible and unprofessional.
You must have invented the plethora/smorgasbord (sic) dictionary for all the $3.oo words you use/try to use.....even tho your propensity for stammering and stuttering into some machine gun type of response is the most revolting thing about you, on the air - that is..
I once heard you either interview Bob Feller or possibly Robin Roberts and your on air conduct should be the poster boy on HOW NEVER TO INTERVIEW A great athlete.
What 8x10 glossy photos of somebody do you own: PCoop doing a pizza delivery person, Tony S, doing Bob A, John London doing Rabinivich;
You suck so much ars that I don't know whether to listen to you - to keep a tally or not listen to you because you are not very good. Do you realize being teamed with Tom, Ted, or the Raider hall of fame lineman...that you/they saved your j o b...
Next up,,,today you tell a caller that you fear for Zito's eventual mental health - yada yada, in a year from now, if and when he "rights his ship" - you're going to (also) glom onto one of BZito's biscuits and you'll be/come full circle.
God, do you ever go back to Mills Highs reunions and try to lie about what you played EVEN THO THE YEAR BOOK will not substantiate it..
Jesus, Mary and Joseph...
the poster at 2:11 is bob fitzgerald. he got the warriors front office executives' dicks out of his mouth long enough to call rich lieberman a hack (again). totally agree with the poster about fitzgerald's use of ebonics. totally inappropriate and beyond embarassing. his new one last year was "yessir!" after the w's hit a 3. what a fucking idiot.