Friday, September 30, 2011

Why Comcast SportsNet Bay Area misses the boat; Friday brief

Too many "Insiders"--not enough straight information and inventive programming. Basically, not much more than a lame local version of ESPN without the badge.

I have yet to see anything new or exciting. And they have hired mostly retreads from outside the area who don't add anything and whose style and performance is vanilla and not to exciting.

What do you think?


  1. They're just another Giants owned mouthpiece. No surprise they are bland.

  2. I see a big problem in that the hosts and guests always seem to agree. What a wild coincidence huh?
    When it comes to big issue' know they sit there,pass jokes...but not one is counter status quo really. Also-they shy away from reporting "hot" story's. Nothing about Huff being an out of condition drunk you might say. Or early this year when Lacob made all the local sports pages slighting Warrior fans. Comcast on that and a few others never mentioned it.
    They did do a Glenn Burke story..but,he's dead and its near 30 years later. Nothing hard hitting and modern is ever commissioned by Ted Griggs...NO dissection of Beane and Moneyball. Nothing topical and critical.
    Comcast is coming closer to being another "Prairie Home Companion network if anything with High School coaches and kids,hip hop and comedians..just small safe stuff. Only a dog as mascot is missing on the set.
    the masked

  3. Really? What about sports needs to be "hard hitting" or "new and exciting".... it's just sports for crying out loud. Give me a F-ing break!!! Sounds to me that your trying to make sports media into something far more esoteric than it is. Get over yourself!

    BTW, ever consider that a local version of ESPN is exactly what they wanted to be.... and why not?

  4. These insiders are just fat and lazy. They do not provide any historical and statistical content. These people do not connect the dots and predict. They work on the theme of "to get along, one must go alone.
    It is so pathetic. The persona of these people are an extension of most people from California.

  5. Something else Rich doesn't like, BIG SURPRISE!

  6. Rich loves to find something in the media to go after, and when he does, he'll take it like a terrier and shake the living sh...out of it.

    Personally, I can't disagree with what he says about Knibber, the Game' KRON, Comcast sports or any of the other media outlets who put forth a less than quality product.

    If the best that our local media can put out there are Brown-nosing gigglers such as Fitzie-boy and smug self important pricks like Reiss, or bloviaiting no it all loud mouths
    like Tierney, then the local media is richly deserving of Rich's ripostes!

  7. uh, did anyone else notice in the newscast about the giants looking forward to 2012, mike fontenot walked through the shot of brandon crawford loading up his stuff, buck naked? Haha, my wife, was like 'did you see that??"

  8. Hows this? As Eric Davis spoke right now on "ChronLIVE"..somehow he was also speaking on his 95.7 afternoon show at 5. Why wouldn't Chron Live do the ethical thing and say "His is a taped segment"? They never admitted it. But the "LIVE" logo was up through the whole segment.
    Eric Davis insist on journalistic integrity? Ho-ho-ho. Eric is a org/media puppet.
