Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Christine O'Donnell walks off Piers Morgan CNN Interview

No, this isn't 415 Media, but Christine O'Donnell, (part-time witch and tea-party advocate), giving a much needed bit of pub to CNN's, David Frost-lite, Piers Morgan.

Here's the video for your viewing pleasure.

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  1. She took a long walk off a short Piers.

  2. Republicans can't handle the real world outside of their protective little bubble of FOX. Without FOX, Republicans would have nowhere to go be taken seriously.

  3. Well known fact:
    Correctly quoting a conservative's own words is a liberal plot to make them look foolish.

  4. Conservatives really crack me up. They complain that the media is so "liberal" yet they conveniently ignore the fact that the media is owned by major corporations who are in the business of making money, not trying to form public opinion. How many liberal talk show hosts are there on TV or radio nationally compared to the Limbaughs, Hannitys, and other conservative obfuscaters?

    The problem with this country is that Americans have become so dense and naive about their world, because so few of them take the time to even read a few inches of news in the local newspaper or even on line, and instead rely on Rush Limbaugh and others of his ilk to disseminate what is going on.

    Have you ever spent time in parts of the south, the midwest, or even rural California?
    Those areas are overpopulated by overweight, dense, pasty-faced, unhealthy idiots who cling to their guns and bibles and want to turn the clock back to the 1950s. No wonder this country has gone into the tank! Thank god we at least have a president who sounds as if he is smarter than your average nit-wit like George Bush!

  5. Who gives a shit, she's really on what the "Z" list. Piers Morgan is a British dandy with a lot of dirt under his nails (Murdoch scandal) One of these days he will ask the wrong question, hopefully in the same studio with let's say Mike Tyson. Love to see that Gerber baby face dodging some uppercuts. He's a punk.

  6. 10:36 No, this country is going into the tank because of little, flaccid, neutered lefties like you. Everyone who doesn't subscribe to your world view is an idiot. Your president so far has been an unmitigated disaster. Whether he sounds smarter than Bush is quite irrelevant. His actions are weak, he is indecisive and unschooled in real life 101. An elitist bigot, hiding behind a keyboard. Typical of the cowardly left. I bet you just loathe our soldiers who more often than not come from those hard scrabble towns and regions you despise. You sound like a real piece of shit.

  7. to 7:05 i urge you to not watch fox "news" for one week. make good use of that time and spend it with your real family. Hannity is not your husband or wife.
    cut the cord for a week and see if love comes in to your heart. do it for your love of your fellow americans if not just for yourself.

  8. Man! 7:05pm is really off on a rant! Anger, frustration, perhaps a little impotence trhgere buddy? Why don't you go out and get laid and calm down (if you're lucky enough to find some ugly chick who would have anything to do with you!)
    I guess fools like you like to label everyone from a bigoted, narrow minded view that is probably the result of poor education and a lack of curiousity about anything that is different from what you've learned in your obviously limited experience.
    I wonder if this fool has even studied American history! Remember how the right wing (McCarthyites) of this country disgraced our constitution by accusing people of being disloyal because they might have the temerity to disagree with blind policy? Remember the bigots such as John Stennis and James Eastland and George Wallace who voted against the Civil Rights Act, expecting black americans to be content with living without the rights of their fellow white americans? And remember how good old George Bush allowed big companies huge tax breaks, and gave corporations a chance to deregulate, which led to the present economic mess that we're currently in? Before you spew your hateful, narrow minded nonsense, why think about what you say next you conservative, white-bread limp dick? Just because I don't agree with your narrow view of the world doesn't mean I don't support our troops overseas. I feel sorry for those guys because they're thrown into wars that never have should been fought in the first place and that have helped to bankrupt our country.
    I really think you should take a deep breath and think carefully about what you write next time before you make such rash statements about situations you obviously don't know much about.
    You probably get most of your info from boobs like Rush and Hannity, who, by the way, could care less about what they're saying, as long as they've got big numbers of people listening!
    And as far as Obama, you white breaded honkeys just can't handle the idea of a black man in the White House. Well guess what? GET OVER IT!
    FYI THIS IS 2011 NOT 1865! DIG IT!

  9. Boy you're certainly right about that bigoted cretin who posted at 7:05. He writes to this blog a lot and my guess is that he's one of those angry, stupid, bigoted nit-wits who hasn't spent much time outside of his little world listening to watching anything but Fox TV and Rush Limbaugh. Sad how people like this have to take up space and air. I guess they're one of the many reasons why this country is crashing and burning.

  10. So many keyboard tough guy lefties in here, I wonder how many of you are so bold in real life. My guess is, none of you!

  11. Yea, 8:06 and 11:20 are also the same illiterate left wing pimp. You have a raging hatred of anyone with divergent opinions, and even entire geographic regions of this country. The problem with a sack of crap like you is you've never accomplished anything in your life. A moron like you would consider a Black conservative a sell out or worse, an Uncle Tom. You live and feast on the past, and ignore the present. You're a loser, by the way I'm Italian, not really white. I've banged plenty of fine sisters in the East Bay, who wouldn't consider some old, worthless bum like you. Maybe even fucked one of your sisters.

  12. Hey White want a piece of chicken-s little punk! I'll come over to your place and whip your puny little-girl ass anytime, anyplace! What the hell do you know about America
    anyway? You probably got all of your news from either Fox (funded by right wing bigots who subscribe to your backwards, Barry Goldwater/George Wallace philosphy), or from the bloviating hate-monger Rush Limbaugh, who hates the idea of the media going back to the days of community ownership when there were ten voices on ten stations instead of just one loudlmouth a-hole named Rush!
    Why don't you do us all a favor and crawl back into your hole with your bible and your precious guns. You're a pathetic excuse for a man: a cowardly cretin who hides behind a keyboard and takes shots at other people, but who in real life would fold up like a dry leaf in the wind if he had to go toe to toe with a real man like me!

  13. @8:57pm Very impressed, you ignorant piece of street trash, first I bet I'm 20 years younger than you. You keep making references to Wallace, Goldwater (who wasn't a racist you uneducated rat) Before my time old man. You racist mother, list your fucking name and phone number I'll beat your old wrinkled ass. You talk strong behind your keyboard and hiding inside of your flop house. I wrestled in college, and have martial arts skills, so we'll see who the coward is. If you want to do it legit, I work out at a gym in the city, I'm sure I could get head gear for you, so what little brain power is left, isn't finished off after you get your ass kicked.

  14. Who is this 8:38 idiot(8:57 not too far behind)?

  15. oooohhh...I'm so scared! Hey White boy...I'm a 6'6" 250 pound black man who happens to have fought for your white ass in Vietnam so you could write this crap! And do us all a favor and try to show a little dignity please by not using profanity. Even for someone as low as you, it's not a good thing. There are younger people who read this blog you know! I happen to have divergent opinions about how America should run from you, so let's just leave it at that shall we? But if you want to keep supporting the fat-cat republicans who have ripped this country off, have deregulated businesses, and have turned out experienced workers from their jobs so shareholders and CEOs can stay happy and flush with cash, have not renewed the Brady Bill (so any nit-wit crazed pyscho can get ahold of an AK-47), and have tried to turn the clock back on a woman's right to choose and environmental regulations, then more power to you. Just don't go blaming Obama, who has more than moved to the middle to placate the right wing fringe of this country by compromising time and again. Maybe he should stand on what he says he believes in more often instead of constantly giving in to the John Boehners of this world. It's sad, because if you'd been born at a time when America was really great and trying to change (the 1950s and 60s) perhaps a scinntila of awareness would make it through your thick scull and you'd understand why we've fallen off in recent years.
    It all started with Reagen and the era of greed, and it continued through the 90s (and believe me, I'm no fan of Clinton either, although at least he was a centrist, not some right wing idealogue
    like Bush). And you're wrong about Goldwater, he was a racist because he spoke out against and then voted against the Civil Rights Act, which only passed in this country because LBJ pushed the house and senate to do the right thing to honor the memory of one of our greatest presidents, John F Kennedy. As far as you whipping my "old wrinkled ass," I happen to have been a Golden Gloves boxer and still work out every day in the ring. Come on down and we'll put the gloves on and go toe to toe. Maybe I'll have some respect for your sorry ass after I knock you to the canvas! Finally, one questions: why are you writing angry political diabtribe to a post that has to do with local media? Aren't you a little big out of your element?

  16. Hey about lowering the testosterone level a few notches okay? This is supposed to be a forum where people talk about things that aren't quite as polarizing as what you two guys want to discuss.
    Let me address my angry African American friend first: I respect the fact that you might have fought in the war, but you don't need to try and intimidate people. Obviously you've upset the conservative Italian fellow, so let's lighten up and shake hands and be friends! You two guys would have been perfect candidates to be some of the fans fighting in the stands
    at the Niners/Raiders game this past weekend.
    Take this from all of the rest of us out here in the cyber world: GROW UP!!!!

  17. Amen to that! The angry right wing bigot-boy who says he's an Italiano, and the big, angry intercity black dude who would probably not be someone you'd want to run into in a dark alley have one thing in comman...they don't know how to disagree in a civil manner. Guys, this is America where everyone has a choice to make their political views known, but just because you don't agree with the other fellow means you need to lower yourself by calling each other names and threatening to beat each other's brains out. But upon further reflection, perhaps it would be a good thing if you two guys met in the boxing ring and settled this matter like men. My money would be on the big bad black dude (he sounds tough and fought in Vietnam) because he's a former boxer and is a big guy, but the younger Italian guy might get in a few good shots himself. In any case, youv'e got two different generations and races in conflict here, and that's not a good thing. Sounds like the black guy has an anger management problem (a frequent problem with some of our brothers from the inner city), but the Italian guy deserves some of the credit for this imbroglio by being irrational and immature.
    It would be an interesting fight to watch though, given the antipathy these two guys feel for each other!

  18. Funny the Italian guy mentions martial arts, suddenly the Black guy is nearly 7 feet tall & a
    golden gloves boxer. Sounds fishy on both sides.
    The angry Black guy keeps saying "White Boy",
    didn't notice the Italian using any racial slurs. This is what it has come down to?

    Both you two need to chill out. Both are bigoted in their own way. 4:07-good call this is what society has become.
