One is a center, right-wing tonsil who's stance on the Occupy Oakland clash with the police is downright boorish. "The Voice of Reason?" Yeah, sure.
The other is KSFO's utterly goofy Brian Sussman.
Most already know about the strange "SussMAN", who went after the Oakland protesters en mass, rather ghoulishly, even by 'Suss standards, on his KSFO show Friday morning, referring to the crowd as "filth", and a classic, "you could very well 'catch a disease being around them.'" Lovely. (I'm paraphrasing, but I heard the Suss rant loud and clear. Vintage KKKSFO.
He went further: "You don't see filth at a tea-party rally." (Yeah, when you get financial backing by Fox News and the Koch brothers, it's more internal filth.)
Owens, who made a point of trashing the Occupiers on his Wednesday KGO show, was equally gleeful of the Tea-Partiers. "They don't seem to leave a mess." Maybe they buy mattresses too--could be a bonus.
To be fair, Owens said the mostly peaceful assemblers had a right to march, but his tone was very decidedly anti-Occupy Oakland.
This is NOT a post about whether or not you support the Occupy movement. We'll leave that to the opinion-makers, although a great many of the "bums" are teachers, nurses, college students, even a few firefighters and architects. One was an Iraq war veteran who was seriously hurt in the mayhem. And yes, a few morons who will take advantage of a situation and make trouble. It happens. It happens on the other side too when some of their followers blows up a federal building in Oklahoma City and create terror.
By and large, the Oakland assembly has been mostly peaceful--noisy, but peaceful. The unlawful encampment and the open flames and tent-city is another story. Again, we'll leave that to the others to decide.
The venom coming from Owens and his ilk, including Sussman, is another story. We expect that from the Limbaugh/Hannity/Levin right-wing echo machine. We didn't expect that from the so-called Voice of Reason, but the SussMAN? Book him, Dano!
Curiously, Owens chose not to talk about the events in Oakland on his Thursday show. Gees, I have to wonder why. Did he feel sort of sensitive and guilty? Maybe his penchant for being pissed about being inconvenienced by those who feel the wrath of the economic climate that grips the nation, got to him. Poor baby. He can only hope that Occupy SF doesn't make its way to Union Street.
*Follow me on Twitter
Yeah, Sussman is really crazy.
ReplyDeleteImagine him wanting people to be responsible for their actions and obeying the law.
The Occupy Crowd is composed of hard-working citizens that are clean ... OK, maybe they are filthy (of mouth & hygiene). Imagine Sussman saying they are filthy ... well, I guess he does have a point.
The Occupy Crowd is composed of very responsible people with a clear agenda .... CLEAR AS MUD! What is their message? What is their agenda? Maybe their agenda is being developed by all the Acorn crowd there.
The best thing the Oakland officials did was to clean out the plaza and bring in the workers with their steam cleaners!
Sussmann particularly confuses me. He always seemed like a meek little pussy when he did the weather. Doesn't come across as someone who could stand his own against a riled up opponent. Or who can set up a tent, ride a motorcycle, build something worth using or viewing.
ReplyDeleteSo I don't get his "tough guy" act that I read about here and elsewhere (including the advertising for the guy). Not only is he unable to rationally defend his viewpoints (taking the infantile approach), his attacks on specific individuals and groups as a whole comes off like he's some sort of old-style bad ass who could clean the streets up if he were allowed to. Well, he's more than a bit deluded, that's clear.
I lean center-right, but find such as Sussmann to be more than distasteful. They remind me of snippy yippy little dogs who keep yipping till a real big dog comes along and takes a chunk out of their hide.
Ronn Owens: "I'm the King of Moderation and the rest of you are crazy."
ReplyDeleteI remember how during the Iraq invasion, any caller who dared question the invasion was dismissed with a scornful "Oh, you're just a Bush hater!"
Every election Owens tells us how he likes "divided government" because the two parties are too far the right and too far to the left for his delicate sensibilities. Then when gridlock occurs, he moans and groans about why nothing gets done.
Once in a while, I tune in but find myself rushing back to KQED.
Oakland Mayor Jean Quan really let people down ordering the storm troopers out and let them loose on those tent people. What a weak spined way to deal with protesters who are pointing out the inequality of the filthy rich getting richer..and Americans go jobless.
ReplyDeleteAnd its also an indictment of police mentality that the photos show the glee they had beating protesters. "The Can't wait to beat them" snarls.
Olberman is right. The Mayor should resign. She was third in the race for a reason we now see.
Only a groveling, left wing Bay Area hack would claim Ron Owens is politically Center-Right. That's actually quite funny. Your overly emotional old left wing Jewish roots are taking over your good sense Liberman. Owens-center-right?
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha. You can't handle that he doesn't have the same tired socialist stance that you espouse.
filth, rats, urine, etc. I guess being from Oakland Rich you don't see much of a difference between the occupy camp site and the rest of the city
ReplyDeleteRich, I thought you were about covering Bay Area media, not an editorial platform. You might comment about KTVU covering the Oakland protests for an hour and a half the other night, and absolutely nothing happened. Marchers marched this way, then that way. Breathless reporters reported that nothing was worth reporting about. Helicopters hovering overhead so you could see marchers marching this way and then that way. Weather and sports squeezed in abut 11:20. Has everyone at Chanel 2 lost their mind?
ReplyDeleteCuriously you have not mentioned the passing of former KCBS reporter Don Mosley, a real pro....
ReplyDeleteI've heard that Tea Party/Occupiers "trash" thing often lately. Have the Tea Partiers ever spent the night or hung out for days at any of their rallies?
ReplyDeleteOne BIG difference in the crowds, the Occupiers are better spellers, mixed raced and not as obese.
Owens is only "center" when it comes to social issues.
ReplyDeleteHe's pretty much a right-winger on every other matter.
"filth, rats, urine," Sounds more like San Francisco.
ReplyDeleteRich care to comment on this quote from MSNBC host Martin Bashir?
ReplyDelete"they like him because they think he's a black man who knows his place"
This racist rant was directed at Herman Cain.
Looks Ronn Ownes and Brian Sussman aren't the only ones who make politically charged remarks.
Where is the outrage from the left?
Tear gas was wrong. I was thinking water cannons.
ReplyDelete"Has everyone at Chanel 2 lost their mind?"
ReplyDeleteYou don't like it? Post something on their Facebook page, and maybe they'll read it on the air. They have a quota of reading two Facebook comments per newscast.
Ronn's been a joke for years. I don't know who SussMAN is but he sounds like yet another Rush clone. How original.
ReplyDeleteI was watching a commercial with the character of Jack,as in the box,with his hot trophy blue eyed blond,in a convertible,in the driveway of his mansion and thought that with his white color,slim pointy nose,wealth and white speak,he would actually be more welcomed to a Tea Party garden party then black Herman Cain. In fact, I could see Jack off in the corner speaking to Brian and Barbara who holding drinks,snicker to Jack that Herman thinks "He's one of us!".
ReplyDeleteThat's the 100% truth too.
Dearest 3:29,
ReplyDeleteWhy should leftists be outraged at Martin Bashir? Are right-wingnuts outraged at Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Bill O'Reilly?
Have a nice day.
"Where is the outrage from the left?"
ReplyDeleteSame place as the "outrage" on the right when they would call Obama a "Traitor", "Muslim", "Not Born in this Country", "Socialist", "Communist", and more.
Although I'd call it less of an "outrage" and more of an "everyone nodding their heads in agreement".
No one under 60 listens to those stations and people over 50 don't read blogs. So why are you writing about these fools?
ReplyDeleteand you thought Martin Bashir's assessment was incorrect?
ReplyDeleteAnd Michael Moore? I was shocked at his condition..he looked 25 years older then he is,the morbidly obese film maker is now a level higher then that. Hunched over,gaping mouth to breath and barely able to walk...the man must have some serious issues to not even try the best weight loss surgery's.
ReplyDeleteHe wont live another five years at his weight. Such a shame, and waste of his future.
Until this country takes responsibility for
ReplyDeletemaking a mess of its own house, we will continue to have problems. Many people have to work their knuckles to the bone just to stay afloat.
Unfortunately there are also a lot of
TV addicted, slothful Americans who don't vote, couldn't tell you who their own congressman
or state senator is, are not interested in
helping out the local schools, and expect to get free services whenever they ask for them.
Then there are others who feel elite and
entitled to do just about anything, and think that having to pay their fair share of taxes is a rip-off. Well guess what? If you lived in Iraq, or Pakistan, or Indonesia, you might appreciate what we have over here and realize that it costs money to run a free society such as ours.
Our system needs a lot of 'tweaking,' and I am fully sympathetic with President Obama who is trying to walk the tightrope and not listen to
the naysayers and extreme right wingers who seem to have forgotten that there is a place for a
a moderate liberal in the White House.
Occupy Oakland is certainly not an solution to the problems of our economic system,
but we need activists to help the people take back our country from the few. Otherwise we'll
continue on the trend of becoming a Third World Country. That means getting involved, even if only going to the polls each November to cast a ballot. It also means reading and listening to as many outlets, be they on the internet, in the newspapers, or on the radio or Television so that we are as well informed as we can possibly be.
This is still the Greatest Country on the face of the earth, but we need to stay vigilant. Ignorance, and greed are always busy and constantly need feeding, and corporate America
continues to deliver its junk-food that ends up deadening so many. We need to starve both ignorance and greed out of existence if we're to
leave a healthy country for our kids.
11:37 WTF does this have to do with media critiques? This isn't the OP/ED Page of the Ny Times.