Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Who do I like on local TV Sports? Anchors away; Ibanez, Fonzi, and yes, even Radnich

Yes, since ESPN arrived, the advent of unique content on local TV sports has been marginalized and de-emphasized, but there exists a few talents who still rise above the big tent from the brats in Bristol.

In spite of the abysmal, barely two minutes, (if that), they give him, I'm a big fan of KTVU's veteran sports reader, Mark Ibanez. Mark is crafty and knows his sports. He's a Bay Area veteran too, which helps. Ibanez is one terrific writer too, particularly in this day and age where video rules and the spoken word is almost an afterthought. You can tell Ibanez cares about his craft because he gives a flat-out boffo performance night after night.

*While I have my noted differences with Gary Radnich on radio, I still like his nightly three-four minutes on KRON, (you don't have to love someone personally to laud him professionally), although the sheer amount of time KRON gives him, has to help.

Radnich is best when he does the occasional sit-down interview. It's usually solid if not spectacular and the frequent comedic bits work well, but at times are awkward. That's the problem of live TV, but I still give Radu credit for at least trying. Now, if only he didn't treat his self-described, "Buster Brown" routine with such indifference--after all, that's about the only reason why anyone watches KRON.

*Joe Fonzi is superb. Seems like he's been around forever. He's like 1-A to Ibanez' A. Joe can write a very lucid, straight, crisp two minutes. One of the best in the biz. A no-nonsense, straight-forward delivery that is right in the KTVU handbook--keep it simple stupid. Fonzi's resilience speaks for itself. He'd be too smart to work at ESPN, thank god we have him to watch here in the Bay Area.

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. Where is the love for Fred Inglis and Mr. Involvement Vern Glenn? Can't forget the reporters/fill-in guys

  2. Mark Ibanez and Fonzi are professional grease ball 49er/Giant kiss asses. They should try to hide their hardons and at least give other teams in the market some respect.

  3. Never been an Ibanez fan. I like Fonzi, Beil, O'Donnell, Quan on those occasions when he pops up. Haven't watched Radnich on KRON in years, but I used to like him.

  4. I agree, and Radnichs lack of "good knowledge" on current topics is masked when he's reading off a teleprompter and has writers to keep him honest. Fonzi needs a lesson from Raj Mathai however, his ties and sometimes suits look like they come from the Fonzi age of television.

  5. If Radnich had never done radio...then sure, he would be the old beloved guy who you see on ch4.
    But,somebody got into his head that he was a media pundit and combined with his hard core conservative values..he was exposed as not the nice guy when he lashed out on KNBR on politics.
    There isnt a conservative yet who the bay area has fond feelings for. Radnich really would have fit in better in Fresno or Redding.
    Even in his interviews,as long as he interviews Bob the 80 year old coach he's at home..interview younger and liberal? He doesnt know what to say other then put up his guard and cut it short. I've seen it.

  6. Radnich is the best interviewer, always asks the right questions to keep you interested.

  7. When Radnich is involved an interview with a sports personality he is at his best. He asks solid questions, get's the guest to relax and open up to the extent that they can and you get good information. I think some of the major sport's personalities in this area trust him that they will not be victims of ambush journalism and are willing to come on with him.

  8. If Ranich's interviews are him at his best then we are all in trouble. His interviews last year with players on Comcast following 49er games were horrible. His lame kidding and repeated "know what I mean? (wink, wink)" following each question were embarrassing. Poor co-anchor Eric Davis sat there biting his tongue waiting for an opportunity to ask a sports question.
    Only after Davis finally jumped in did the interview go anywhere.
    The Radnich banter with Mayor Brown (who knew more about what was going on sports-wise than Radnich) made 'Fox and Friends' appear intellectual.

  9. Joe Fonzi is excellent, under-stated perhaps but refreshing in an era of rampant hucksterism and self-promotion.

    What's weird with the big TV sports personalities are the over-the-top efforts to try to come across as young and hip. Just go gray and be yourselves, sports guys.

  10. Radnich needs to interview the Brad Dugans or Willie Browns of the world otherwise his schtick is old. He really never talks in complete sentences...

    Listen to him....2-6 words followed by a "ya know what I mean...." Damon?

    Like I said, people like Johnny the Gout man at the Hillsdale shopping center and the Howard Cosell imitator made Radnich's shows relevant. This two man show is unlistenable. Bruce's adreneline is way too much for Gary.

    Gary only gets his mojo up if its to keep Alicia happy....

    The only worse person on air is Barbieri who definately knows where all the bodies are buried. Ralph had to have walked in on Bob Agnew and Isabelle Lemon making a porn video, otherwise there is ZERO reason that he is still on the air.

    He is an embarrassment to KNBR - the Sharks and the Giants organization. The next time Ralph drives his piece of shit car into the employees ONLY parking lot at AT&T and parks anywhere he chooses I don't think he will get out alive.

    The word JERK - TOOL - MORON and IDIOT is way too subtle to describe Barbieri.

  11. This is the last blog where you can blast KNBR..the other writers blogs wont allow it. KNBR must have upped the anti to them for appearances if they cut off comments. And they have...
    You know one tip-off to a bad journalistic point of view is when these hosts/writers start with "My good friend"..its all downhill after that as its sure to be a puffball interview. Why the need to announce "my good friend"?

  12. One small concession on Radnich. He has toned down(not totally!) the egotistical blowhard act of a couple of years ago. No more bashing Obama,or pushing FOX news hosts. I think Radnich was flirting about being a news opinion guy during the elections when in fact,it was never that important to him. So,he riled folks up with the right wings jokes. I think he realized he doesnt like being hated,wasnt worth it...and wasnt hated when he was good old KRON 4 Gary.
    Gary took his time to read the room of the bay area..maybe he's now got it.
